1. #4861
    Questions about a macro I want to try:

    /tar [@focus]
    /click ExtraActionButton1

    Will the macro above ignore the /tar [@focus] portion if I don't have a focus set? Curious if I can use this as catch all for fights were you use the Extra Action Button to throw it to another player (as in the Anguish on Protectors) and others where you just use it (like dropping bombs Spoils). If it won't work as written, is there another way to write it to get that to work how I want to use it (does ExtraActionButton1 need to be /click – can it be /use or /cast, for example?)
    Last edited by Dispersedshadow; 2013-12-13 at 10:57 PM.

  2. #4862
    Quote Originally Posted by Dispersedshadow View Post
    Questions about a macro I want to try:

    /tar [@focus]
    /click ExtraActionButton1

    Will the macro above ignore the /tar [@focus] portion if I don't have a focus set? Curious if I can use this as catch all for fights were you use the Extra Action Button to throw it to another player (as in the Anguish on Protectors) and others where you just use it (like dropping bombs Spoils). If it won't work as written, is there another way to write it to get that to work how I want to use it (does ExtraActionButton1 need to be /click – can it be /use or /cast, for example?)
    That should work the way you want it to, yes. You can also make the first line just "/tar focus" instead, and add "/targetlasttarget [@focus,exists]" as a third line if you don't want to have to manually switch back to your non-focus target.

  3. #4863
    /stopmacro [@focus,noexists]
    /tar focus
    /click ExtraActionButton1

  4. #4864
    Awesome. Thanks to both!

  5. #4865
    Quote Originally Posted by Treeston View Post
    /stopmacro [@focus,noexists]
    /tar focus
    /click ExtraActionButton1
    That would use the extra action button if and only if you have a focus set, though, wouldn't it? I think the idea is to use your extra action on your focus if it exists and on your target otherwise.

  6. #4866
    Correct, might just have been me misreading what was asked.

  7. #4867
    Quote Originally Posted by Constie View Post
    That would use the extra action button if and only if you have a focus set, though, wouldn't it? I think the idea is to use your extra action on your focus if it exists and on your target otherwise.
    Yeah – the idea would be to set my focus to the person to whom I'm assign to pass off the "hot potato" on fights where the ExtraActionButton1 works like that, and just cast it normally on other fights.

    Does "/click" work like "/use"? – could I put my conditionals after it and before "ExtraActionButton1", like this?:

    /click [@focus,exists] ExtraActionButton1; ExtraActionButton1

  8. #4868
    Quote Originally Posted by Dispersedshadow View Post
    Yeah – the idea would be to set my focus to the person to whom I'm assign to pass off the "hot potato" on fights where the ExtraActionButton1 works like that, and just cast it normally on other fights.

    Does "/click" work like "/use"? – could I put my conditionals after it and before "ExtraActionButton1", like this?:

    /click [@focus,exists] ExtraActionButton1; ExtraActionButton1
    no, buttons don't have targets. the conditional will be evaluated like usual but it won't pass a target to the button's spell.

  9. #4869
    Quote Originally Posted by pnutbutter View Post
    no, buttons don't have targets. the conditional will be evaluated like usual but it won't pass a target to the button's spell.
    Oh well – it was worth a shot. Thanks.

  10. #4870
    High Overlord Pelf's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    You could do this, if you want to be explicit:
    /target [@focus,exists]

    But, to answer your question: /target [@focus] will always run /target focus, regardless of whether you have one; it just won't have any effect if you don't have one (just like typing /target Goo Blah Darbledum doesn't do anything). Adding exists just prevents it from even trying.

    Fun Facts
    /target will target the UnitID provided by the conditional block that passes in preference to the value that is provided to the slash command. Usually. So, if you typed this...
    /target [@focus,exists] mouseover
    ...mouseover would be ignored.

    This behavior changes if the conditional block that passes applies implicitly or explicitly to target. In that case, the value provided to the slash command is used. So, if you typed this...
    /target [@focus,exists,nodead][exists,nodead][@player] pet
    1. If you had a focus and it was alive, pet would be ignored and focus would be targeted.
    2. If you had a target and it was alive, pet would be targeted.
    3. In all other cases, pet would be ignored and player would be targeted.

    What that also means, amusingly, is that if you typed this...
    /target [help,nodead]
    ...it would do one of two things which would both produce the same outcome:
    1. If you had a target and it was friendly and alive, attempt to target something named "" (empty string).
    2. In all other cases, don't try to target anything.
    Adding "target" to the end of the command will also not change the behavior as /target (with no parameters) and /target target do the same thing -- nothing.

    Which UnitID has special behavior varies by slash command. Wowpedia explains it nicely: [target=] or [@] versus unit parameters
    Last edited by Pelf; 2013-12-15 at 11:07 AM.
    Shiboomi of <Riot> on US-Sargeras

  11. #4871
    Hello everyone.

    I've tried playing around with some macros, and I wanted to make a shadowstep macro where I shadowstep on my target with no modifier, shadowstep on focus with shift modifier and shadowstep on partymember with control modifier. I've gotten the focus-stepping to work, but cant seem to get it to jump to my partymember. This is what I have so far:

    #showtooltip Shadowstep
    /cast [nomod] Shadowstep
    /cast [modifier:shift, target=focus] Shadowstep
    /cast [modifier:ctrl, target=namehere] Shadowstep

    Can anyone please tell me where I am wrong in this? I'd very much like to avoid a mouseover macro, simply because it'd be easier having a set target as I mostly play 2s.


  12. #4872
    Quote Originally Posted by Nhaz View Post
    Hello everyone.
    Try this:
    /cast [mod:ctrl,@namehere][mod:shift,@focus][]Shadowstep

  13. #4873
    Quote Originally Posted by o03o View Post
    That worked, thank you!

  14. #4874
    Hello there!
    I used to have 13 macros that i run every time i log on. I managed to redo first 6 and created an addon. But Im having problems with these:

    -- Macro 7 --
    /run ArenaEnemyFrame1:SetScale(1.3)
    /run ArenaEnemyFrame2:SetScale(1.3)
    /run ArenaEnemyFrame3:SetScale(1.3)
    /run ArenaEnemyFrame4:SetScale(1.3)
    /run ArenaEnemyFrame5:SetScale(1.3)
    /run ArenaEnemyFrame5:SetPoint("topright", -390, -25)
    -- Macro 8 --
    /run rc=36;rfc=CooldownFrame_SetTimer;aef="ArenaEnemyFrame";hb="HealthBar";trt=GetItemIcon(37864)ctf = CreateFrame;oe="ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE"ve="PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"tr="RIGHT"LoadAddOn("Blizzard_ArenaUI")
    /run hooksecurefunc(UFP,function(self) if self.p
    -- Macro 9 --
    /run function Cr(i)local f=ctf("Frame",nil,UIParent)f:SetPoint(tr,_G[aef..i..hb],tr,80,0)f:SetSize(rc,rc)f.t=f:CreateTexture(nil,"BORDER")f.t:SetAllPoints(true)f.t:SetTexture(trt)f.c=CreateFrame("Cooldown",nil,f)f.c:SetAllPoints(f)return f;end
    -- Macro 10 --
    /run function ur(f,i)f:SetScript("OnEvent",function(_,e,u,_,_,_,s)if(u=="arena"..i)then if(s==42292 or s==59752)then rfc(f.c,GetTime(),120,1)elseif(s==7744)then rfc(f.c,GetTime(),30,1)end end end)f:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED")end
    -- Macro 11 --
    /run for i=1,5 do _G["rf"..i]=Cr(i)local f=_G["rf"..i]ur(f,i)f:Hide()end function str(o,m)for i=1, m do local f=_G["rf"..i]if o then f:Show()else f:Hide()f.c:Hide()end end end
    -- Macro 12 --
    /run tk=ctf("Frame")tk:SetScript("OnEvent",function(_,e)if e==oe then str(1,GetNumArenaOpponents())else str(nil,5)end end)tk:RegisterEvent(oe)tk:RegisterEvent(ve)
    -- Macro 13 --
    /run ArenaEnemyFrame1:SetPoint("topright", -390, -25)
    /run ArenaEnemyFrame2:SetPoint("topright", -390, -25)
    /run ArenaEnemyFrame3:SetPoint("topright", -390, -25)
    /run ArenaEnemyFrame4:SetPoint("topright", -390, -25)
    Managed to move the frames, but they are not scaling, pvp trinket part is too advanced. Could anyone help me to rewrite CODE so its suitable for lua? Thanks in advance!!!
    Last edited by Herpi; 2013-12-16 at 11:52 AM.

  15. #4875
    Hello everyone!

    Started playing on my druid again and came across some minor issues with my engineering and NS-macro.

    Currently it looks like this:

    /use 10
    /cast [nomodifier] Nature's Swiftness; /cast [modifier:shift] Tranquility; [modifier:ctrl] Heart of the Wild(Talent)

    I want it to activate my gloves and NS on nomod, Tranquility on modshift and ofc Hotw on modctrl.
    That is what the macro does. The problem however is that the #showtooltip part only displays gloves
    and nothing else when i use modifiers as opposed to my other macros with modifiers.

    Im guessing it has something to do with /use 10 being at the top but i dont know how to make the macro work otherwise.

    Thanks in advance!

  16. #4876
    Quote Originally Posted by MrApple View Post
    Hello everyone!

    Started playing on my druid again and came across some minor issues with my engineering and NS-macro.

    Currently it looks like this:

    /use 10
    /cast [nomodifier] Nature's Swiftness; /cast [modifier:shift] Tranquility; [modifier:ctrl] Heart of the Wild(Talent)

    I want it to activate my gloves and NS on nomod, Tranquility on modshift and ofc Hotw on modctrl.
    That is what the macro does. The problem however is that the #showtooltip part only displays gloves
    and nothing else when i use modifiers as opposed to my other macros with modifiers.

    Im guessing it has something to do with /use 10 being at the top but i dont know how to make the macro work otherwise.

    Thanks in advance!
    Would this not be:

    #showtooltip [modifier:shift] Tranquility; [modifier:ctrl] Heart of the Wild(Talent); Nature's Swiftness
    /use 10
    /cast [nomodifier] Nature's Swiftness
    /cast [modifier:shift] Tranquility
    /cast [modifier:ctrl] Heart of the Wild(Talent)

  17. #4877
    Quote Originally Posted by MrApple View Post
    Hello everyone!

    Started playing on my druid again and came across some minor issues with my engineering and NS-macro.

    Currently it looks like this:

    /use 10
    /cast [nomodifier] Nature's Swiftness; /cast [modifier:shift] Tranquility; [modifier:ctrl] Heart of the Wild(Talent)

    I want it to activate my gloves and NS on nomod, Tranquility on modshift and ofc Hotw on modctrl.
    That is what the macro does. The problem however is that the #showtooltip part only displays gloves
    and nothing else when i use modifiers as opposed to my other macros with modifiers.

    Im guessing it has something to do with /use 10 being at the top but i dont know how to make the macro work otherwise.

    Thanks in advance!
    Yeah, #showtooltip without any modifiers shows the tooltip for the first item or ability in the macro that will be used. Fixed and cleaned up a bit:

    #showtooltip [mod:shift]Tranquility;[mod:ctrl]Heart of the Wild;Nature's Swiftness
    /use 10
    /use [mod:shift]Tranquility;[mod:ctrl]Heart of the Wild;Nature's Swiftness

    (I don't think the "(Talent)" is necessary, anyway? I'm sure you can add that back in yourself if it is. Also, in case you're curious, it is possible to do like "#showtooltip Swipe" to show the icon and tooltip for something that isn't actually used in the macro at all.)

  18. #4878
    Quote Originally Posted by Constie View Post
    Also, in case you're curious, it is possible to do like "#showtooltip Swipe" to show the icon and tooltip for something that isn't actually used in the macro at all.)
    Just wanted to say that it worked like a charm. Thanks a BUNCH for making my life a little bit easier

  19. #4879
    Looking for some clarification on /startattack. I have a very simple macro I made for my Hunter because the first attack I use is a pet ability:

    /use Kill Command
    My problem is, even though the command states "start," it seems that /startattack both starts and stops your auto attack when spammed. Is there a way to make it not do that?

  20. #4880
    It shouldn't be. Either you're wrong somehow or something other than the macro is turning off your autoattack.

    Druid / Demon Hunter SimulationCraft Maintainer

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