1. #1

    'Bout to pick up a PS3

    Little late to the game, but im about to get my ps3. Im not a heavy console gamer and I usually only enjoy JRPG's, i know that ps3 doesnt have a huge selection but what do you guys suggest for my first game? Eternal Sonata looks cool to me but I heard Star Ocean International was good too even though ive never played a Star Ocean game before. I also hear a lot of people speak highly of Valkyria Chronicles but the only TRPG series I like is FFtactics and fire emblem, is it similar to those? I heard it has some what of a real time/turn based combat system and im not really sure what that means >.<

  2. #2
    I don't have a PS3, only a 360, so if I mention a game and it's not on the PS3 I apologize.

    FF13's the usual reply, but I'd recommend only renting that. It's not really worth keeping around long term to me as you're only looking at maybe 30-35 hours of gameplay with a ton of handholding along the way. Postgame is not worth mentioning; it's just 64 kill quests with nothing more than a 'trophy' when you kill the final one.

    Resonance of Fate is a good one. Not your usual JRPG and fairly tactical. There's a long tutorial system in the game to get you used to it, but take it one step at a time and you'll find out combat's really easy as they slowly build you towards the 'full' bit piece by piece.

    SO:I should be a good game, terrible VA and plastic doll-like animations aside in cutscenes; hopefully they've fixed the bugs with locking up due to certain skills and whatnot for the PS3 release. Crafting's a nuisance but can be used for tremendous power levels. Achievements, battle trophies, and a fairly generous post-game make it a pretty solid purchase.

    Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon aren't on the PS3, sadly, or I'd recommend getting at least LO. Why people bash BD when it's just a simple, enjoyable RPG I don't know. In a day and age when JRPGs are trying too damn hard to innovate simple things, BD's honest approach was a nice break.

    If you liked Zelda at all, snag Darksiders. Plays pretty much like a more gory incarnation with incredible voice acting and a good story.

  3. #3
    Though I never played it, you may want to check out Demon's Souls.

    It got good reviews but I think it flew under the radar.

  4. #4
    Herald of the Titans Ayirasi's Avatar
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    Since you liked FF:Tactics, maybe give Disgaea 3 on PS3 a shot? I've not played it, so I cannot give a review.

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  5. #5
    Consoles are waste of money

  6. #6
    That interjection was helpful.

    Anyway, Valkyria Chronicles I can recommend thoroughly. Iv'e heard eternal sonata and RoS are also decent. FF13 well I was initially disappointed, I practially worshipped Final Fantasy 7 as a child so you can understand my excitement for the game. If you can get over the linearity and the fucking sickening cringe inducing voice acting it redeems itself with amazing graphics, pretty fun battles and at least the illusion of choice later on in the game.

    If you are willing to open your eyes to some other genres there alot of decent ps3 games with rpg elements.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by tequila333 View Post
    That interjection was helpful.

    Anyway, Valkyria Chronicles I can recommend thoroughly. Iv'e heard eternal sonata and RoS are also decent. FF13 well I was initially disappointed, I practially worshipped Final Fantasy 7 as a child so you can understand my excitement for the game. If you can get over the linearity and the fucking sickening cringe inducing voice acting it redeems itself with amazing graphics, pretty fun battles and at least the illusion of choice later on in the game.

    If you are willing to open your eyes to some other genres there alot of decent ps3 games with rpg elements.
    fucking sickening cringe inducing voice acting
    Cant be worse than 10? +_+

    Though I never played it, you may want to check out Demon's Souls.
    My friend is hooked on it, im for story driven games and he tells me for Demon Souls, gameplay is what makes it a solid buy.

    Consoles are waste of money

    Cool man.

    Resonance of Fate is a good one. Not your usual JRPG and fairly tactical.

    I forgot about this game I recall seeing a trailer with a lot of pretty semi-anime themed characters using guns. Interesting.

  8. #8
    Mechagnome Gecko's Avatar
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    A friend of mine who has a PS3 (I don't) had nothing but great things to say about a game called White Knight Chronicles. You may want to look into that.

  9. #9
    Id recommend Star Ocean The Last hope for sure! Im currently 20hours through and its great, loads of side quests, crafting, mining, herbing, cooking and a decent storyline.

    FF13 is a great game if you take it for what it is and not expect the usual when it comes to FF games. Yes its linear and has bad voice acting (use subs if people care that much to moan about it) but its a good game for the storyline (I liked it), graphics, the battle system is fast paced and good fun and it was just a pleasure to play in my opinion.

    I was recently new to console gaming also and only got my PS3 6months back so im still short on games but if first person shooters is your think id reccomend CoD: MW and CoD:MW2 as they are just amazing, graphics, gameplay and multiplayer. I was not a FPS player untill I played CoD:MW but I enjoy them just as much as my favrioute genre, RPG.

  10. #10

  11. #11
    well, i don't know all that much about PS3 RPG's, but i can recommend some multiplatform games that i played on PC:

    in january 2011, mass effect 2 for the PS3 is released.
    the elder scrolls 4: oblivion is a decent game.
    fallout 3 is great and so is Dragon Age: origins.

    here is a list of Role playing games on the PS3 from gamespot, pick your poison: http://www.gamespot.com/games.html?t...c&official=all

    be sure to read reviews. some reviewers substract points for minor details, while other simply don't like that kind of game and give it a lower score that it does not deserve. reviews give a lot of clues on this. for example, if a game has bad voice acting, but that doesn't bother you, you can add a few points.

  12. #12
    I know you are looking or RPG games on the PS3, and there are several good ones im sure.
    I just thought it would be worth to mention, that if you are picking up a PS3 then do yourself a favor and get Little Big Planet =)

  13. #13
    Dragon Age and Demon's Souls are the only good RPGs I can think of. Don't pick up Demon's Souls if you don't want a VERY difficult and trying challenge that punishes you for every mistake you make.

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