Some of these are bugs, some of these are "balance issues". While they might be addressed soon (keyword: might), there is absolutely no harm in making them known in a friendly manner.

- Hand of Gul'dan being interrupt locks out the Fire and Shadow school, even though it only does Shadow damage.

- Felguard's Pursuit can miss, resulting in him not traveling at all.

- Pet health goes to negative over 9000 when you dismount, resulting in their death from any random AoE.

- Drain Soul has been overnerfed to be worse than it was pre-patch without any pre-25% compensation.

- Shadowburn is basically worthless, I only ever see it being useful if you're moving, which is kind of silly for a spell that requires the target to be sub-20% and a talent point.

- Empowered Imp procs are consumed by hard-cast Soulfires.

- Felguard's Pursuit doesn't work off the Felguard's actual target, meaning if you have it on auto-cast, he'll randomly charge out at other stuff and run back in. This also means that even if it's not on auto-cast, he'll charge the wrong freakin' target in PvP and make you look like an idiot.

- Soulburn and spells with any kind of delay are wonky. If you cast Soulburn and cast a Searing Pain followed by spamming your Soulfire button, you'll get an instant cast Soulfire and no Searing Pain buff. If you Soulburn and cast a Seed of Corruption, then a Searing Pain to detonate that Seed of Corruption, you'll get the Searing Pain buff.

- Improved Searing Pain exists.

- Many spells have too short of a range.

- Immolation Aura and Hellfire radii don't match, making it very strange to even have Hellfire be this gigantic ass circle if you're still gonna be in melee. Oh, what's that you say? You wanted me to pull that group over there by accident? I admit that I do like the huge range on Hellfire, I just don't like having Immolation be so short by comparison.

- Hand of Gul'dan's cooldown is too unforgiving. Consider the fact that Haste lowers the duration of at certain levels, having these levels of Haste combined with only a 3 second gap means your Hand of Gul'dan might be impossible to get off in time. Either Immolate needs to be 18 seconds or Hand of Gul'dan needs to be 9-10 seconds cooldown. I won't even begin to go into what happens when you introduce boss mechanics here.

- Empowered Imp procs are too infrequent and random. Getting 3 procs in a row some fights and none at all on other fights is just silly.
Glyph of Fear should NOT give Fear a cooldown.

- Healthstones are very meh.

- Imp's Flee ability attempts to cast even if the range and LoS criteria are not met, leading to the cooldown being triggered without anything happening.
Pets don't seem to be scaling with the master's armor.

- Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? That's the new name for the usefulness of Rain of Fire. IMO switch out Rain of Fire and Hellfire and make Hellfire the channeled Click-to-Cast circle and Rain of Fire center around the caster. Then make the Demonology talent apply to Rain of Fire instead. This would purely be for flair purposes, as I think seeing meteors raining down around you is much more cool. Also, make Hellfire's graphic actually look like something, and if you insist on keeping it the Demonology thing, then at least make the graphic resize after picking up that talent. The poor Dalaran squirrels are just spontaneously combusting without any reason whatsoever.

That's it for me for now, I can't really think of much else, but if anything comes to me, I'll be sure to post it.

What are you opinions on the issues I listed and do you have any of your own to add? Please try to be friendly in your post.