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  1. #21
    She landed at Death’s Breach and looked around for Lath’aya, but she was nowhere in sight. Buy Valeria saw Valanar, beckoning her towards him. She guided Ralygos over to the elf, waiting for her next task. The elf pointed towards New Avalon and smiled.
    “That is where my brother shall meet you. Your val’kyr friend is already there, waiting.” Valeria steered the dragon towards New Avalon, and set off.

    Ralygos landed on the top of the crypt and roared the most ferocious roar he could muster. This was the first time he landed without crashing, and he was not afraid to brag about this new feat. She jumped off the dragon and slid down the edge of the crypt. She was going to let him have his fun this time. It was easy to spot the elf, with his flowing blue cape. She wandered over, still on the lookout for Lath’aya. But she was nowhere to be found.

    “What do you want?” The elf didn’t even bother to turn around. Valeria crossed her arms, clearly annoyed.
    Yea your brother sent me. He said you need help. But apparently you don’t so I’ll be off…” but the elf turned around and looked at his new recruit.

    “Ah yes, the feisty one. Yes we need you. Don’t go anywhere!” Valeria sighed as the elf shuffled through a notebook, and read a page quickly to himself. “It seems the officials of the city have been resisting. We need to take them out. Mayor Quimby in town hall shall be the first to go. Off you go! Oh wait, The Baron wishes to see you.”

    Valeria looked around. At first she didn’t spot anything but then she gazed at the man wrapped in a scarf, staring at her curiously. She walked towards the deathknight, cautiously. She felt uncomfortable around him. She didn’t know why, but his presence made her feel fatigued.
    “So you are the powerful deathknight we have heard about. Execellent.” Rivendare rubbed the spine of his horse, expecting her to reply. But she was looking in his eyes. They were black and dull. He gave up his soul willingly, She thought to herself. He isn’t worth trusting she concluded. Only a selfish man sells their soul.

    “The citizens of New Avalon are making a fuss. Dispose of them. And don’t forget to take out the innocent as well.” Valeria nodded slowly and distantly. She knew what she had to do.

    The city was already deep into battle. The soldiers didn’t even notice another undead walk onto the field. They were too preoccupied with the ghouls that ravaged the town. It was easy to take down the soldiers; she was silent, quick, and efficient. She stood at edge of the battle, waiting patiently. Once a soldier decided she was not a threat and looked away, she swiftly jumped into the fray and executed him from behind. She could feel the gore’s energy flow through her body as her runeblade fed on the soldier’s souls.

    She applied this tactic as she inched towards the town hall. She did not need to rush this; she would rather just be passive instead of slaughtering her way through the crowd. A crusade against a crusade, she mused to herself. As she approached the Town Hall, all the citizens she could ever dream for were already crowded at the door. It was a protest, a very angry one. If I just sit here, they might kill the mayor for me, she giggled to herself. But she didn’t have that much time. But she also didn’t have the strength to take down all of them at once. But she did have the cunning. She wandered around the back of the building and climbed up the side. As she reached the top, she pulled off shingles from the top off the roof and dropped them over the ground. The moment they shattered, she heard one of the men shouting.

    “Hey he may be trying to escape! Quick let’s check the back side!”
    “Don’t be too sure!” A woman retorted. “It may be just a trick!”

    The mob roared in confusion and frustration. Eventually Valeria heard footsteps heading around the back of the house. She saw four soldiers approach the back wall, weapons ready.

    “I knew it was a trick, let’s go—“ and the lady was silenced by a blade piercing through her skull. Valeria jumped from the roof and planted her feet on another citizen’s head, knocking him out as he collapsed.

    She reached over to reclaim her sword, but the other to citizens blocked her path. It was a middle-aged farmer and a young maid. She decided to kill the one with the pitchfork first, the more obvious threat. She reached to the chain on the side of her armor and unlatched it from her plate. She maneuvered herself under the arm of the man as he tried to strike her down. Wrapping the chain around the guy’s neck, she pushed him down with her one hand why tightening the chain with the other. The cold steel was penetrating his neck as he coughed up blood. But just as the man was about to go unconscious, the maid shoved her off the back of man. She looked up at the two as she landed on the ground. The woman was leaning over the man, chanting something under her breath. She lunged at the woman. Valeria has never not completed a kill, even in life. The woman screamed as she was knocked to the ground. Valeria looked over at her sword, only a couple feet away. Valeria began casting a spell to finish the maid, but the maid reached up and grabbed Valeria’s shoulder. She felt the holy light searing through her skin, shaking her very bone. Valeria shrieked as her whole body burned from the holy light.

    You bitch.” Valeria groaned

    She rolled over in pain, but fortunately it was towards her sword. With her still able hand she grasped her sword and swiftly impaled the maid in the stomach. She looked over at the man, still coughing up blood on the ground. Valeria stood up and stabbed the man in the center of the back. Her one arm still scathing, and she couldn’t stop thinking about the pain. She leaned up against the side of the building, panting.

    Slowly the pain subsided, and she began regaining movement in her crippled arm. She heard more shouts from the front of the building, and she could hear more footsteps. She looked at the bodies on the ground and resorted to the only thing she could do. She tried to focus as hard as she could to find the dying minds of the dying citizens. This time the mist was more concentrated and easy to grasp. But much harder to control. The minds of the dying tried to take her down from within. She almost let them completely destroy her but the dark one wouldn’t let her.

    Pain is weakness. Use your weakness.

    Valeria instantly focused on the pain. She felt herself regain control and the vengeful souls withdrew. She unleashed her pain on the minds of the dying and slowly the souls morphed to her will. She unleashed her will onto the bodies. The bodies simultaneously contorted on the ground. They rose up violently. Valeria looked at her new creations. She could see their souls trapped in their eyes.

    Don’t worry I will let you die soon. But first I will grant your wish-- to end the mayor’s term.

    Valeria hid behind the opposite wall as the mob approached. As her new ghouls mercilessly attacked the mob, she snuck around the other side to the door. She tried opening the door, but it was locked. She took a deep breath and kicked the door open. She ran into the main room, and saw the mayor sitting at the head table, alone. She saw his eyes widen in fear. The man shuffled and reached for a book on the shelf.

    Death’s grip will embrace him.

    She reached her hand out and whispered to herself. The mayor’s body stiffened up and began unwillingly walking towards Valeria. Valeria felt an invisible string attached to the man. She pulled the string with her mind, but the load on the other end was heavy. She didn’t want to break the string, so she had to be extremely careful. She pulled the man within a foot of herself, panting.

    Why are you so fat?” She breathed.
    The mayor was sobbing. “Did the mob send you? Please don’t kill me! I will pay you anything you want, just please!”
    The mob didn’t send me. The Scourge did.

    The kill was swift. But as the man collapsed the book fell from his jacket onto the ground. Labeled on the cover was “Crimson Dawn”. Hmmm this looks interesting.

  2. #22
    yummy, this is alot darker, sure to titillate Telcular. But I like it too =D.

    Poor mayor quimby he's so cute.

  3. #23
    Arriving at the Crypt of Remembrance, she approached the elf and handed him the book. While he examined the book, Valeria wandered over to Baron Rivendare, in order to claim her reward.
    “Well you look you had a party.” The Baron chuckled as he looked at the blood-soaked deathknight. She reached out her hand impatiently to receive her gold, but the Baron paused right before he dropped the gold sack in her.

    “Ah I remember you, I would have never guessed!” The Baron grinned at Valeria. She tilted her head suspiciously. She has never seen this man before. Yet she knew him somehow. “You were a hero that made a feeble attempt to invade Stratholme. I remember that one necromancer grinning as his blade was covered in your blood. I sent someone to retrieve your body. I tried to catch the other one, but he got away.”

    The other one? Valeria sighed under breath. He did escape.

    No one will escape in the end.

    Valeria tried to smile politely, trying to keep herself under control. She was fine until something of her past was mentioned. She felt nothing while slaughtering those people yet the loss of her life brought her own emotions crashing down on her. But she didn’t feel like it was her own life that she missed, it was the other people that made her miss being alive. All these undead monstrosities were boring, narrow-minded, and bland. Interestingly enough the only undead that had any hint of personality was Lath’aya and Ralygos, who both seemed to like Valeria. I guess the odd ducks have to stick together.

    As Baron continued to tell the story about Valeria’s body was dragged across Stratholme, Keleseth shouted in anger, “NORTHREND?!?”

    Valeria looked over at elf and politely waved good-bye to the Baron. The elf was shuffling through the book furiously. He didn’t notice when Valeria was standing next to him, reading the contents of the book.

    What’s wrong?

    The elf jumped up, startled. “Damn you pesky human! I hate deathknights. I swear I would kill you all if you were any less efficient at getting tasks done!” The elf paused to regain his composure, “I need to know more about this so called ‘Crimson Dawn’. Go get answers.”

    Valeria shrugged at the elf’s little tantrum and walked back towards New Avalon. The battle was continuing, but The Scourge now had the upper hand. Valeria jumped into battle and blocked the path of a soldier. Surprised, the soldier jumped back but then stood his ground. “You won’t get anything from me, monster.” Valeria pulled out her blade and dove towards the soldier. He blocked her swing with his hammer and repelled her back. She swung her blade in one downward motion and pushed the man to the ground. She jumped on top of the man and pinned his limbs to the ground.

    What is this “Crimson Dawn?” Valeria demanded.
    “You will have to kill me monster, I will never tell you!”
    We can do this the easy way, or the very hard way.” Valeria tightened her grip on the man, forcing unholy magic on to his soul.
    “Argh... The pain... The pain is almost as unbearable as the lashings I received in grammar school when I was but a child. “
    I can keep this up for quite a long time, tell me!
    “You hit like a girl!”

    But before the man could recall his statement Valeria headbutted him, knocking him out. She raised her blade above the man’s head and sighed.

    Why do men have such thick skulls?

    She looked at the soldiers still fighting and sat at the edge of the road. She watched the battle safely from the side of the road.

    You pretend to feel guilt, but you kill with pleasure.
    I don’t feel too evil doing this; I killed Scarlet Crusaders all my life.
    You use their allies against them, making men kill their friends and family.
    At least I didn’t kill my own father.
    You send ghouls to slay children.
    I haven’t killed children! Well not recently…

    Valeria sat on the edge of the road, pondering what her master had said. He did not seem to be forcing her against her will; it was just a simple conversation. Maybe, Valeria thought, he knew she couldn’t stray. Valeria did enjoy killing these men, and she was not ashamed to admit it. Watching the families flee from the town as the men died in battle, a woman was running with her two children in her arms. The mother was whispering to her children, trying to comfort them. “It’s okay, we were chosen. We will be safe soon!”

    Valeria saw the opportunity and pursued the fleeing family. She cast death grip on one of the children and the unwillingly pried itself out of the mothers arm. The child waddled in an erratic fashion towards Valeria. She picked the child up and placed it on her hip. The mother was screaming as her child walked towards the heartless creature.

    So you are chosen? May I be chosen as well?” Valeria asked sweetly.
    “You bitch don’t hurt my child!” The mother screamed.
    Only if you keep your insults to a minimal. So what is this Crimson Dawn?
    “Please, my child…”
    Crimson Dawn. What is it.
    “It’s the light. I don’t know, the High General said its the light that is coming to save us!”
    “I don’t know! Please! All I know is a courier from Hearthglen is coming, but I don’t know!” Valeria nodded and placed the child on the ground and walked away.

    She returned to the elf and told him what she heard. “I see, well I feel like we need to handle this situation from within” the elf rubbed her chin, “Go to the New Avalon tavern. We have established a base there. Some deathknights will be eager to hear this information”.

    Valeria looked once more at the war-torn streets. They were stained with blood and guts. She looked at the inn, which was suspiciously silent. Valeria walked towards the inn and looked at the city that was burning in chaos. She sighed and walked into the inn. She saw corpses on the ground and a deathknight near the counter. But sitting in a chair near the fireplace was Lath’aya. She was casually sipping wine and looking into dormant fireplace. Then she looked over at Valeria and smiled. “It took you quite a while to get here.

  4. #24
    Lath’aya stood up and casually hugged Valeria. “I’m glad you made it here alive! But we can’t party yet. That nice man over there, Orbaz, has some work for you to do!” she pointed over to the deathknight at the bar, who was scrimmaging through the shelves. Valeria walked over to the deathknight and waited for him to acknowledge her present. The deathknight paused, looked at her through the corner of his eye, and then continued searching the shelves. Well that was rude, she thought.

    "May I be of assistance?

    Orbaz grumbled as he stopped rummaging. He turned over and looked at the new recruit, unimpressed. “You are the so-called rising champion of the Scourge? Wow we must be getting desperate.”

    "At least my helmet doesn’t have batwings. How tacky.

    Orbaz spit at Valeria’s feet, clearly irritated. “All right bitch, listen here. I heard they have the patrol routes in Scarlet hold. Go snatch them and return them to me. Oh and Thassarian needs a scout. Go talk to him. Now get the hell out of here!”

    As the deathknight turned back around to continue rummaging, Valeria resisted her urge to stab him in the back of the skull. Its people like him that make undead look bad. She looked back at Lath’aya, who was standing there absent mindedly. Valeria coughed to get the val’kyr’s attention, but failed. Suddenly the floor board above creaked, and Valeria pulled out her sword.

    She crept up the stairs, ready to kill. But she heard a voice as she neared the top. It was an eerie and ghostly voice, clearly a deathknight’s. Valeria slowly put her sword back and looked into the rooms. In the room at the end of the hallway, she saw a deathknight sitting on the bed. He was arched over with his head down, deep in focus.

    Are you Thassarian?” The deathknight slowly raised his head and turned his focus towards her. His eyes were shadowed by his hair, casting a grim shadow across his face. He must have been an older deathknight with his deep unhealed wounds. He looked at the young deathknight curiously.

    “You’re not the typical undead we get around here. You have a lot more fat than the last one.”
    "That’s not what a lich told me. He said I didn’t even have enough fat to be bait.” Valeria replied sarcastically.
    “Gotta enough meat for me.” He grinned. Valeria looked at him a bit surprised. But at the edge of the bed she could see broken glass scattered across the floor. Someone obviously got to the liquor.
    It seems someone had too much to drink. Is it even possible for deathknights to get drunk?
    “Oh absolutely. In fact we stay drunk longer because our blood doesn’t clean itself out. And if you don’t have any blood at all you will be drunk for days. But you need a lot to get to that point.”
    Valeria giggled a little bit inside. Wow I bet the Lich King isn’t the only voice in his head, she mused. “Orbaz said you needed something?” She shifted uncomfortably in the frame of the doorway.

    “Do I?”
    "You tell me.” Thassarian stood up and approached Valeria. He stood so close Valeria could hear his slow shallow breathing. Valeria looked into the soulless eyes of the deathknight and she felt intimidated. She hesitated, before reaching her arm behind her back. Slowly she unhooked her armor’s chain one loop at a time. As her breastplate fell to the floor she began to shiver with nervousness. She felt a hunger rise from the urge of her stomach, similar to what her blade feels when it kills. Valeria stretched out, letting the hunger flow throughout her body. Maybe I haven’t lost everything yet.

    She didn’t know how long she was in that bed, but Thassarian was significantly more sober. Her head was resting on his cold chest, but she didn’t really care. He was looking up at the ceiling, unconsciously stroking the mattress of the bed. The sheets were covered in blood, but neither knew exactly where it came from. On his body there was scrapes and on his side the pattern of a chain was branded. On Valeria’s back there freshly cut lacerations. The well defined strokes of a dagger left Valeria with the shape of runes on her back. She did not know what it said, but she could feel the ripped skin as she ran her fingers over her shoulder blade. Valeria couldn’t say she felt any different, at least physically, but inside she felt disappointed. Valeria did not remember most of it, but she did remember staring into the blank eyes of Thassarian. It was just another ritual of death that the Master oversaw. Just another routine.
    "So now what?” she asked rhetorically.
    “Why are we even here?” she lifted her head and Thassarian sat up. “I feel horrible.”

    It wasn’t that bad.

    “Not you. I hoped that would have sped the recovery up, but I guess I was wrong. I need you to do a favor for me. One of our allies, Koltira, was captured by the Scarlet Crusade. I know Orbaz has already commanded you to go. I just need to know what happened to him.”

    Is Koltira your girlfriend?
    “Koltira is a male elf.”
    "You mean you’re gay? What the hell? I feel used.
    Thassarian chuckled under his breath. “In death we are all the same, we don’t seek mortal love. We don’t need others. And yes I did use you.”

    Valeria mumbled under her breath and jumped off the bed. "Well I’ll be sure to leave him a couple bruises as well. Yours most likely won’t heal.” She walked out of the room with her head high and her armor in her arms. She quickly dressed herself but paused slightly at her feet. Hundreds of glass shards were embedded in the soles.
    You think I would have noticed something like that.” She said to herself.

    When Valeria walked down the stare she instantly saw Lath’aya with a huge grin on her face. “Well you had fun.” She said teasingly.
    I’m sure it will be my turn to have fun soon. But first we should go pay a visit to the Scarlet Hold don’t you think?

  5. #25
    "I love the dead...... Frequently...." - Necromancer Wc3

  6. #26
    The Hold was heavily guarded with Crusaders. Though the guards were on the lookout for Scourge members, angry citizens were the guard’s primary concern As Valeria and Lath’aya approached the Hold, the wide door was left surprisingly unguarded.

    Alright we need to find a book and Thassarian’s boyfriend.
    ““That sounds good. Can I get the elf?
    No. You’ll break him.

    Lath’aya gave an innocent face, tracing her fingers around her lips. ““I guess the scourge could always use more Scarlet Crusade ghouls, even if the ghouls have a crooked spine.

    Valeria nodded, almost feeling sorry for those Scarlet soldiers that got in the way of Lath’aya. While Lath’aya slid down a corridor towards the stairs, Valeria went down the darkest hall. She pulled her cowl over her head, embracing the shadow. Her silent footsteps made her hard to detect, most guards did not notice when she passed. But when one did notice the shuffle of her cape, the guard did not even have time to pause as the Na’rina went through the guard’s neck. The labyrinth of corridors took time for Valeria to navigate, but she soon felt a faint aura of decay, and she headed in that direction.

    She looked into the room and spotted an elf crouched over in the corner.

    Are you Thassarian’s boyfriend—I mean Koltira?
    The elf looked up, surprised, “Thassarian sent you? What a fool! I failed, and he sent a naïve deathknight fall with me!”
    Well if you want to die I don’t need to be dragged to death with you.

    Koltira cussed in his elven tongue. “Thassarian you are a fool. I’m sure the alarms have been sounded. The High Inquisitor must be on his way. I will do my best to help, and if you survive I need you to return to Thassarian and tell him they are executing prisoners at the chapel.”

    The elf reached for his armor and began chanting softly under his breath. Valeria heard shouts from down the hallway. Soon the magical energy around the elf began to spiral around in the shape of a dome.

    “Stay in this barrier, their holy light can’t harm you here.” Valeria, recalling her last experience with the holy light, jumped in the barrier without hesitating. Some acolytes appeared at the door, with vengeance in their eyes.

    They began chanting in unison, attempting to call the holy powers down on the two death knights. But when the light hit the shield, it reflected off, refracting the light across the room. Blinded, the acolytes shouted in the confusion. One with a particularly brutish voice began his charge towards the barrier. The man was fiercely built, ready to rip the death knights into shreds. The acolyte charged towards Koltira, clearly the weaker. But Valeria pounced onto the back of the man, forcing him to fall to the ground. Stunned, the man shoved Valeria off while reaching for his dagger. Valeria rolled back onto her knees and kicked the acolyte in the face. The man clutched his face screaming, and Valeria took his dagger, and carved out his heart.

    Who’s next?” she taunted while throwing the beating heart towards the rest of the acolytes.

    She heard gasps and more angry shouts. Four more ran through the barrier, and Valeria was ready. She took the cape of one and the acolyte crashed down, shattering his skull. Two of them turned towards Valeria, daggers in hand. Swiftly Valeria charged towards one, shoving him into the other. The two crashed into the wall, stunned. But before they could reorganize themselves Na’rina was impaled in both their bodies. The last one was approaching Koltira, with a wicked grin on his face. Valeria death gripped the acolyte, forcing him to reel backwards. The acolyte did not flinch when Valeria’s cold blade was pressed against the back of his neck.

    “Do it, monster.” He threatened “You will suffer tenfold what your victims did.”

    I don’t cause suffering, I just bring you to the one who will.” She whispered seductively in his ear.

    “I can’t keep this up, where is the coward!” Koltira shouted. Valeria clutched the blade of her sword. She could feel the energy seeping through its steel, empowering her with the energy of her enemies.

    You’re sick.
    They started it.
    You are a monster.

    Valeria pondered this for a second thinking of a retort, but her mind quickly returned to the battle at hand when she heard more shouts. Several more came in, ready to take revenge against the ones who killed their friends. Valeria smiled, looking at the corpses below her. She whispered under her breath, and slowly the soldiers rose again. In order to take vengeance against their killed allies, the acolytes would have to kill the friends, again. Some of the soldiers couldn’t kill their formers allies, some slaughtered through without mercy. But the ghouls took advantage of every hesitation, slaughtering in cold blood.

    You are a monster.

    As more acolytes came, more ghouls were raised. Soon Valeria had made her own little army, and she could almost feel the hatred seeping through her slaves.

    “It seems I need to take you out myself. I will purge you from this world! Prepare to burn in holy fire!” The High Inquisitor shouted.

    “Take off his head, and don’t leave the anti-magic barrier!” Koltira warned.
    Valeria nodded nonchalantly. A man with regal robes came into the room, his face red with fury.


    Valeria sent her ghouls at Valroth confidently. But as the ghouls ran towards the man, he grinned. His hands rose up into the air, and a bolt of holy light crashed through the rooms. The ghouls were disintegrated, and only Koltira and Valeria remained. The High Inquisitor passed through the shield, with his staff wielded firmly. Though he was in a dress, his combat skills were impressive. Valeria, still a bit shocked, almost did not dodge the initial blow. She regained her focus and soon retaliated viciously. Her strong graceful blows began to overpower Valroth. He began to panic, looking for a way to change the tide. He turned his head towards Koltira, with an idea in his head. He blocked one of Valeria’s blows and ran to the elf. Before Valeria could stop him, he smacked the elf on the head, knocking him out.

    The shield vanished, leaving Valeria exposed. The High Inquisitor turned back towards her, with a smug grin. He bound her with holy chains, which burned her skin. She shrieked as he walked towards her slowly.

    “We shall purge the land of your diseased brethren, and I shall start with you.”

    Valeria tried breaking the chains but, it stung when she struggled. Valroth rose his hands up, and potent swirls of holy light clustered around his hand. He looked down at her with satisfaction in his eyes. Just as he was about to strike, he froze, with a contorted facial expression. He stood rigid for a moment and then limped. But he still was on his feet. Valroth’s body was thrown sideways in an unnatural matter. Then Valeria saw Lath’aya. Lath’aya’s spear was jammed completely up the body, from the anus to the base of the brain. She shook the spear and the body slid off the spear. She used the tip to cut off the man’s head and she wrapped it in his silk robes.

    I guess I have two presents to return. All you have is an unconscious elf. How are you going to bring that back to the inn?

  7. #27

  8. #28
    wow it took me forever to post again but here it is!

    Valeria kneeled down, barely conscious. The holy chains disappeared, but she still felt the burn constricted around her body. Lath’aya looked down at her, and noticed how serious the situation was.

    Don’t try to get up, I hopefully can heal it if you don’t wiggle around.” Valeria slowly leaned over and lied down on her stomach. The val’kyr leaned over the shaking deathknight, examining the damage.

    I need to see how bad it is. Time to strip!

    Valeria looked up and groaned. This is embarrassing. The guy was wearing a robe and he almost annihilated me. Lath’aya ran her spectral finger over the burns wrapped around Valeria’s body. Whispering to herself, Lath’aya traced all the scars on Valeria’s back. The val’kyr’s touch not only stopped the burning, it also caused the shredded skin to mend itself. Through shadowy magic, Lath’aya stitched the skin back together with exact precision, leaving no trace of the zealous burns. Valeria was finally able to relax again as Lath’aya dragged her hand over her back. Just as the firm hand reached the neck, the val’kyr stiffened up and gasped under his breath.

    Who did this to you?” She said in a quiet, but worried tone.
    I have no idea what you are talking about.
    On your back.
    I can’t see my back! It’s behind me!” Lath’aya clasped her hand on Valeria’s left shoulder blade. She leaned over and examined the skin, with determination etched on her face.

    These are shadow runes; no way did the Scarlet Crusader give you these.” Valeria instinctively reached to her back and felt under Lath’aya’s hand. Her hand outlined the sharp, deep gashes in her back. She noticed how the gashes created simple yet distinct patterns across her shoulder blade.

    Those are new.
    You are obviously too incompetent to brand your own back with such runes, so someone else did it. Who?

    Lath’aya lifted Valeria up and shook her relentlessly “Only Koltira’s boyfriend could have done it. I do remember some blood, but that’s about it.

    She let go of Valeria and sighed, “Well congratulations, The Lich King still favors you. He marked you in the middle of your leisure time.
    Wait he branded me in the middle of sex? Was I even in control of what happened?
    You were in a trance. You had no control. Neither did Thassarian if that makes you feel better. I don’t exactly know why he did it, but through Thassarian he rewarded you.

    You’ve grown to be quite a fine heartless bitch.” Valeria reached out to grab her armor, and began to get dressed. Lath’aya looked at Valeria curiously as she tied her plate together with chain.

    Perhaps, that’s why he sent me down here,” she mused, “because you are too valuable to lose, for now.
    Really? I thought he was beginning to lose interest. It’s been a while since I’ve heard his creepy voice in my head.

    Lath’aya laughed cheerfully. “Well that just means you’re not screwing up as much!” Valeria glared as she picked up her blade. Lath’aya nodded and looked over at the knocked out elf. “You carry him. I’ll try to decipher this book.
    Let’s just leave him here.


    Valeria stumbled into the inn doorway, soaked in blood and a grinning. Lath’aya casually walked in after with the book in her hands, upside down.

    I almost have this figured out, give me a minute.
    Can you even read common?
    I guess this is a good time to learn.

    Valeria chuckled under her breath and approached Thassarian. “Koltira is fine, I think he’ll manage to escape.

    Thassarian was sitting on a stool next to the bar. “I remember seeing you before but I don’t exactly recall when. But I am glad that you brought me this knowledge.” Valeria looked at him annoyed, but she was interrupted when Orbaz came out from the back room.

    “Did you get the book?”

    Ask Lath’aya for it, though I’m not sure she is done with it.” Valeria smirked to herself as the irritated death knight approached Lath’aya. Valeria smiled as the val’kyr rose her spear up defensively. She turned back to the hung over death knight with a displeased look on her face. “Anything else you need?

    “Ah yes, there may be more of our brothers imprisoned. Seek out Knight Commander Plaguefist. He can help if more death knights are imprisoned at the chapel. Our vengeance will come.” Valeria nodded with little interest. As much as Thassarian cries for revenge, he doesn’t realize he just a tool for The Lich King, just like the rest of us. Despite being aware of her slipping grip on her own destiny, Valeria grabbed a bottle of wine and marched out of the inn.

    Valeria walked down the path swishing the wine in the bottle. She pulled the cork out and took a quick sniff. It almost surprised her that she could smell sweet scent of the wine. She stopped walking and cautiously looked in the bottle. She put the bottle to her lip and took a sip. Though it wasn’t strong as it was in life, she could still feel the sting of the alcohol and the sweetness of the grapes. Satisfied, she strolled down the road with little concern.

    Eventually Valeria came to a crossroad, and she was not sure which way to go. She sat down on the nearest bench and pulled out her map. Unconsciously swishing the wine around in her bottle, she looked for the chapel that she needed to find. But before she could locate it, she heard a snap of a twig behind her and she reflexively turned around. She had just enough time to bring the bottle up to defend herself as the figure knocked her down to the ground. She looked up in fear but then her face quickly turned to anger.

    Damn it Ralygos I wasn’t finished with that!” The dragon tackled Valeria with excitement and she couldn’t help but chuckle. “Do you know where I am supposed to go?” she asked. The dragon picked her up by his jaws and nudged her excitedly. She jumped on and pulled out her map. She looked at her location and then pointed towards her destination. Ralygos jumped up and began to fly towards the chapel.

    It was easy to spot Plaguefist, even from the sky. His black armor gleamed menacingly, symbolizing the devastation the scourge can bring. Valeria made sure to land far enough away to not crash into the Knight but still close enough to perhaps startle him. But as Ralygos landed forcefully on the ground, Plaguefist didn’t even flinch. She slid off the dragon and walked over to Plaguefist, clearly disappointed at her attempt.

    Hi,” Valeria started, “We’re looking for imprisoned death knights. Did you find any?” Plaguefist looked at the small death knight and smiled in amusement.

    “We tore that place apart and there were none of our brothers. But we found something else. It seems the Scarlet Crusade was helping us out. We found a room full of Argent Dawn members. Most of them have died, but there was a human in there that wasn’t giving up. I was planning to kill her myself, but maybe you would enjoy it. I’m sure you will take pleasure in taking the air out of her.”

    Valeria was suddenly intrigued. She has been fighting enemies of the scourge and of the living, now she has the chance to paint her past with blood. She was ready to destroy all her emotions of her past behind, and this could possibly be the way to do it. She looked up at Plaguefist and grinned. He pointed towards the entrance of the chapel and Valeria lifted her blade, ready.

    The whole room smelt of blood. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought it was a Scourge building. Bodies from all the races hung from the wall, glaring at her with disgust. She shrugged as their eyes followed her as she wandered through the rot infested building.

    Those were your friends.
    That orc over there? He was never my friend.
    But his friends will mourn him. He has people who care about him. You don’t.
    I don’t need to be mourned. I am what I am.

    Valeria gripped the hilt of her blade, silencing the soul that ridiculed her. Her eyebrows arched, focusing her frustration onto the blade. She stood motionless in the center of the room, and slowed her breathing down to a small shallow breath. Valeria stood in silence until he heard someone toss their head behind her.

    “Oh no…” a desperate voice breathed behind her.

    Valeria turned around, with a furious look in her face. The face she saw was familiar, and her eyebrows rose up in surprise.

    “Oh no Val, look what they did to you.” The woman said with a gloomy tone to her voice. “I can’t believe it. You fought so hard against evil, and it took you.” Valeria straightened up. She remembered this woman’s face, but she didn’t remember why.

    “The damn Scourge, they destroyed your soul and left the empty shell of your body. You aren’t the Val I grew up with. You aren’t even human anymore.” Tears flowed down the woman's face while she glared at Valeria. “There has to be something there, I can see it in your grey eyes, You must fight against the Lich King's control. He is a monster that wants to see this world - our world - in ruin. Don't let him use you to accomplish his goals. You were once a hero and you can be again. Fight, damn you! Fight his control!” the woman pleaded. “This isn’t your destiny; you were a champion of the alliance. You don’t remember training to become a paladin? We were friends!”

    Valeria looked at woman with an empty stare. She did remember paladin training. Valeria remembered that she wasn’t very good at being a paladin. She remembered being thrown off her charger countless times. She also remembered failing here paladin training spars repeatedly. If Tholan didn’t let her win a couple, they would have refused to let her become a paladin.
    The woman looked at her with hopelessness. “I’m glad you are going to kill me. I don’t have the heart to tell Tholan what you have become.” Valeria quickly refocused and glared at the woman with fury in her eyes. “When you died he changed. He no longer laughs or smiles because of you. I can’t imagine what he would do if he saw the monster you’ve become.” Valeria stared at the woman with bloodlust in her eyes. She wanted to hear more. Suddenly the shouts of Plaguefist were heard from outside the building.

    “What’s going on in there? What’s taking so long?”

    Valeria looked out in the direction of the shouts and turned her head back to the woman. The woman was now grinning. “I’m done. Kill me now. I don’t want to watch you help burn this world down.” Valeria approached the woman with ferocity in her eyes. She lifted her hand up and with precision she shoved her fingers into the neck of the woman. She flexed her fingers and pulled her hand out of the woman's thoat. The woman tried to scream but her open throat flooded with blood. She looked up at Valeria and saw that her own eyes were glassy, as if she regretted what she just did.
    Last edited by klheart; 2011-10-30 at 02:29 AM.

  9. #29
    Rhugl yn y Cymraeg Aramore's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Well I'm glad I finally read your story, and you're right, it doesn't actually take that long to read

    I enjoyed that quite a bit

    A few grammar errors here and there but it's not like my own Story doesn't have any

    Keep up the good work!

    Edit: did I too many times?

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramore View Post
    Well I'm glad I finally read your story, and you're right, it doesn't actually take that long to read

    I enjoyed that quite a bit

    A few grammar errors here and there but it's not like my own Story doesn't have any

    Keep up the good work!

    Edit: did I too many times?
    makes you look girly or maybe like you have a crush =P

    Yay gore! and kinky about like Arthas toying with you two during. yummy?

    How many more parts to go? I mean I know the quests but..

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