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  1. #41
    Field Marshal Mourbid's Avatar
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    California, USA
    Posts like this make me want to sit down and fiddle with Power Auras on all of my toons. Then the moment passes due to laziness and I happily use settings others have made, so...thanks for the hard work!
    But we fell in love, again.
    This time forever!
    True love prevails over all!
    ...She got hit by a truck.

  2. #42
    Can someone Sticky this :P its really amazing.

  3. #43
    The Patient
    10+ Year Old Account
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    South Bay, CA
    Made a more informative and visible Dark Transformation Aura. Here it is:

    Version:4.5; icon:Spell_Shadow_Requiem; buffname:Shadow Infusion; unitn:pet; alpha:1; owntex:true; mine:true; spec1:false; size:0.16; optunitn:true; y:-111; texmode:2; stacks.enabled:true; stacks.y:-80; stacks.Transparent:true
    Version:4.5; b:0.2275; anim1:11; icon:Spell_Shadow_Requiem; buffname:Shadow Infusion; r:0.1686; unitn:pet; stacks:5; texture:94; alpha:1; mine:true; sound:47; stacksOperator:=; spec1:false; size:0.3; optunitn:true; y:-111; texmode:2; stacks.enabled:true; stacks.y:-80; stacks.Transparent:true

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundebuns View Post
    It's there with Icebound and Anti magic shell ^^ HB can sometimes go on CD, which is why i primarily stuck it with the lower CD moves :3
    After looking at his Power Aura's I'm basically setting it up for all my toons as I like the layout. I'm adjusting spells for each class since we all have different tastes of what we want to keep an eye on. A suggestion for Howling Blast is you can do something as to what I did for Death Strike. I have it where he had Lava Burst and when the spell is available it's big and opacity is at 100% when the runes are on cooldown it fades out and has a timer below it on the approximate time runes would be up (if no rune regeneration procs). If it comes up early the spell comes back to visible and the timer is removed.

    If your interested in just seeing what I'm referring to here is the code for it. Mind you this is set to "Spec 1". Each of the individual triggers I have

    Edit -- Noticed that I didn't have "In Combat" marked so they appear out of combat too. Just check in combat and it'll fix it.

    Show's when Usuable:

    Version:4.5; b:0.9451; thresholdinvert:true; icon:Spell_DeathKnight_Butcher2; buffname:Death Strike; r:0.9686; begin:3; customname:Arcane Missiles; bufftype:7; texture:0; alpha:1; owntex:true; speed:2; threshold:3; PowerType:9; spec2:false; size:0.22; y:-185; texmode:2; finish:3
    Show's when not usuable:

    Version:4.5; b:0.9451; thresholdinvert:true; icon:Spell_DeathKnight_Butcher2; buffname:Death Strike; r:0.9686; begin:3; customname:Arcane Missiles; bufftype:7; texture:0; alpha:0.2; owntex:true; speed:2; threshold:3; PowerType:9; spec2:false; size:0.22; y:-185; texmode:2; inverse:true; finish:3; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-227; timer.x:-8; timer.Transparent:true
    Show's the timer of the rune's till available:

    Version:4.5; b:0.9451; thresholdinvert:true; icon:Spell_DeathKnight_Butcher2; buffname:Death Strike; r:0.9686; begin:3; customname:Arcane Missiles; bufftype:15; texture:0; alpha:0.2; aurastext: ; speed:2; threshold:3; PowerType:9; textaura:true; spec2:false; size:0.22; y:-185; texmode:2; inverse:true; finish:3; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-227; timer.x:-8; timer.Transparent:true
    Last edited by Lucetia; 2010-11-17 at 05:58 PM. Reason: Added in the combat note

  5. #45
    Fluffy Kitten Zao's Avatar
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    Since IT/PS less tanking is currently the way to go if both debuffs are give, I set my POWA to show me when either debuff is missing in a 5 man or raid. I just kinda slapped it on the screen so 99% of you will want to change the position/design of it. The general activation is alright though. (Yes, I know I didn't include Earthshock for the 20% attackspeed debuff)

    20% Attackspeed Debuff missing:

    Version:4.5; Instance25ManHeroic:true; target:true; icon:Spell_DeathKnight_FrostFever; buffname:Frost Fever/Thunderclap/Judgements of the Just/Infected Wounds; x:-60; customname:Frost Fever; bufftype:2; Instance10ManHeroic:true; Instance5Man:true; Instance25Man:true; Instance10Man:true; customtex:true; Instance5ManHeroic:true; size:0.23; inRaid:false; y:177; inverse:true

    10% Physical damage debuff missing:

    Version:4.5; Instance25ManHeroic:true; target:true; icon:Ability_Creature_Disease_03; buffname:Scarlet Fever/Demoralizing Shout/Vindication/Curse of Weakness/Demoralizing Roar; x:2; customname:Blood Boil; bufftype:2; Instance10ManHeroic:true; Instance5Man:true; Instance25Man:true; Instance10Man:true; customtex:true; Instance5ManHeroic:true; size:0.23; y:180; inverse:true

  6. #46

    First of all, thank you very much for these Power Aura-strings.

    And second, as I play as an Unholy Death Knight, I decided to add some that I didn't find in this thread. Here is the Unholy part of it

    Aura[97]=Version:4.9; icon:Spell_Shadow_Requiem; buffname:Shadow Infusion; groupany:false; unitn:pet; alpha:1; owntex:true; mine:true; spec1:false; size:0.16; optunitn:true; y:-111; texmode:2; stacks.enabled:true; stacks.y:-80; stacks.Transparent:true; stacks.h:1.2@
    Aura[98]=Version:4.9; b:0.2275; anim1:11; icon:Spell_Shadow_Requiem; buffname:Shadow Infusion; r:0.1686; groupany:false; unitn:pet; stacks:5; texture:94; alpha:1; mine:true; sound:47; stacksOperator:=; spec1:false; size:0.3; optunitn:true; y:-111; texmode:2; stacks.enabled:true; stacks.y:-80; stacks.Transparent:true; stacks.h:1.2@
    Aura[99]=Version:4.9; icon:Spell_Shadow_Requiem; buffname:Shadow Infusion; begin:3; groupany:false; unitn:pet; alpha:0.4; owntex:true; mine:true; spec1:false; size:0.14; optunitn:true; y:-111; texmode:2; finish:3; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:BOTTOM; timer.Transparent:true@
    Aura[100]=Version:4.9; g:0.898; icon:achievement_boss_festergutrotface; buffname:Dark Transformation; r:0.9059; groupany:false; unitn:Pet; texture:63; alpha:1; owntex:true; mine:true; soundend:42; spec1:false; size:0.16; optunitn:true; y:-111; texmode:2; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-139; timer.x:1; timer.Transparent:true@
    Aura[101]=Version:4.9; icon:Spell_DeathKnight_AntiMagicZone; buffname:Anti-Magic Zone; begin:3; x:-185; groupany:false; owntex:true; isResting:0; size:0.14; y:-123; texmode:2; finish:3; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-165; timer.x:-186; timer.Transparent:true@
    Aura[102]=Version:4.9; anim1:11; g:0.9843; icon:Spell_DeathKnight_AntiMagicZone; buffname:Anti-Magic Zone; r:0.1412; x:-185; groupany:false; texture:94; isResting:0; size:0.23; y:-123; finish:0@
    Aura[103]=Version:4.9; icon:Spell_DeathKnight_AntiMagicZone; buffname:Anti-Magic Zone; begin:3; x:-185; bufftype:15; alpha:0.4; owntex:true; isResting:0; spec1:false; size:0.14; y:-123; texmode:2; inverse:true; ismounted:0; finish:3; timer.h:0.8; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:BOTTOM; timer.x:-7; timer.Transparent:true@
    Aura[104]=Version:4.9; icon:spell_shadow_rune; buffname:Runic Corruption; begin:3; x:70; groupany:false; alpha:0.4; owntex:true; mine:true; spec1:false; size:0.14; y:-123; texmode:2; finish:3; timer.h:0.8; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:BOTTOM; timer.x:-7; timer.Transparent:true@
    Aura[105]=Version:4.9; b:0.8392; anim1:11; g:0; icon:spell_shadow_rune; buffname:Runic Corruption; x:70; groupany:false; unitn:pet; texture:94; mine:true; sound:23; spec1:false; size:0.23; y:-123; texmode:2@
    I also added support for DnD and Outbreak

    Version:4.9; icon:spell_deathvortex; buffname:Outbreak; begin:3; x:240; bufftype:15; alpha:0.4; owntex:true; isResting:0; size:0.14; y:-155; texmode:2; inverse:true; finish:3; timer.h:0.8; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:BOTTOM; timer.x:-7; timer.Transparent:true
    Version:4.9; icon:Spell_Shadow_DeathAndDecay; buffname:Death and Decay; begin:3; x:185; bufftype:15; alpha:0.4; owntex:true; isResting:0; soundend:23; size:0.14; y:-123; texmode:2; inverse:true; finish:3; timer.h:0.8; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:BOTTOM; timer.x:-7; timer.Transparent:true
    Version:4.9; b:0; anim1:11; g:0.2706; target:true; icon:Spell_Shadow_DeathAndDecay; buffname:Death and Decay; x:185; bufftype:2; texture:94; isResting:0; size:0.23; y:-123; finish:0
    I did however change the positioning a bit to fit it to my UI, but hopefully it will help someone as the TS helped me
    Last edited by Thorium; 2011-01-04 at 10:43 AM. Reason: Changed from QUOTE to CODE :)

  7. #47
    You're going to have to put it into code format, not quote, Thorium.:P

  8. #48
    If you would add time left on lichborne and blood shield buff (maybe in same column with ERW and Army) it would be really awesome!

  9. #49
    Fluffy Kitten Zao's Avatar
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    Ah, I forgot about this thread.

    That's good since I've recently stumpled upon an issue. I'm not that good at handling POWA, but maybe anybody else has an idea on how to make a timer to show me when the icd of WotN is over. So basically something that would pop up 45 seconds after WotN fades and stays there until it's procced again

  10. #50
    looking for an update

  11. #51
    Imported all of your stuff into my german client, and sadly, have to edit everything.
    Could you work with spell IDs, if you'd ever update this? would make it easier for none-english-clients
    Quote Originally Posted by Genganger View Post
    Often I just open the fridge instead of turning the lights on in the kitchen. I like that.

  12. #52
    I really like this and I am going to import your blood auras when I get home.

    I do currently track Horn of Winter with a power aura. Since it's the same as warrior Battle Shout, I set up an aura to track that using the same graphic as HoW. Set it up vice versa for my warrior.

  13. #53
    I have done the same thing in the past with Power Auras, but had to limit some of my Add-ons.

    So I started using Satrina Buffs since I was using it anyways. I will post a SS of it tonight when i get off. I play unholy, but it also can be configured for any buff/debuff information.

    Last edited by Keemen; 2011-04-01 at 10:30 PM.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Keemen View Post
    I have done the same thing in the past with Power Auras, but had to limit some of my Add-ons.

    So I started using Satrina Buffs since I was using it anyways. I will post a SS of it tonight when i get off. I play unholy, but it also can be configured for any buff/debuff information.
    Can't tell if serious...
    Quote Originally Posted by Genganger View Post
    Often I just open the fridge instead of turning the lights on in the kitchen. I like that.

  15. #55
    ^ rofl..........
    Profanity is the inevitable linguistic crutch of the inarticulate mother%$#@er.
    Jamboro: 110 SPriest, Jamb: 110 Blood DK, Jambori: 110 Prot. Warrior,Jambro: 110 Frost Mage, etc.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Keemen View Post
    I have done the same thing in the past with Power Auras, but had to limit some of my Add-ons.

    So I started using Satrina Buffs since I was using it anyways. I will post a SS of it tonight when i get off. I play unholy, but it also can be configured for any buff/debuff information.
    That's actually not close to what's going on with Power Auras in this thread. Plus it hurts my eyes.
    Beta Club Brosquad

  17. #57
    OK, here's my contribution. I use a macro to switch between blood and frost specs. But because of the spec change delay, I can't set the presence. So I have this power aura to put a huge skull on the screen to remind me to pick a presence.
    Version:4.16; g:0.9843; icon:Spell_Deathknight_BloodPresence; buffname:Presence; r:0.9765; texture:10; alpha:0.9; isResting:0; inVehicle:0; size:1.2; inverse:true; ismounted:0

  18. #58
    For some reason when i imported it it wont show up. Do i have to do something else?

  19. #59
    I fucking love you. Thanks a whole lot.

  20. #60
    been using it since its out! it helps a lot and its awwwwwwsome

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