
I've been tanking since vanilla and I love the new patch, but I'm a bit lost when it comes to stats.

I've been prioritizing like this:

Hit (chance to miss an 83 boss is 10%), think 8% hit?
Expertise to 26/26
Reforge Dodge to Mastery (I'm at 45% block atm).

But for the rest? Do I go for good all stamina or would it better to get more avoidance? I feel like I don't take much damage overall, but then sometimes I go low without a decent reason (last boss Gundrak in 251 gear...) and have to pop a cd.

I'm not looking for a clear-cut guide on "get that much parry, that much dodge, ...", but some guidance would be very much appreciated.

Reucht (and I'm in dps gear ofc, gah!)