1. #1

    Human hunter vs Night elf

    I Have a night elf hunter i am wondering would human be better so far i am leaning human the stealth detect and rep is really good and night elf just got shadowmeld and dodge.

  2. #2
    Depends on your playstyle. With shadowmeld and send pet command (plus prowl if you own a cat) you can use unique tactics in a battleground. It can also save your ass in PvE because it puts you out of combat instantly and mobs stop attacking and chasing you. (they will kill your pet anyway )
    Rep gain is good if you are a rep or achievement grinder, but if you are not it is not a big factor.
    Stealth detection is good for PvP, especially after 4.0.1 where everyone rolled a rogue to oneshot-kill people to cover for their inaptitude, but you will never be an alarm-o-bot, humans' racial increases stealth detection only by a small margin. Not a helpful ability for PvE
    Dodge... well it's pretty straoght forward. It is helpful in all situations, but not a life saving ability.

    So think about how you are going to play, what you are interested and pick the one that's most suitable for you. Both races and their racials are equally nice.

  3. #3
    personally, nightelf hunter. not a huge fan of human hunters, especially the pet they get as a new character. i just don't dig on human

  4. #4
    theres no more stealth detection sorry check it here http://www.wowpedia.org/Perception

  5. #5
    Orc. Racial per damage bonus for the win.
    Quote Originally Posted by sharpy View Post
    Ya i think Karadros got it right sadly..
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRagebear View Post
    Sylvanas is flawless and should be canonized as a saint.

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