Hello. I am new to mmo-champion forums and its my post, and I really want to devote myself to forum, even with my start

I'd like to ask your oppinions about a nice future I had in one of my previous online games, Cabal Online.

Future itself is simple, not only enabling visual effects, also choosing what kind of visual effects to enable. Such as "only my character", "only monsters", "me and monsters", "me and other players", "other players and monsters" etc etc..

When I have stepped into 25man raids and BG's, I'd though that would be an awasome future to improve the quality of our gaming experience, since too many effects may lower our PC performence.

Ofcourse this future need some edit to make itself fit to WoW, such game mechanics as Defile, or Hungering Cold are important to see. But I believe It will bring really nice flexibility to the game.

What are your oppinions, is it worth to support it?

Cheers, Nathrizarri