Tom Tom Addon on Curse (For Coordinates)

How to Defeat Hogger

Step 1: Hogger will be very difficult to defeat, so gather up a 10 man raid of 85s.
Step 2: You must locate him at (24,93) in Elwyn Forest OR You can find him in the Stockade located at (22,25).
Both are VERY hard to defeat.
Step 3: Make sure you have a balanced raid, be sure to have at least 3 healers!
Step 4: Once you have located him, make sure everyone is buffed up and ready to go.
Step 5: ENGAGE IN FIGHTING! He has a knockdown ability so tank may not hold aggro if he gets knocked down!
Step 6 (If You make it here): Loot his dead corpse, and proceed to dance on his dead body.


You have successfully defeated the legendary Hogger.
If you defeated him in Elwyn Forest, Enjoy your loot of X amount of Linen Cloth & X amount of Copper

If you defeated him in The Stockades, Enjoy your loot of 1 of 3 blues!

Best wishes on your Conquest do defeat Hogger!

Good Luck & Godspeed.