Super short, and Super sweet!
(Requires sibling/family member etc. that knows the basics of gathering, and has free time on their hands. Preferably younger, since they're easier to convince that gold is a good trade-off for wasting the time they could be spending in leveling their own character..)

Simply tell said youngun'- "I'll pay you X amount of gold per skill-up." Then go to sleep/work/lunch/etc. And it doesn't necessarily have to be gold. If they work for gummy bears nickels, even better! This is a great way to avoid the drudgery of skilling up the low level stuff.

Note of caution- unless you're CERTAIN they aren't going to get mixed up, I'd stick to gathering. Otherwise you may end up with 400 Enchanting Vellum and still be at 450 skill...

Do hope you enjoy, and find it as useful as i have!