My guide to getting exalted with Sporeggar.

Bring Me A Shrubbery!
World of Warcraft is currently the most widely played video game with an online population that reaches roughly twelve million gamers. So why do more people play this game than there are people in Greece? It is because there is so much to do in the game. You can level a range of characters of different races and classes, fight epically hard bosses that require huge raid groups and precise coordination, and even fight other players. One thing that developer Blizzard has added to the game is a wide range of factions that you may gain reputation with. Of these factions, there are a couple obscure ones. Of the obscure, there is the most obscure: Sporeggar.
The Sporeggar faction is a race of fungus people found in the Zangarmarsh zone. Many people shunt aside the aspect of gaining reputation with them for many reasons. Some people do not want any of the rewards that come with becoming exalted with them. Others do not wish to put in the effort. Most people, though, simply do not know how to become loved by the little Sporelings. So why bother at all? The answer: the rewards that can be purchased after gaining their trust.
Sporeggar offers many excellent rewards for becoming exalted with them. Some of these rewards include: a pattern to craft a rather large bag for herbologists, a tiny Spore Bat companion that will follow you around, and, my personal favorite, a tabard depicting the mighty mushroom that represents their people. Nothing satisfies me more than killing an opposing player and knowing he must look up at my fungal tabard. So how hard is it to become a kin of Sporeggar? It is a very long and hard process, unless you follow this easy guide. In this guide, I will teach you how to become exalted with Sporeggar in as little as one day!
There are many different levels of reputation in WoW. It takes different amounts of reputation to gain different statuses. The Sporelings are not a friendly race to begin with. You begin your affiliation with them at Unfriendly status. Unfriendly takes three-thousand reputation until you reach Neutral. Another three-thousand will take you from Neutral to Friendly. Six-thousand more reputation and you become Honored. From Honored, it takes twelve-thousand more reputation to become Revered. After Revered, you need an additional twenty one-thousand to reach Exalted, and can finally get your Sporeggar Tabard.
Since you start off Unfriendly with the Sporelings, they will refuse to talk to you. You must first do quests for someone outside of the faction that still rewards you with Sporeggar reputation. Head over to Zangarmarsh in Outland and head east of The Spawning Glen. There you will find someone named Fahssn. He offers two quests for you that are repeatable up until Friendly status. The best part about the quests is that they can be completed at the same time.
The first quest is Natural Enemies. This requires you to go into the Spawning Glen and kill bog lords. On top of the bog lords giving you 15 reputation per kill, they drop Bog Lord Tendrils, which are used to complete this quest. Six tendrils lands you seven-hundred fifty reputation. The drop rate is pretty high, around 70%. Completing this quest won’t take you long at all.
The second quest is The Sporelings’ Plight. For this quest, you simply have to venture around the Spawning Glen and gather Mature Spore Sacs, which are dotted about. Ten sacs nets you another seven-hundred fifty reputation.
Once again, these quests are repeatable only until Friendly, so do any combination of the two quests eight times. After you’re Friendly, Fahssn will offer you a quest called Sporeggar. This quest tells you to go north to Sporeggar and meet the leader of the Sporelings, Msshi’fn. The quest also gives you seven-hundred fifty reputation for free when you get there.
At this point, you should be somewhere around one thousand reputation into Friendly. Once again, you have two choices of quests to do that are repeatable all the way until you’re done. One is offered by Msshi'fn. The other is offered by Gzhun'tt, which is right next to Msshi'fn, so no extra travel is required.
Your first choice is called Bring Me A Shrubbery!. This quests calls for you to venture into the dungeon, Underbog, and gather Sanguine Hibiscus. Underbog is usually reserved for a group of five people around level sixty-five, but a player at level eighty, the current maximum level, shouldn’t have any problem tackling it alone. The hibiscus are scattered throughout the dungeon floor, as well as dropped by the enemies that fill the dungeon. The drop rate is around 30%. The enemies killed also give you fifteen reputation with the Cenarian Enclave, which gives you a boost if you want to get Exalted with them next. On an average run, you should get around ten to fifteen hibiscus, more on a good run. It takes five hibiscus to complete the quest and gain access to Bring Me Another Shrubbery!, the repeatable version. Each turn-in gives you seven-hundred fifty reputation. Depending on how far along you are in Friendly, you should need a total of fifty to fifty-two turn-ins, around two-hundred fifty to two-hundred sixty hibiscus, to reach Exalted. A couple hours of grinding, depending on how fast you are, and you’re done!
The second quest option is more popular for players of lower levels, because it does not require you to solo Underbog. Now That We’re Friends… requires you to go north of Sporeggar to the Bloodscale Enclave and kill naga. You must kill twelve Bloodscale Slavedrivers and six Bloodscale Enchantresses. You will get seven-hundred fifty reputation for turning this quest in and gain access to the repeatable version, Now That We’re Still Friends…. This method is somewhat slower in my opinion, but it is an option. You should need to turn this quest in around fifty times, which means you have to kill three-hundred Bloodscale Enchantresses and six-hundred Bloodscale Slavedrivers, give or take a few. You have to travel back to Sporeggar every time you complete the quest to start the repeatable one.
Congratulations! If you’ve followed this guide, you should be Exalted with the little fungi. There is one more step to do before you can get your rewards: you have to get Sporeggar money to buy them. Sporeggar currency consists of mushrooms called Glowcaps that are scattered around Western Zangarmarsh. Simply speak to Mycah, Quartermaster of Sporeggar, to find out how many you need to gather. Different rewards require a different amount of Glowcaps.
Once again, congratulations. You are now Exalted with Sporeggar and you may proudly display your Sporeggar Tabard. Now it is time for you to get into the Battlegrounds and smile as your enemies cry; they have just been killed by someone loved by mushrooms!