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  1. #41
    Guess what: Not every spec is balanced around damage output.

    I know, it's shocking..

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Kangodo View Post
    Not really

    To give a better answer:
    Cata is just out for 3 weeks or so, there are hardly any people raiding and there is not enough information available to nerf/buff dps.
    How there's not enough information? Developers know "desired" dps for each tier of progression, they know all gear they're going to add in the expansion, and they know abilities of each class. Desired dps and gear are constant, so they nead to tweak abilities.

    If even players can make DPS simulators, I don't know why developers can't calculate all possible gear/buff/abilities combinations.

    Actually, if developers declared what they consider excellent/decent/good DPS for every class for each gear tier, it would be much easier for everyone, players wouldn't worry why they do less dps than other classes, and so on.
    Last edited by Against the Modern World; 2010-12-27 at 02:23 PM.
    Life is short Glory is eternal

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Rockmahparty View Post
    Guess what: Not every spec is balanced around damage output.

    I know, it's shocking..

    Different specs gives different play methods, control, survability. Pure damage output, THIS is exactly WHAT balances classes.
    Overtuned on some classes/specs though

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Rockmahparty View Post
    Guess what: Not every spec is balanced around damage output.

    I know, it's shocking..
    True, but what do i bring as bm, as no other classes can bring? what makes my guild want me as a bm hunter? doing 15k dps, bringing nothing as we dont have already, instead of this surv hunter doiing 20k dps?

    For a 10 man view, i agree, for a 25 man view, thats just stupid, since you will have all buffs anyways (atleast if its a guild run)
    IGN Joe FC: 1908 - 0405 - 5213

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Baikalsan View Post
    I still don't understand why there aren't seperate pve and pvp talent trees. They could be the same talents just balanced differently. And as soon as you go into Arena/BG/Tol Barad it switches to your preferred PvP tree........

    cmon how hard could it be?

    "Blizzard is a massive multibillion dollar company, you don't think they've looked at every angle?

    Where do you get this information that it'd be so easy? "

    Have you look at WoW recently how many major screw ups and idiotic things blizzard does to the game? Multibillion or not, there are not perfect.
    Because they're servers can support that kind of change? This isn't just human incapability, this is hardware capability also.

    Just because a FIX hasn't happened YET, does NOT mean that Blizzard ISN'T working on a fix. The longer they take to fix something, the BETTER it will be.

    Note: Better does NOT mean perfect, for perfect is unattainable.

  6. #46
    Pandaren Monk GeordieMagpie's Avatar
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    I'd LOVE that to happen..but..Scaling all classes to be equal is really hard and each class/spec needs to stand out. Like unholy is the disease/pet spec but Frost is the burst damage spec.

    ---------- Post added 2010-12-27 at 02:20 PM ----------

    Oh, and how can I forget, PvP balancing=hard.

  7. #47
    Simple: because it's a party game. You aren't alone in dungeons and raid, you have to combine the skills of multiple classes to overcome bosses. otherwise every class would have a combat ress spell, healing spell etc.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by dracco4heads View Post
    True, but what do i bring as bm, as no other classes can bring? what makes my guild want me as a bm hunter? doing 15k dps, bringing nothing as we dont have already, instead of this surv hunter doiing 20k dps?

    For a 10 man view, i agree, for a 25 man view, thats just stupid, since you will have all buffs anyways (atleast if its a guild run)
    Why would you wanna go PvP with a Survival hunter instead of a BM hunter? What use has intimidation on a raid boss?

    I think that is "meant to be". Not every spec is viable for every role ingame. One build is meant to shine in PvP and one build is meant to shine in PvE. In return for your lower BM dps you get more survivability tools.
    I won't be raiding as sub on my rogue and I wont PvP prot on my pally.

  9. #49
    If they balanced all the specs people would whine about that :c "All specs are equal, you cant tell whos the nub now!!!!".

  10. #50
    so you want balance?
    -you can't give a class or spec who has powerful stealth, stuns and snares the same damage as a class who does not have all that powerful stuff
    -you can't make a class or spec with very good survivability be able to do the same damage as a class that has worse defense
    -technically you can but if you do, then you create a freaking op spec like ferals, and yes pvp screws everything up

  11. #51
    Well, blizzard has said them self that they want all classes / specs to be viable, but bm nor MM is viable in pve atm, and ppl say none of our 3 specs is viable in pvp, (i dont agree in that tho)
    IGN Joe FC: 1908 - 0405 - 5213

  12. #52
    class balance is not easy. if you think so, numbers please.

  13. #53
    well what i would love to know is why is there such a huge different between different dps classes? I am far from asking for all dps to be equal but doing almost the same dps shouldnt be that hard to do. I am saying this mainly because i noticed the enourmous difference between my elemental shaman`s dps and my fury warrior`s dps i find the elemental shaman much much more complicated then the warrior that is without mentioning all the cc etc u have to do on top of the dps. I mean my warrior owns my shaman and he just dinged level 85 2 days ago. Its only about the dps output its also about the recources u have to manage for example the shaman class has mana as elemental u have to worrie about casting aoe spells because if u cast them on every group of mobs (on boss fights ) u will run out of mana and u will become totally usless. Warriors on the other hand have never ever ever worrie about rage because u can always make more one way or another. Not only this but the elemental shamans last talent is an aoe which is hadrly beeing used in most fights and hardly has any purpose mainly again because of the huge mana cost. Dont get me wrong i am up for a challenge but the effort i have to put into doing a `good` job as an elemental shaman with proper gear is much much greater then the effort i have to put into dpsing as a warrior as a result i feel happier when i dps on my war mainly because i dont have to stress up and just chill while doing good job with the tools i have at my disposal.

  14. #54
    Blizzard is trying to do so and a number of the changes made for cataclysm will make it easier to do so but the problem is so complex that it won't ever be perfect. Two different specs might be balanced in 333 gear when starting heroics but unbalanced at 359 raid gear. Now they could go in and start changing this to balance them in 359 gear but at the same time they want to make sure it doesn't break PVP in some way, make a single stat too important or cause scaling issues and cause problems in the next tier of gear. They also need to make sure that tweaks for one spec don't end up affecting the other specs for that class if they use some of the same spells/abilities.

    Even beyond that, different classes will perform differently in response to different fight mechanics. Trying to get everyone performing identically across everything is just going to result in the classes all become so similar that there aren't really any differences between them.
    Last edited by evan_s; 2010-12-27 at 10:29 PM.

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by dracco4heads View Post
    I honestly dont understand why some specs is always better than others, take ex hunter. Survival 20k dps, mm and bm is 15k dps. I dont quite understand why blizzard cant scale it so all 3 specs does 20k, or 15k, or W/E they want, i personaly dont find it hard, specaly not since we got mastery. EX bm does to low dps? increases the value of mastery from 1.7 to 2.0, and now bm is on par.

    This is a sligth QQ threat, yes,(Mainly becouse i want to play bm in pve, but stay on top of dps) But i want to know what you think about this? is it realy that hard to balance classes specs?
    Do you really not understand the difficulty of balancing 30 different specs in pvp and pve? Especially seeing how every new patch requires new tweaking for old stats.. take into the account that a majority of the specs are vastly different from one another, meaning they use all sorts of different spells. For example, arcane is entirely single target whereas fire has AoE capabilities, It's hard to balance two different specs like that even, yet they still do manage to get some of it correct.

  16. #56
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    Just as everyone said : PVP, I don't think there is any other reason but PVP
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  17. #57
    Because Blizz knows that Survival is the only true Hunter spec.

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