1. #1

    PvP guide for Mmo-contest

    Comedian’s PvP Guide


    PvPing is like a hobby too many and a lifestyle to the elite.The basics for pvping are known to everyone like eat well exercise often etc. you get the point.So lets begin the trip through the magical world of PvPcraft as we talk strategy and pwnage from battleground to arenas “Background applaud”

    Chapter 1:Battlegrounds and you

    There are currently 8 released bg’s known ( Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm, Alterac Valley, Strand of the Ancients, Isle of Conquest, Twin peaks and Battle of Gilneas). In this guide I will explain tactics and strategies for the 10man and 15man bg’s since 40man rated bg’s got cancelled during beta so no alterac nor isle of conquest. Made my life easier xD

    Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks

    There are many many tactics for warsong since it is the most common bg’s (and the bg choice for most pvp video’s) and that’s because none of them guarantee you the victory (this applies for all bg’s) but I can safely say the lowest percent give you the tactics that involve zerging or mindlessly chasing people because “I PWN!!” or “look at me I am smokinnn!!” and stuff like that.So throughout some test’s I found that the best tactics are the following :

    1) Divide and Conquer: So now you are at the starting line waiting for the bg to start saying things like “omg 30 sec c’mon MOVE IT!!” or “I forgot to pack my lunch hmm or maybe not?” or even “WTF is this editor saying”. Anyways when the bg starts move to your positions. For this tactic to work you must have 1 tank and 2 stealthers( or 3 that is your choice NOT LESS!!) and 3-4 healers rest dps range and melee accordingly to your likeing although ranged tend to increase the win-ratio when team battles are engaged. So 2 dps preferably paladins go mid to engage the enemy. They are the force that tries to ruin the enemies tactic either by slowing them down or by killing some key members to their tactics. 2 dps and a healer stay base for defend (dps should be melee) and the remaining ( Including the stealthers) rush to the flag. The key to this tactic is to reach to the flag before the enemy and carry it as close to your teams graveyard as possible so when eventually you meet up with the other team caring your flag (hopefully the force we stalled before bought you enough time ) engage you and when someone dies graveyard is near and you can re-engage the battle as fast as possible. Needless to say you are all focusing the enemy flag carrier till you return the flag and of course capture the enemies flag. Now this tactic is like an intro and when I say intro I mean you follow this tactic to the very begging maybe one or two more times after that then you follow a different tact.

    2) Full-on assault and defend: This is fairly simple and easy to understand so grab a notebook and a pen and listen up.All the 10man raid rushes to the flag completely avoiding contact with the enemy and altogether return the flag to your teams base.Now by the time you get to you base you might meet up with the enemy which is best to do so only when you have a better team in means of crowd control and heavy burst damage in any other situation avoid team fights.
    When you find a good waiting spot and you are all settled in 2 healers, 1 dps and the tank who is holding the flag stay at base for def rest rush at the enemy flag carrier and nuke his a** off . Simple and often effective tactic

    3) Map control: Now this tactic is effective when you can absolutely know that in team fights you got the upper hand. Basically you go mid nuking anyone and stoping them from reaching your flag and a couple of members (of your choice ) go for the enemy flag. If the enemy team does manage do get hold of your flag the raid grouop is splitted to a simple-minded offence defence group. Offence hunts down the flag carrier while def stays to protect the flag.

    Some general notes about these 10man bgs : Flag carring should be done by a tank but whne at base a lock is best to hold it because of his teleport spell (only when skilled with that spell) you can always swtch when teleport is on cd. Also in case an enemy does return the flag try to keep the attackers slowed so you delay them as much as possible even nuking the down if possible. Letting speed buff for flag carriers is simply a must while the berserk and healing buffs should be situational only ( this includes everyone )

    Arathi Basin

    This battleground is all about def and good communication so keep chat cleared or log to a vent in order to succeed that. We can break the tact into two parts, the offensive and the defensive, which are almost common to every tact known no matter how you break 15 people into smaller groups. Lumber Mill is usually an alliance favorite and Mine is a horde base but you can always break the tradition

    1)Offensive part: First things first this bg allows you to mount up before the battle begins so do it to save time reaching the flag. Now arrange your teammates into reasonable groups and send them to the desired base. Horde usually go for blacksmith apart from Mine so if you’re alliance be sure to keep this in mind. In offence you divide the group in teams that are NOT less than 3 because a 2 –man cell team is easily overpowered but there is the exception of the ninja’s like rogues and ferals. Try to cap 3 bases because that’s needed to win. Blacksmith gives you points faster than other bases but cannot surpass 2 bases so don’t cap 1 base and bs and expect to win. Send fewer people at farm and more a mine or mill or blacksmith (this is your choice depending on the enemy forces). If you want to keep up the offensive for the entire game even after you capped 2-3 bases you just go zerg other bases but always leave some members behind to guard.

    2)Defensive part: This is the most popular choice of team play and the most successful one, the expression ‘Defence is the Best offence’ fits perfectly here (Nice I am about ready to become an author xD) . After you have capped 3 bases this tact comes to play. Leave 5 players in each base or maybe 5 mine-mill 3 farm-lumber(depends on whether you are alliance or Horde) and 7 at bs because when you have all settled in that’s the most wanted base of all hence the constant attacking. Always always report incoming enemies on bases so that they can prep and also maybe reinforcements can be send to help them if by your standards you think you will be overwhelmed. For example if you are horde and you are makin a 3-7-5 tact (3 farm 7 bs 5 mine) and mine is under attack by a massive force send reinforcements from bs like 2-3 and 1 from farm DO NOT send everyone. If an enemy base is lightly guarded use the opportunity and send stealthers to cap it don’t send other members because they can simply report you inc and kill your teammates. Classes like Shamans, Hunters, Locks, Priests can use skills like Far Sight, Eagles Eye and Eye of Killrog to spot inc faster thus gaining 1-2 mins more for defence preparations.

    Tips: If you cap Lumber mill you can guard it with fewer people with you have elementals or boomkins or even locks and mages because of the knockback abilities capable of wiping an entire raid if used from a high position. Use flasks and potions in order to create a more powerful attack-defence. Take advantage of the buffs in each base. Make smart use of rocks and bushes and stuff like that to hide so that in case of an attack the enemy will think that the abse you are hiding is lightly defended and send only 1-2 members to cap it.

    Eye of the Storm

    Eye of the Storm is a combination of Arathi and Warsong alike so tactics involving both bg’s are included. Don’t use tactics that involve grabbing the flag without even controlling any base and don’t rush to all bases without defending the ones you have. So depending on how good your teamwork is you can use the following tacts:

    1)Fast and Furious: This tact is usually the hardest since rated battlegrounds are not even close to the randomness that the normal bg’s offer and 90% of the enemies are organized. So basically you avoid the flag completely and rush to bases grap the 2 closest to your then leave 1 in each and attack the next 2 in a full-frontal attack till the enemies loose everything and are stuck to their graveyard.Then cap flags to gain faster points. 4 base give you 3 points per sec and capping a flag when controlling 4 bases gives you 500 points.

    2)Safe play : Send 2 groups to gain control of the 2 closest bases to your starting point ( Blood elf tower and Fel reaver Ruins for horde and Dranei Ruins and Mage Tower for alliance). The third 5-man cell group will move to flag once the bases are taken and cap them. The groups defending bases MUST at all times report incoming so that the group fighting for the flag can rush there and help.

    3)Just the Three of us: Battleground Style. 3 groups, 5 in each grap and gain control of 3 bases. You will probably need more at the base that’s closest to your enemies starting point because the attacks there will be frequent. But don’t forget to report inc because after one or two failed attempts at your base attackers will change their target. Don’t bother going for flag because you loose to much man-power ( from your defences )

    Tips: Elementals and Moonkins and blah blah blah can support the third group easily because it is a long way down from the flag. Running tacts can be used easily here like druid;s cat from and ghost wolf because flags are not main priority and thus flag carriers don’t get attacked that much ( not like Warsong at least ).

    Battle for Gilneas City

    The last of the 10man bg, this bg is different from his brothers ( Warsong and Twin peaks) and more similar to arathi basin since it is a mini-arathi basin battle. Kinda clostophobic bg but pretty damn awesome. You don’t have to run long ways to reach an enemy base or yours and team work is easier.

    1)The Juggernaut effect: Just gather your group and run from base to base simply destroying everything in your path an take control of bases. A mindless tact of its own but sometimes effective due to how small the map is you can push your enemies to their graveyard and keep them there. Once in this point in case an enemy escapes and tries to take base send 1-3 to go defend it.

    2)Family Business: Nothing to do with families but about the teamwork needed for this tact. Group 1 takes control of the closest base to their starting point ( Lighthouse for alliance mine for horde) and defend them. Reporting inc is crucial since attacks will be fast and frequent. The send 2-3 to aid the attacked base in battle and return when the danger has passed.

    Tips: In case you get overpowered the enemy will tend to ground you to your graveyard let stealthers escape if possible and send them to the remotest enemy base so you can save some time trying to push back the attackers.

    Strand of the Ancients

    A unique bg since it doesn’t copy the play-style of other battlegrounds. You have many sources utilize here like demolishers and seaforium charges. Can support up to 15 players and some mobs too apparently (There are sharks and some other mobs in the water). There are no tactics here only good use of the provided utilities. The only thing you can call tactic is the difference between defence offence and you need to know both since you play both of them during the bg.

    Defence: Defenders start at the flag outside of the yellow gate. Now you can divide the raid however you like just make sure that both the blue and green gate is equally protected. Turrets should always be used ( and use it to blow away demolishers not players). Everyone should focus on Demolishers and take them down as fast as possible. Stealthers should disarm the seaforium and then help with demolishers. Demolishers can be slowed and rooted so use your snare abilities carefully. If a gate is heavily damaged try to send reinforcements from one get to another ( this should only happen if a demolisher from for example goes from the blue gate to green making harder the green gate defender to destroy the demolishers). It is kinda tricky when you have too divide the group but when (and if) the enemies reach the yellow gate you ccan have 15 players together so it is easier for you to defend.

    Offence: Attackers start at their respect faction boat. Players are randomly placed so making groups is not a good idea. Communication is important because groups are scattered and instead you get two big groups and in case a group does not have a healer switches should be done ( when I say group I mean the people that one boat contains) . Now Demolishers should be driven by melee and 1 healer and 1 caster should mount on the demolisher. ( This will make the caster and the healer untargetable thus allowing them full power casting without interrupting their casts. Melee that are not on demolishers should grap seaforium and carry them to the gate and stay there till they explode because enemies will try to disarm them. Dispell work on demolishers so you them wisely. Casters on the demolisher should focus on the dps targeting our demolisher while the ones that roam free should help the melee while trying to nuke the Turrets. Stealthers should rush to a graveyard to take it when a gate is broken.

    Tips: Casters that can use roots and slow and kockbacks should mount demolishers because this will help demos to be freed from melee pursuits. Crowd control is a must. If you are defence try to protect your graveyards because this will delay opponents. If you are driving a demolisher try to use it’s pushback ability to delay the melee ( only if you haven’t reached the gate )


    I meant to make a chapter two about arenas but seems I lack of time . I hope this guide will help you with rated battlegrounds ( I know it helped me at least xD). Don’t have really anything more to say so thanks for reading and keep PvPing true to your heart ( unless you aggro your wife about it )
    Last edited by mmoc54c03517a3; 2010-12-27 at 05:49 PM.

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