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  1. #61
    Wow, great guide! Nice work

  2. #62
    Great guide! I didn't read any other posts on this topic but as a Boomkin I must add that druids have also a second interrupt (Solar beam) if they have picked the talent.

  3. #63
    you forgot that paladins can turn evil (fear) demons and undead

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Wapetufo View Post
    Two things . Fear is NOT lasting 20 seconds, from what ive been seeing from my own fear. Most of mine are only lasting between 10 and 15 seconds ( if anyone can correct me on this feel free ).
    If your Fears are breaking before the 20 seconds, then you need more hit. As a Warlock I am soft capped at 14% and my Fears never break early unless the target is damaged.

    Also, I use a macro for Fear and/or Banish using Focus so I can add one key stroke to my rotation to keep my cc target immobile without taking a big pause out of my rotation or switching targets from the main target:

    /showtooltip Fear
    /cast [target=focus] Fear

    You do have to remember to set up your cc target as Focus before hand.

    This macro also allows me to target a second mob (i.e. an elemental) and throw a Banish; thereby cc'ing a second mob. If really needed, I could have my Succubus out and have her Seduce a third mob. So, Yes; Warlocks are kings of cc in Cata.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Zubius View Post
    Rogue can't Vanich-reSap after pull. Mob is already in combat, Sap requires ooc.
    second. but you can blind your target after sap wears off thats what i do.

  6. #66
    Nice read great job keeping it simple yet informative.

    As a hunter who traps pulls first a nice side bonus is while in Camo, ALL mobs will converge on you if you are first on the agro table. Meaning I am unable to take range spells so they all converge on me. I usually trap first, then mage or what ever is in group, remaing mobs are heading for me the tank just peels them off me where ever we are going to fight them safe enough not to break non cc'd mobs.

    Hunters just remember between pulls (when in good groups) that your tanks rage will be diminishing, mine is always keeping me on my toes as the first puller be ready for it.

    I enjoyed reading your guide thanks for the effort.
    Its fine to be nostalgic of Vanilla WoW, but its completely foolish to want it back.

  7. #67
    LOAD"*",8,1 Fuzzzie's Avatar
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    Great work on the guide. I've added a link to it in the Raid & Dungeons useful threads sticky.

  8. #68
    Quite a bad guide, to be honest, and I don't mean to be hatin', but it's rather incomplete. For instance, hunter traps have a shorter CD when talented, while both CD's for it say 30seconds. Talented I believe is about 24. Also Warriors have Shield Bash as an interrupt as well. And BM Hunters have intimidate, which could be an interrupt with a bit of fantasy.

  9. #69
    Best guide so far tbh and by far the most useful :> btw, just an addition is for tanks/markers to try the addon Quickmark, really helped me a lot while marking especially on accidental group pulls

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Bairyhalls View Post
    Nice read, really enjoyed it, being that my main is a tank just one question: can undeads be feared? cause im pretty sure they couldnt a while ago, while i havent checked up on it recently...
    Some can, though its pretty random. Dont ever count on fear working on an undead, or enslave demon working on all demons, just found out enslave demon works on some boss trash in HoO heroic, setesh I think is the boss with the demon trash, they can be enslaved by a warlock.

    ---------- Post added 2011-01-08 at 05:30 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Mythiasis View Post
    If your Fears are breaking before the 20 seconds, then you need more hit. As a Warlock I am soft capped at 14% and my Fears never break early unless the target is damaged.

    Also, I use a macro for Fear and/or Banish using Focus so I can add one key stroke to my rotation to keep my cc target immobile without taking a big pause out of my rotation or switching targets from the main target:

    /showtooltip Fear
    /cast [target=focus] Fear

    You do have to remember to set up your cc target as Focus before hand.

    This macro also allows me to target a second mob (i.e. an elemental) and throw a Banish; thereby cc'ing a second mob. If really needed, I could have my Succubus out and have her Seduce a third mob. So, Yes; Warlocks are kings of cc in Cata.
    It really depends on some factors you cant see I think, resistances or something maybe just RNG period. Im over hit cap for heroic and fear will break at seemingly random times, I always try and position myself near the mob (not to near) in case it happens I can shadowfury and refear or just recast if its about to break. Its good to have some sort of add on that warns when cc is about to break also.
    Last edited by Nexxia; 2011-01-08 at 05:30 PM.

  11. #71
    You are my personal god-hero.

  12. #72
    I don't know if any one mentioned it, but Sheep is not the CC king for 1 more reason. It gets the mob to 100% hp instantly and this is bad if u want to get a 50%hp mob out of the fight (for some reason, like the tank is dead). Also quite useful to know that in Grim Batol (I've been there with a mage that kept on sheeping the 10%hp humanoids -.- ). As a shaman I feel that I need to write that Hex is way better in this case ^^

  13. #73
    Nice read, really enjoyed it, being that my main is a tank just one question: can undeads be feared? cause I'm pretty sure they couldn't a while ago, while i haven't checked up on it recently...
    Its strange since I remember when blizz announced way back when undead couldn't. SOME undead can be cced via fear.
    Example: the undead in halls of origination can be. The ghosts in SFK cannot be, however the skeletons can be.

    This is like how most humanoids in grim batol can't be seduced. Its just a strange rule.

    I'm sure there are other strange rules. ("mini boss" trash don't count as they are immune to all cc)

    Nice guide, I really love that table that shows all the interupts and CCs.
    I don't know. Something.

  14. #74
    Good guide. There was some talk over on a Youtube Video about CC (I think it was one of the Azeroth dailies) where people where getting their knickers in a knot about having to sheep something other than moon. Many people were like "AMG UR CHANGING THE ESTABLISHED ORDER". As a raid leading tank, I will change those marks to what is required for the situation, and to keep players on their toes. Thanks for not spouting the standard diatribe about "SHEEP IS MOON, K" and other nonsense, and rather enforcing the idea that communication is key (Of course, I communicate with my teammates either in chat or on vent).

  15. #75
    i hope for the love of god you dont normaly CC all the mobs every pull, like on the screenshot o.o

  16. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by guymn999 View Post
    would just like to say, fear does not work on undead. nice guide either way though!
    Paladins can fear undead.

  17. #77
    This is a good start. If you do decide to work on the guide more, here are some thoughts on Rogue CC. Some of this may be too detailed for your purposes but I'll let you make that call.

    Sap is often under-utilized. It's true it can not be re-applied in combat, but with the glyph it lasts a full 2 minutes and 20 seconds. That is the longest PvE CC in game, and requires no effort or dps loss to apply. Even with a low dps group most trash pulls don't even come close to lasting that long. Given that glyphs are easily swapped around these days, ask your rogue to glyph sap before you start the run, and you'll have bought yourself some insurance.

    2 minutes and 20 seconds is a REALLY LONG TIME.
    Tanks should choose kill order based on the situation. If the sap is safely away from the group, you might want to go ahead and break the sheep that is wandering around right next to you, freeing up the mage to focus on dps. The default mentality of "kill the sap as soon as possible" doesn't really apply when sap has a duration that will let you kill everything in the pull, run to the store, buy a coke and come back before it breaks. Too often I see panicky mages and hunters decide to start trapping and sheeping a perfectly safe sap when their own cc target winds up under fire or running around in the tank's aoe. While the thought is appreciated, this isn't really needed. If things go bad, but the sap target is safely away from the group and in no danger of being broken, focus on dpsing the kill target. Chances are your healer and tank have their hands full Right Now, and killing something quickly is the best thing you can do for the situation. Spending time re-ccing something that has over 2 minutes of control left on it is a waste. Of course if you have reason to believe that it may get broken early, go for it. Every situation is different. The key is learning to look at whats going on right in front of you rather than blindly following some predetermined kill order.

    Learn what the animation for sap looks like, especially if you are a Tank, Hunter, Mage, or anyone else who uses CC to pull. Sap has one of the more subtle animations in the game. Learn the difference between Distract and Sap. I've seen many a wipe caused by someone confusing a Distract for a Sap and pulling early. Since Rogue cc was pretty much never used in Wrath, it's understandable that players may not know or remember what it looks like. Take a minute to learn.

    Blind is a great emergency CC as well, unfortunately it also has a fairly subtle animation. While I personally use it quite a bit in 5 mans, it's usually wasted when someone overwrites it with a different more obvious cc, or the tank simply breaks it because he/she didn't notice the mob was under control and thought it needed to be tanked. Still, if you're playing a rogue, having a mouse-over macro for blind is well worth your time.

    Finally, Distract. It's very situational but it is a nice way to simplify cc on a patrol group. Distracting a group in an ideal position for a pull gives time to finish marking and makes it a hair easier on the the CC'er who needs to cast. It is by no means necessary, but is certainly a nice "perk" and it's a great way to keep a pat from wandering away before the group is ready to pull.
    Last edited by lumen222; 2011-01-08 at 06:51 PM.

  18. #78
    Hunter's cc : Scare Beast, Scatter Shot, Wing Clip, Freezing Trap, Ice Trap, Concussive Shot

    cc with talent:

    Beastmaster: Intimidation
    Marksmanship: Concussive Barrage, Silencing Shot
    Survival: Entrapment,Wyvern Sting.

    To complete hunter's cc don't forget pet's skills and talents.

    I hope that help you to complete your guide.

  19. #79
    Your list missed a lot of stuff.

    I've been working on a list like this for about 3 weeks

  20. #80
    Pit Lord Beet's Avatar
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    So many of you guys are missing the point and just completely wrong. Like those of you claiming HoJ, Avengers Shield, and Disarm are CC.. They're NOT by the way! Stuns are not what most consider to be counted as CC, neither are things like Blind because of it's extremely short duration. And disarm counted as CC? Really? =\

    Good guide though OP!

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