1. #1

    Target and Nameplate replacement

    I have an idea for a replacement of the target and focus frames, as well as nameplates. How do I implement them?

  2. #2
    Depends on their functionality, and layout largely.
    Many unitframe replacements can be customised to a degree to provide something specific, with oUF and Stuf perhaps offering more options in that regard than Pitbull 4 and Shadowed Unitframes.
    Regarding nameplates, then it depends on if you are just replacing the graphics, or whether actually affecting the functionality, in which case perhaps take a look at a custom module for TidyPlates.
    Provide examples if you can and we can be more specific.

  3. #3
    First of all I want to change it to a circular class emblem with the name, health, resource, and cast bars in arches around it. I might want to add floating buff and debuff bars around it as well.

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