Thread: orc or goblin ?

  1. #1

    orc or goblin ?

    so im making a new hunter on my server its gona be for mainly pvp i love the damage increase with orcs and the pet dmg but goblins rocket jump is extremly helpfull i think... thoughts on what i should make and why not just orc or goblin if u have other idea please tell me

  2. #2
    PvE: Orc.
    PvP: Goblin.

  3. #3
    Orc for racial, Goblin for look!

  4. #4
    If your going BM then Orc all the way. 5% pet damage is good for all Hunters but for BM its unthinkable to go without it! Orcs also have the stun resist (which rocks) and Blood Fury which scales so its always a dungeon level trinket.

  5. #5
    Goblin for the dirty dirty /flirt and /silly comments that he makes. If you havent heard them yet, I suggest rolling one just to do that.

  6. #6
    pretty much as stated before
    PvE: Orc
    PvP: Goblin (goblin plus noggen in BG's FTW)

    although orc is also nice for premeditated burst in pvp,
    pop blood fury plus the on use agi pvp trinket and it yields for some nice hits.

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