1. #1

    Looking for a special kind of chat mod for the edit box

    I am looking for a mod that allows me to increase the viewable size of the chat edit box (the box you type into)
    I am tired of copy/paste the contents into a document editor so I can easily alter my own text.

  2. #2
    After having looked around for such an addon after a previous request, I was able to find only one which was very much outdated.
    Though I did have a quick browse through the code and what I could make out was that it instead of actually modifying the editbox, was it replaced it with another text entry box because as far as additional research seemed to indicate, is that the default does not allow multiline entry.

  3. #3
    I've been looking around this, but it seems Blizzard has some fairly stupid auto-resizing code in place for the edit box - it works perfectly with single-line mode, but it interferes horribly with any attempts to make it multi-line.

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