You've probably seen these before but I thought I'd make a post about them anyway because they seem viable to me.


Imagine another gathering profession that involved cutting down lumber similar to mining. The crafting profs could use more resources from other profs. Atm we buy lumber from vendors for a rare amount of craftables. If you were making a weapon wouldnt' u need lumber? If you were making paper you could use various types of plants (papyris) or you could use lumber. I don't see why there isn't room foir a Lumber Jack who provides resources for lots of the other professions as well as provides resources for carpentry.


The carpenter can make various different items used by other profs, Planks of wood. milling of paper, saw dust as a by product used for something or other, (Im sure ppl use saw dust in the creation or process of making something, blacksmiths and engineers could use it in making particular items. At the end game Carpenters can make canoes( Kayak if u like) or little boats that can be used as ontop of water mounts and sold to players. (what about a broomstick mount that doesn't disappear after Halloween.

It be awesome if the carpenter can craft a staff with the use of lumber, inscriptions and enchanting mats to make a player usable staff for casters? Think about it if u were a carpenter of great skill in wow and some magical knowledge u could woodwork inscriptions into the staff making it a magical item. This could also lead to further use of the inscription profession. and what staff is complete without a set piece gem cut by a JC? or some rare metals from a miner. Or even some parts made by an engineer.

Think about an epic staff pattern drop from a raid that uses all sorts of different resources to make a finely crafted staff.

lol soz have a bit of a staff obsession here. Relics. Idols, trinkets and wands could also be options in this case.


As either a specialization in alchemy or a secondary prof. The apothecary would be cross between an alchemist and a first aide. Sure it maybe seems redundant but. Think about this, Rogues used to craft their own poisons now they buy them. Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a profession that gathered venoms (from mobs in the game like when u skin) and could use herbs and such to make venom for rogues.. This doesn't even have to be a new prof it can be a spec for alchemy. You could even make it so that first aide bandages are more effective when an apoc adds his solutions / medication to the bandages.

.These are just some rough ideas I had, Im sure im not the 1st to think of them or will be the last.