Thread: Double Drops

  1. #1

    Double Drops

    Is it just me or are the double drops off bosses getting for other players/guilds as well? Tonight we downed Magmaw again tonight. And he drops lava spine double. Again. For the third odd week in a row. Not to mention the few single drops we have. Is it just our BL and my QQ or is there some emphasis on double drops now?

    "We know you pay your $15 a month. But the rest of the raids $375 wants you to get out of fire." - Haxzorr

  2. #2
    no reason to put emphasis on double drops. You probably got unlucky.

  3. #3
    The chance is just "high" for it to happen.

    Magmaw can drop, lets say 10 items.

    Lets assume that you get 4 different items. That gives the 5th item a 40% chance to be one of the 4 that already dropped (given the drop chance is equal between items which I know it aint, but it's pretty close).

    You can even get 3 of the same item. Happened to us twice now D:

  4. #4
    there is a chance for double drop, maybe even triple drop... it all comes down to RNG and drop rates that are set up by blizz, check armory for detailed information on drop rates of the items that you need. Spoiler alert: It could be depressing if you find out that your desired piece of loot has a low drop chance (up to 15%)

  5. #5
    Sometimes the RNG works against you... and sometimes your guild sees two different legendary weapons drop on the same night.

  6. #6
    double drops, is that like double posts?..please use the forum search.

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