(That's the British Broadcasting Corporation) Like most mass media, they have tended to take the easy / utterly incorrect line about WoW, but this is a very interesting article about WoW raiding. It isn't very often we see anything like this in the media.


The core of the article is an interview with Ladan Cockshut (an actual female raider, supporting my theory that there are way more female WoW players than most people think) a PhD student at the University of Durham, currently studying raiding in WoW. The radio interview is available here, but I suspect only for UK listeners.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/pods ("Mixed treats" Tue, 1 Feb 11)
or: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/...0201-0333a.mp3

Podcasts are usually available for a month or so. The relevant bit starts just after 18m45s