Thread: Kick Macro

  1. #1

    Kick Macro

    I stole this format of macro when I saw it on another post on mmo-champion, and tried tweaking it to work for Kick. Basically it'll yell out kick in party when i kick someone, but only yell it when kick works, so it doesnt spam.

    #showtooltip Kick
    /cast [target=focus] kick; kick
    /run start,duration,enable=GetSpellCooldown("Kick");if(start==0)then SendChatMessage("%t has been KICKED!!", "PARTY", nil, UnitName("focus"));end

    Now, it does work. If i run towards focus, it'll kick the focus. If i face my maintarget, it'll kick him instead. No need for a modifier there.
    But, the chat message it sends to party doesn't yell out which target i kicked, only the targets name i have targeted.

    Is there any way to make it say the name of who I kicked? Focus or maintarget?

  2. #2
    Make it, KICKED %t

    the %t will say the targets name.

    Edit~~ %f will say your focus targets name also.
    Last edited by A Day to Remember; 2011-02-20 at 08:32 PM.

  3. #3
    Using '%t' should work, but you can try '%f' for focus maybe?
    Last edited by mmocba105e19de; 2011-02-20 at 08:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Sorry.. maybe I didnt word my first post quite right. What I need this addon to do, is when I kick my focus target it will announce my focus targets name in party, and if i kick my main target then it will announce his name instead. Unfortunately so far all I've been able to get it to announce is my main target, regardless of whether I kicked him or the focus.

    Edit: Also, I tried that link but when it tries to open it, I get an error saying it's invalid and windows cant open it.

  5. #5
    #showtooltip Kick
    /cast [target=focus,exists][]Kick
    /run if GetSpellCooldown("Kick")==0 then SendChatMessage(("%s has been KICKED!!"):format(UnitName(UnitExists("focus") and "focus" or "target") or "<none>", "PARTY") end

  6. #6
    Out of interest why is this useful?

    Surely if you've kicked, successful or not, your kick is on cooldown, and it is worth letting people know? Or do you mean it only displays text if kick was actually used, not necessarily if it was "successful".

    So spamming the button doesn't spam the chat basically, but a missed kick (for arguments sake say not hitcapped) would still display "kicked"?

  7. #7
    Haha I thought you wanted a macro to kick people from parties...

    Personally I wouldn't have an announce at all... It either works or doesn't, but either way I don't give a damn unless you're not interrupting properly, and recount tells me that.

  8. #8
    Try have a look at Ryeli's spell announcer. It does notify of hits/misses and what spell u interrupt and also the target.

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