1. #1

    Power Auras for Hunter Setup Help?

    I've seen some SShots with hunters using power auras to see what skills they have available with current focus. How do you get this setup? I'm also interest in any other useful setups for hunters.

  2. #2
    There are quite a few places on the interwebs that can help you figure out how to use Power Auras. I recently reinstalled Power Auras because I really disliked Blizz's auras. You can set up Power Auras for an insane amount of conditions. My raid leader set up his Power Auras to detect if someone was wearing their Spring Flowers one year, because they kept showing up to raid with them on. I've set it up to show if I am getting a buff/debuff if I'm standing in a pool of stuff many, many times.

    You can get a lot of hits if you search "hunter power auras" via google. You can get strings to import, and tips on how to set it up. It's interesting to me to see how different people have set up their auras because of the myriad ways to do it.

    http://powerauras.wikispaces.com/HunterExports Is a great site for all classes. Keep in mind that you can always tweak the aura once you import it, which is also a great way to learn the add on, so when you import a new string hit test and tweak away.

    http://huntsmanslodge.com/hunter-power-auras is another great resource. He gives a great tutorial to set up and posts his strings to import.

    Good luck!! I think you will really like it once you get it set up.

  3. #3
    Here is a post i wrote on my guilds hunter forum about power auras in regards to hunters.

    Power Auras allows you to focus on one part of the screen at all times whilst getting all the required information, this helps amazingly for a players spacial awareness and tricky rotations.

    Below is a set up i use on my hunter in Survival spec as main spec and Beast Mastery as my secondary spec.

    To get this working first you must;

    1. Install the addon from the link above
    2. Login to World of Warcraft
    3. Go to the game menu and select "Interface"
    4. From the Interface menu select the "AddOns" tab
    5. From the AddOns tab select "Power Auras Classic"
    6. Then click "Show Aura Browser"
    7. Then click "Import Set"
    8. Then copy and paste the following text into the box and click "Accept"

    Set=Page 1@

    Aura[1]=Version:4.13; b:0; g:0; icon:Ability_Hunter_ExplosiveShot; buffname:Explosive Shot; bufftype:15; texture:13; spec2:false; combat:true; size:0.35@

    Aura[2]=Version:4.13; g:0; icon:Spell_Shadow_PainSpike; buffname:Black Arrow; r:0.7059; bufftype:15; texture:103; spec2:false; combat:true@

    Aura[3]=Version:4.13; b:0; target:true; icon:Ability_Hunter_Quickshot; buffname:Serpent Sting; r:0.0667; bufftype:2; texture:15; combat:true; size:0.25; y:67; inverse:true@

    Aura[4]=Version:4.13; b:0.102; g:0; icon:Ability_Hunter_Assassinate2; buffname:Kill Shot; bufftype:7; texture:132; combat:true; size:0.24; y:46@

    Aura[5]=Version:4.13; b:0; g:0.5216; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; bufftype:10; texture:75; PowerType:2; threshold:44; spec2:false; combat:true; size:1.36@

    Aura[6]=Version:4.13; g:0.0784; target:true; icon:Ability_Warlock_MoltenCore; buffname:*; r:0; bufftype:17; texture:21; combat:true; y:-16@

    Aura[7]=Version:4.13; icon:Spell_Frost_ChainsOfIce; buffname:Freezing Trap; r:0; bufftype:15; texture:12; isResting:0; duration:0.5; inVehicle:0; size:0.55; y:-146; ismounted:0@

    Aura[8]=Version:4.13; b:0; g:0.6078; icon:Ability_Hunter_RunningShot; buffname:Rapid Fire; bufftype:15; texture:166; alpha:0.95; isResting:0; duration:0.5; inVehicle:0; size:2; y:-180; ismounted:0@

    Aura[9]=Version:4.13; b:0; g:0.0235; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; bufftype:10; texture:75; PowerType:2; threshold:80; combat:true; size:1.36@

    Aura[10]=Version:4.13; b:0.0745; g:0.2824; icon:Ability_Hunter_KillCommand; buffname:Kill Command; r:0.5843; bufftype:15; texture:29; alpha:0.8; spec1:false; combat:true; size:0.44@

    Aura[11]=Version:4.13; b:0.1098; g:0; icon:Ability_Druid_FerociousBite; buffname:Bestial Wrath; bufftype:15; texture:79; spec1:false; combat:true@

    Aura[12]=Version:4.13; b:0.1176; g:0; icon:Ability_Hunter_AspectoftheViper; buffname:Fervor; bufftype:15; stacks:5; texture:71; isResting:0; duration:0.5; inVehicle:0; spec1:false; size:2; y:-180; ismounted:0@

    Aura[13]=Version:4.13; b:0; g:0.5216; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; bufftype:10; texture:75; PowerType:2; threshold:37; spec1:false; combat:true; size:1.36@

    Aura[14]=Version:4.13; b:0; g:0.0235; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_hunter_mastermarksman; bufftype:10; texture:75; PowerType:2; threshold:78; spec1:false; combat:true; size:1.36@

    What this set of Auras does;

    For SV;

    Alerts you with a Green Exclamation point above the hunters head whenever your target isnt affected by Serpent Sting.
    Alerts you with a Purple Ring around the hunter whenever Black Arrow is Off cooldown.
    Alerts you with a Red Fireball on the hunter whenever Explosive Shot is Off cooldown.
    Alerts you with a Red Skull above the hunter whenever you can use Killshot and it is Off cooldown.
    Alerts you with a Blue Snowflake below the hunter when your Ice Traps come Off cooldown (lasts 0.5 sec).
    Alerts you with a Yellow Arrows below the hunter when Rapid Fire comes Off cooldown (lasts 0.5 sec).
    Alerts you with Orange brackets around the hunter when you dont have enough Focus for your Signature shot (Explosive).
    Alerts you with Red Brackets around the hunter when you have above 80 Focus (too much).
    Alerts you with a Blue Shield on the hunter when a dispellable buff is on your target (use Tranquilising Shot).

    For BM;
    Alerts you with a Green Exclamation point above the hunters head whenever your target isnt affected by Serpent Sting.
    Alerts you with a Brown Paw on the hunter whenever Kill Command is Off cooldown.
    Alerts you with Red Teeth on the hunter whenever Bestial Wrath is Off cooldown.
    Alerts you with a Red Skull above the hunter whenever you can use Killshot and it is Off cooldown.
    Alerts you with a Blue Snowflake below the hunter when your Ice Traps come Off cooldown (lasts 0.5 sec).
    Alerts you with a Red Eye below the hunter when Fervor comes Off cooldown (lasts 0.5 sec).
    Alerts you with Yellow Arrows below the hunter when Rapid Fire comes Off cooldown (lasts 0.5 sec).
    Alerts you with Orange brackets around the hunter when you dont have enough Focus for your Signature shot(Kill Command)
    Alerts you with Red Brackets around the hunter when you have above 75 Focus (too much).
    Alerts you with a Blue Shield on the hunter when a dispellable buff is on your target (use Tranquilising Shot).

    All the Above effects do not occur when the hunter is out of combat ( except the Ice Trap, Rapid Fire and Fervor cooldown effects).

    I strongly reccomend this addon, it has made me a better player as well as completely de-cluttering my interface.
    Last edited by mmoc3533129d4b; 2011-02-22 at 04:16 PM.

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