1. #1

    How to Merge Combat Logs

    Is there a way to merge combat logs from multiple people so that data is not lost due to distance issues? The specific problem I am having is on Conclave of Wind. I mean, I like seeing me doing 90% of the healing in the fight, but I'm assuming that is not an accurate number. So I'm wondering what i could do to merge combat logs (without just adding two logs together and ending up with duplicate data for those times when people are close enough to each other where both logs record it).

    Either that or is there a way to make sure the combat log receives all the information from all the different platforms? From what I can tell, there is no way to increase the distance of the combat log recording (it is already set to max?). Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Recount has a function to sync its data between all players in the raid. It's enabled by default.

  3. #3
    Will that work logs for combat log parsing / uploading into World of Logs type websites? I did not specify (my apologies) that the WoL is my end goal here. Though maybe I should switch to Recount (currently use Skada, but a few others use recount) for the general review if WoL will not work.

  4. #4

    Run the Java Client, and go to the merge tab. Select the logs you wish to merge and then run the program.

    The output can be loaded to WoL.

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