1. #1

    [Troll legend] The Legend of Lemi-ka

    In an age long past, in the era of the Twin Empires, lived the mighty Lemi-ka, Champion of the Gurubashi, Mighty Hunter, Clasp of Doom. Great was his glory and widespread his name. He possessed riches beyond imagining, and his abode was all but covered in the pelts of beasts he'd slain. And yet this mighty warrior's heart yearned for somehing.

    Despite all his wealth and fame, he was without a mate. The great champion wouldn't just take any female for his own, for above all he craved perfection. And thus one day he heard of a young troll maiden who lived in the dark north of the Amani Empire. She was said to have the grace of the tiger and the soul of a raptor. Her eyes were like those of Hethiss and her limbs like Bethekk's. She held within herself all the feral beauty of the jungle. Without ever setting eyes on her, Lemi-ka fell in love.

    He put on his armour and braided his hair. His mother tried to dissuade him from such a perilous journey, but he paid her no heed. In desperation she clung at him, but he shrugged her off. He yelled at her and threw his comb in front of her. It had been a gift from his late father, a powerful fighter in his own right. Taking hold of his sword he vowed that if anything were to happen to him, the talisman would cry tears of blood. In a fury he stormed out, leaving his mother to weep and fear for his fate.

    Many months he journeyed, many wonders he beheld, before he reached the great gates of Zul'Aman. The Amani were wary, knowing by the warrior's demeanor that he must be a fighter of some renown. They asked for his name, and he replied. »I am Lemi-ka, Champion of the Gurubashi, Mighty Hunter, Clasp of Doom! Let me in or I shall level your city and feast on your bones!« The guards did not believe him to be the renowned hero and laughed at him. Lemi-ka unsheathed his giant sword and swung it at the gates. Three times he struck. At the first strike a dent appeared in the heavy wood. At the second strike the logs splintered. At the third strike, the gates collapsed, burying the guards beneath the debris.

    He strode along the streets of Zul'Aman. The gathered trolls all pointed at him and spoke in whispers. His name spread across the city. He was shown into the throne room, where the Empress sat on her throne of gold. The Emperor was not there, for he was out hunting.

    The Amani Empress Lahi was a wretched old thing, all withered and sagging. She spoke in a shrieking voice. »Who are you and what is your quest here, brave hero?« »I am Lemi-ka, Champion of the Gurubashi, Mighty Hunter, Clasp of Doom. I come to your fair land to take your daughter for my own.« The old crone listened with interest, but inside she felt only outrage and anger. Then, Lemi-ka requested to see the fair maiden. The ancient Empress stood up. She ran a hand over the golden surface of a mirror, and the image blurred.

    In the place of Lemi-ka's reflection stood the most beautiful female the warrior had ever set eyes on. Her skin was a soft mossy green, her tusks gleamed in the sunlight, and her midnight black hair was ornately braided. In that moment, he desired the Amani Princess more than anything in is life.

    Again the Empress ran her hand over the image and the fair troll faded. This withdrawal left a hole in Lemi-ka's heart, and he yelled at the old crone. Lahi only smiled and offered him another glimpse of her daughter if he would complete a task for her. The warrior agreed, and the Empress of the Amani told him of a magnificent animal that had evaded all their hunters. It was a giant stag, a favoured child of the Loa as she called it.

    Through the winter Lemi-ka tracked the stag, among the stormy peaks of the north. He knew it was always there, just beyond his sight, mocking his futile attempts. Finally he lost his temper and hurled his sword at the skies. The clouds parted and the sun shone down upon the frozen land, revealing the stag. Finally it was within Lemi-ka's grasp. He fought it for three days and three nights before finally overpowering it, for it was branded with the seal of Hakkar himself. He bound its legs together and made his way back to Zul'Aman.

    Lahi was surprised to see the warrior return, and pretended to be pleased. In secret however she set plans for another quest which would surely cost the champion his life. As he stood before her, the Empress told him he had taken the first step towards claiming her daughter. Lemi-ka was enraged. He spat on the ground and accused the crone of being a liar. Silently, Lahi once again conjured the image of the fair maiden. This calmed the mighty hero and he merely nodded as the Amani Empress told him of the second task. He was to tame the flaming stallion that was the terror of their Empire.

    The beast was easy enough to find, for it left behind it a trail of devastation. However, it was obvious the mighty being would be even harder to subdue than the stag. Lemi-ka shrugged away his doubts and assaulted the fiery giant. Five days and five nights they fought. Then the stallion kicked Lemi-ka hard enough to send him flying into the mountains. There the warrior stayed and licked his wounds for nearly a month. In the meantime, the stallion drew ever closer to Zul'Aman, and the Empress was pleased for she thought the Gurubashi dead.

    The fiery horse reached the walls of the great city of the Amani. It burned down the forests and tore apart the mighty walls. Suddenly it screamed, and the heavens trembled from the noise. Atop it sat Lemi-ka, wielding a whip made of living snakes. The horse tried to shake him off. All across the continent they struggled, leaving only ashes where the mighty beast trod. After three months, the victorious Lemi-ka brought the fiery stallion back to Zul'Aman, docile like a tamed mount.

    The Empress was fuming. She pondered long what to do with the hero, and finally decided on a solution. She called for Lemi-ka and told him he would be allowed to claim her daughter if he only completed one more task. The warrior held back his anger and listened as Lahi spoke of the dark river that separates this world from the next. He would have to visit the dead waters and bring her back the body of the white swan that carries the spirits of trolls across the stream.

    Lemi-ka took his strongest bow and set forth to the domain of Bwonsamdi. He fought the dark serpents and lost spirits along the way and finally beheld the black river. And there was the swan. He nocked an arrow and raised the bow. He watched the curve of its neck, the grace with which it glided across the dark waters. The hero's heart was moved by the swan's beauty. He just stood there and observed the majestic being, and never noticed the serpent rising from the river. It struck at his chest, ripping out his heart, and the lifeless warrior toppled over into the black waters where dark snakes tore his body apart.

    In his dwelling, Lemi-ka's mother wept for she had not heard any news of her son for months. She turned the comb over in her hands. Suddenly, a drop of crimson appeared between the teeth, and another, and another. She watched with horror as her son's blood slowly trickled from the lifeless object, and knew of his demise.

    Her cry of despair was heard by the Loa and they asked her what had happened. She told them of her son's death, and they listened compassionately. She implored them to aid her in recovering the warrior, and they agreed. Her form changed and she became a mighty eagle.

    She soared the skies, flying ever northward towards the great city of the Amani. She landed before the Empress and changed back. In a powerful voice she accused Lahi of murdering her child. The old crone attempted to use magic against Lemi-ka's mother, but the mighty shaman merely shrugged off her spells. She pinned down the Amani and threathened to kill her favoured daughter, raze her city, lay waste to her treasures, and strike her with plagues. The Empress finally told the mother of her son's fate, and told her of the way to the black river, the path noone ever returned from.

    The shaman changed shape again and flew towards the dark lands of the dead. She seared the black serpents and banished the forlorn spirits. She could see the parts of her son beneath the dark waters, but dared not touch them. She cried out for help again. The Loa sent her a magic rake with which she could gather up the pieces of her murdered child.

    Once she found all the pieces she called to Lukou to heal the gashes and reform the body. But despite everything, no breath escaped Lemi-ka's lips, nor did his great heart beat. She wept and sang and the master of the dark lands heard her pleas. Bwonsamdi himself approached. She asked him to return his son's soul, and the dark Loa laughed. »Dead things are mine. He has no business in the world of the living anymore,« he said. Lemi-ka's mother offered Bwonsamdi everything he desired if only he would give her back her son. She offered all their riches, but the Lord of the Dead had no use for them. She offered him lordship over the Gurubashi Empire, and he merely chuckled. »It will be mine in due time. You waste your breath.« In tears she offered him the only thing she had left, herself. The dak Loa grinned. »Yes, that will do. You will leave this world and your name shall be forgotten. You will never see your son again until the day he descends the dark path of the dead. And I will allow him to breathe, he will weep, he will laugh, and he will live his life as he sees fit. Do you accept my offer?«

    The shaman considered Bwonsamdi's words. It was a great price to pay, yet it would offer her child a second chance. With tear-covered cheeks she nodded.

    Her lifeless body toppled into the dark waters just as Lemi-ka took his first breath. The hero was revived, and cried over his mother's choice.

    Bwonsamdi's prophecy came true. Her name was forgotten, yet her story endures. And to this day, her body can be seen beneath the black waters of the dark river, a soft hint of a smile on her face, even though it's been a long time since that age long past, the era of the Twin Empires.

    (Based on the Finnish myth of Lemminkäinen.)

  2. #2
    Another thoroughly enjoyed read. Bravo.

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