1. #1

    Error with LUI player/target frame

    Hi there.

    Im using LUI frames and i kinda like em, but since i just updated it with the last version i get a problem i cant fix.

    Im getting the default blizzard player and target frame instead of the LUI one. Now i have tried turning off and on the various settings and uninstalling the addons, but no luck.
    So im obviously not finding the correct thing to change.
    And this only happens on my druid, and loading the profile from other toons doesnt help.

    Any help appriciated

    Im not allowed to post links just yet. Sorry

  2. #2
    hi perturabo,

    look at your private messages - hope this will help you!


  3. #3
    sweet, thanks alot random guy

  4. #4
    for those that are struggling with this problem. the latest update for LUI had a bug where druids can't get their eclipse bar created on OuF and therefore defaults to the blizzard frames.

    the solution to this requires you to edit a .lua file. don't worry, it's not that hard. all you need is a text editor (not a document maker like Word, a text editor) like notepad. go to Interface\AddOns\oUF_LUI\oUF_LUI_Colors.lua and in that file, the first definition should be something like:

    oUF_LUI = {}
    oUF_LUI.colors = setmetatable({
    then you have a list of bars that are generated. at the bottom of that list, you have totembar, holypowerbar and soulshardbar. beneath the declaration of soulshardbar (after }),) you need to paste this bit of code:
    eclipsebar = setmetatable({}, {
       __index = function(t, k)
          if not k then return end
          k = gsub(k, "lunar", "Lunar")
          k = gsub(k, "solar", "Solar")
          k = gsub(k, "bg", "BG")
          return db.oUF.Colors.EclipseBar[k]
    save the file and it should work.

    for those that have issues with this, here is the complete text file:

    local LUI = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("LUI")
    local db = LUI.db.profile
    oUF_LUI = {}
    oUF_LUI.colors = setmetatable({
       power = setmetatable({
          ["POWER_TYPE_STEAM"] = {0.55, 0.57, 0.61},
          ["POWER_TYPE_PYRITE"] = {0.60, 0.09, 0.17},
       }, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             return db.oUF.Colors.Power[k] or oUF.colors.power[k]
       class = setmetatable({}, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             return db.oUF.Colors.Class[k] or oUF.colors.class[k]
       happiness = setmetatable({}, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             return db.oUF.Colors.Happiness[k] or oUF.colors.happiness[k]
       leveldiff = setmetatable({}, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             local diffColor = GetQuestDifficultyColor(UnitLevel("target"))
             return db.oUF.Colors.LevelDiff[k] or {diffColor.r, diffColor.g, diffColor.b}
       combattext = setmetatable({}, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             return db.oUF.Colors.CombatText[k]
       combopoints = setmetatable({}, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             return db.oUF.Colors.ComboPoints[k] or oUF.colors.combopoints[k]
       runes = setmetatable({}, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             return db.oUF.Colors.Runes[k] or oUF.colors.runes[k]
       totembar = setmetatable({}, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             return db.oUF.Colors.TotemBar[k] or oUF.colors.totembar[k]
       holypowerbar = setmetatable({}, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             return db.oUF.Colors.HolyPowerBar[k] or oUF.colors.holypowerbar[k]
       soulshardbar = setmetatable({}, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             return db.oUF.Colors.SoulShardBar[k] or oUF.colors.soulshardbar[k]
       eclipsebar = setmetatable({}, {
          __index = function(t, k)
             if not k then return end
             k = gsub(k, "lunar", "Lunar")
             k = gsub(k, "solar", "Solar")
             k = gsub(k, "bg", "BG")
             return db.oUF.Colors.EclipseBar[k]
    }, {
       __index = function(t, k)
          return db.oUF.Colors[k and (k:gsub("^%a", strupper)) or k] or oUF.colors[k]
    oUF.colors.smooth = oUF_LUI.colors.smooth or oUF.colors.smooth
    just replace EVERYTHING in that text file with this code and it should work.

    credit goes to Zista, at www.wow-lui.com (go to forums, then support(english) then one of the stickies prefaced with [FIX])
    Last edited by mmocb0245d6bcb; 2011-03-27 at 03:24 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Perturabo View Post
    sweet, thanks alot random guy
    Any1 can tell me how fix this, i have the same problem pls

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by chichifo View Post
    Any1 can tell me how fix this, i have the same problem pls
    Hello....I'm having same issue
    LF some Help.

    Thank You

  7. #7
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