1. #1

    what game options are limited to session/character/class/server/account/computer?

    WoW has so many options that i'm often afraid or apprehensive to change some because they might effect those on another character. i'm also a bit concerned about if i ever need to switch to another computer (maybe because i get a new one), what settings i will lose and which ones stay as they are. how does it work?

  2. #2
    Things like video and audio settings are saved for all characters, and only on your computer.
    Addon settings are saved per character usually, and give you the option on Profiles to choose from so you can use the same profile for each character or different ones for each character or for healing/dpsing/tanking, however you want really.

    Keybinds are saved for all characters by default, and theres a little tickbox at the top right of the keybinds menu that you can hit to save your keybinds for that character only, not effecting your other characters.

    If you switch to another computer all you need to do is copy your WTF folder in your WoW installation folder, and paste it onto your new computer's WoW installation.

    Although a much easier solution is to just copy and paste your entire WoW installation to the new computer, since WoW doesnt need to be installed a second time it will run without any performance drops etc and this saves you hours of install time.

    If you do switch to a new computer, and you copy over your whole WoW installation you should delete your Config.wtf file so that wow will detect your new hardware etc. It is located in "D:\World of Warcraft\WTF\Config.wtf" replacing D: with wherever you installed your WoW. This will mean that you will only have to redo your video and audio settings, everything else will remain intact.
    Last edited by Psykoticrage; 2011-03-26 at 10:31 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Psykoticrage View Post
    Although a much easier solution is to just copy and paste your entire WoW installation to the new computer, since WoW doesnt need to be installed a second time it will run without any performance drops etc and this saves you hours of install time.
    Or just install WoW to an External Hard drive ;p I've been running WoW on my exHD for a while now. No noticeable performance loss and I can play with all addons/settings on any computer.

    Other than that everything Psykoticrage said is true. Aside from video settings/resolution/UI Scale etc. most things are saved per char.

  4. #4
    All UI settings made in the default UI are saved to the config.WTF file in the <wowroot>\WTF folder and pertain to the specific WoW client.

    All keybindings are saved in the WTF\Account\ACCNAME\bindings-cache.wtf file for global binds and WTF\Account\ACCNAME\Realm\Character\bindings-cache.wtf for local binds. They are however synchronized with the server on logon unless specified otherwise.

    All addon variables are saved either per character (WTF\Account\ACCNAME\Realm\Character\SavedVariables\AddonFolderName.lua) or per account (WTF\Account\ACCNAME\SavedVariables\AddonFolderName.lua). For information on which one applies, look for ## SavedVariables or ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter tags in the addons' toc files.
    Addons that offer "profiles" always use global saving (as otherwise profile information would not be available to characters other than the one the profile was created on).

    There is no information saved to the windows install (system folders and/or registry) by the WoW client except for its install path (which the Launcher updates automatically when started). If you migrate your entire wow folder (ctrl+a, ctrl+c, ctrl+v), all settings will remain intact.

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