1. #1

    Power Auras help

    I'm trying to track when Blood Plague is NOT on my target.

    Here's the config I have so far:

    Version:4.17; InvertAuraBelow:5; anim1:3; target:true; icon:Spell_DeathKnight_BloodPlague; buffname:Blood Plague; x:-91; bufftype:2; owntex:true; mine:true; speed:2; stacksOperator:=; PowerType:6; combat:true; size:0.18; y:-105; texmode:2; inverse:true
    As soon as I start combat, the aura will start flashing. Perfect. After I apply Blood Plague, the aura should disappear but it doesn't until the DOT timer is down to 4 seconds. Once the DOT is gone, it pops back up.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Awesome, that worked! Must have copied another aura when I tried setting this up. I didn't even think to look at the timings.


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