1. #1

    Problem - Mouse button click with mouseover

    I'm currently using Tuk UI and have a problem when trying to dispel someone.
    Thing is I have dispel magic key bound to one of my mouse' side buttons (mouse button 4 or 5) and when I want to dispel someone from the raid or party I simply glide my cursor on their player frame and click to target then press the button.
    That however doesn't work ... it simply doesn't get cast.
    If I however move my mouse away from the party/raid frames the spell can be cast, but this takes a lot of time away from the dispel which is in situations crucial. (again I am targeting the player I want to cast on)

    Anyone know what causes this problem and how I can work around it or fix it ?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Is your mouse' side button bound to a proper mouse-over macro?
    You'll either need that or clique.

    By default, spells will only cast on your target or selfcast if applicable.

    /use [@mouseover][][@player] Dispel Magic

    will cast it on your mouse-over, target or yourself (could add "help" conditionals to only do friendly dispels so you don't try to purge a boss if you happen to have it targeted).

  4. #4
    doesn't work with the macro and doesn't work on Grid either

  5. #5
    Mouse button key bindings do not work without using Clique.
    This is because only key presses (mouse button presses) reaching the WorldFrame are parsed by the key bind engine - however, your unit frames (if they are capable of @mouseover) also have to intercept any button presses - thus the click never reaches the WorldFrame and doesn't trigger the keybinding.

    You'll have to use Clique (which changes the OnClick behaviour of the unit frames themselves) instead.

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