I thought that I should take the time to impart some knowledge about this quest

You first pick up the quest Booty Bay's Interests from A goblin in Zul'Gurub

The point of the quest is to pick up an item from the last boss, and then hand it in to Baron Revilgaz

The Baron then gives you a follow up quest, A Shiny Reward

This quest awards the player with the standard 9g40s, but then 4 extra trash items

Black Ice - A ring that is worth ONE HUNDRED Gold, and has a visible equip effect
Golden Necklace - Worth 10g 35s 50c
Tarnished Crown - Worth 22g 17g 50c
Gem studded Bracelets - Worth 33g 3s 87c

So in total, One little quest grants you 174g 98s 87, Not bad at all