1. #1

    Help me with power auras, please.

    Started playing arms on my warrior after the recent buff. I also just began using power auras last night. I set up numerous auras for my warrior, tracking colossus smash up-time and procs, watching MS and overpower CDs/procs. Monitoring rage levels.

    My issue here is I set an aura up to monitor rend up-time. I'm nearly hit and expertise capped (yeah I read going for expertise is a dps loss over getting crit or mastery. Personal preference) and, due to rng, I've had rend fall off a couple times in longer fights. (mortal strike refreshes rend. MS having a 4.5 cd.)

    The aura seems to work while in a group, but not when I'm solo, say attacking a target dummy. I have the aura's activation parameters identical to my colossus smash up-time's aura. (bit set up as a different effect and activates for rend) But the CS one works regardless. My Rend one (I debugged it to see why it didn't activate) doesn't toggle when ungrouped.

    Any help?


    On a side note, is it possible to import another player's auras? And if so, does anyone have some good auras for a pve arms and prot warrior!

  2. #2
    Either take a screenshot of your Aura's configuration page, or type /powa and hit the Export button, Copy+Paste the code here.

    I have a few for my Warrior that you can try to Import using the same process, type /powa hit the Import Button and Copy+Paste.

    Rend falling off
    Version:4.17; InvertAuraBelow:4.75; b:0.8784; g:0.8784; target:true; icon:Ability_Gouge; buffname:Rend; r:0.8784; x:1; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:2; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; mine:true; exact:true; PowerType:0; size:0.15; y:-76; texmode:2; finish:3; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:1.35; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:CENTER; timer.Transparent:true

    Spell Reflection
    Version:4.17; anim1:5; g:0.6941; icon:Ability_Warrior_ShieldReflection; buffname:Spell Reflection; r:0.9765; x:-67; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:5; owntex:true; isResting:0; PowerType:0; size:0.15; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:CENTER

    Version:4.17; anim1:5; g:0.6941; icon:Ability_Warrior_Incite; buffname:Incite; r:0.9765; x:-67; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:5; owntex:true; isResting:0; PowerType:0; size:0.15; y:-92; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:CENTER

    Lambs to the Slaughter falling off
    Version:4.17; InvertAuraBelow:4.75; b:0.8784; g:0.8784; icon:Ability_Rogue_BloodSplatter; buffname:Slaughter; r:0.8784; x:2; unitn:Only for raid/group.; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; PowerType:0; size:0.2; y:-121; texmode:2; ismounted:0; finish:3; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:1.35; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:CENTER; timer.Transparent:true; stacks.enabled:true; stacks.Relative:RIGHT; stacks.Transparent:true; stacks.h:1.11; stacks.Texture:Monofonto

    Deadly Calm
    Version:4.17; b:0.8784; g:0.8784; icon:achievement_boss_kingymiron; buffname:Deadly Calm; r:0.8784; x:1; unitn:Only for raid/group.; texture:172; alpha:1; isResting:0; stacksOperator:=; PowerType:0; size:0.65; y:129; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.HideLeadingZeros:true; timer.h:0.9; timer.Texture:Monofonto; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:BOTTOM; timer.y:57; timer.Transparent:true

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

  3. #3
    Good to know how to export, how would you import? Copy paste yours into an "import" section?

    ---------- Post added 2011-04-28 at 05:13 PM ----------

    Oh, I only half read your post, my bad.

  4. #4
    Power Auras wont work, by default, while "resting" unless you change that option.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by billymont View Post
    Power Auras wont work, by default, while "resting" unless you change that option.
    I set all of my combat auras to work while resting, but only while in combat. I'm new to power auras, but I'm not completely helpless. All of my auras, save my rend one, work regardless. I may just have to redo it.

  6. #6
    I discovered my problem. On only my rend aura I had set it to show only when I was a dps. Not a tank. Thereby requiring me to be in a group.

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