Recently got done playing this game all the way through and got 712 and all. Overall it was a fantastic game. Gameplay was great, armor looked fantastic, graphically the game was unbelievable. One thing that urked me on the game though was if you would die you would have to restart the whole level over again. Now it's great for soul farming but at the same time if you die too much or take one step too far and fall off an edge because it's too dark starting over really begins to be a pain.

In my opinion would make a great MMO, though it kind of is but at the same time isn't as very interactive as most MMO's. I like the whole medieval type setting and gearing. Now I know a lot of MMO's are a little like this but they get to a point of too cartoony. Closest game to it is Rift but I just didn't like the gameplay of Rift and was a WoW tryhard. I know alot of people are going to say Guild Wars or LotR but those again were just way too cartoony type setting. Real Knight's armor looks cool but different variations in the game are great.

Anyways just wanted to see what everyone else thought of the game.