1. #1

    Addon that can show a warning when party member has a certain buff

    Hello, is it possible to have an addon display a warning(Power Auras Classic style) when my party member gets a certain buff(Icy Veins for example)?
    There are addons that can tell you when your party members gets cc'ed(feared, stunned etc) so I'm hoping something similar can be done with buffs.

    Would be awesome if it can be done with Power Auras Classic or MSBT(Couldn't get it to work though ).

  2. #2
    TellMeWhen could be configured to look for specific buffs on your focustarget, or your target, or targettarget and so on.
    not sure if there is something where you can just enter the name of the unit to watch for.

    i usually use focustarget if i have to watch for anything specific
    (like tott as a rogue)

  3. #3
    Will have a look around and reply for you.
    Had a look around, doesn't seem to be anything that can tell you when a temporary buff such as Icy Veins is up, but an add on called RaidBuffStatus (RBS) shows the possible buffs that your group/raid can have, and what's missing, and gives the option to announce this to the party or raid.

    Another option if you were really desperate to see when people get their temporary buffs up, is to ask them to macro it to announce it via /y, /p, or /raid.
    Last edited by Auvreal; 2011-05-26 at 11:15 AM.

  4. #4
    Power Auras can do it. But you'd have to either create a lot of them or one super one that only displays when one of the members gets something.

  5. #5
    If you want to make it very configurable, you might consider writing a little Addon yourselves.

    Basically what you need is something like

          if (GetTime() - SpellStealHud_LastUpdate) > 0.2 then
            SpellStealHud_LastUpdate = GetTime()
       auraname, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable  = UnitAura("player", i, "HELPFUL") 
            if (auraname) then
             if auraname == "Icy Veins" then
    	   t2:SetFormattedText("*** PLAYER WITH ICY VEINS!!!!!! ***")
    This is no complete addon, just a code snippet which you could make into an Addon (copied out of an Addon
    I once wrote myselves). At current this code snippet will "noise" as long as the Buff/Debuff is on the player (which for
    my code - where it was about a stealable Buff - was good, but for your case it would be too annoying).

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