1. #20441
    Problems with Syndra?
    -mana hungry (acceptable)
    -paper (she dies soooo fast and has no good escape tool :
    *her throw takes ages to use
    *her knock-back / stun is very short ranged and hard to land[orbs flying wherever they want...])
    -she need to be close to deal full damage but with her low health it's a suicade (however ult range was buffed last patch... right?)

    I bought her about 2 weeks ago... after few fames I refunded. One stun and I'm dead = no like.

  2. #20442
    Quote Originally Posted by Caine View Post
    No amount of tankiness is going to save a Xerath from a fed Akali. All one can do is build AP regardless and hope his team can protect the immobile heavy artillery.
    She wouldn't be fed if he built MR to begin with. It's like getting 2 shot by a LB burst, cry she's op instead of just building some early MR and counter the only thing she has. Burst.

  3. #20443
    Quote Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
    She wouldn't be fed if he built MR to begin with. It's like getting 2 shot by a LB burst, cry she's op instead of just building some early MR and counter the only thing she has. Burst.
    Not really. If you die in lane, frankly its because you've made a mistake and played bad, whether its vs Le Blanc or Akali or whoever. Building pure defence doesnt work, ok so now Akali cant instagib you, does your AD have 150MR? I doubt it, bye bye AD carry, can you instagib their AD carry? Nope, you have 100 AP and barely any spell pen, your team just lost the game.

    Farm safe and make sure you are building properly. Dont feed Akali and in teamfights you are generally more useful (provided your team has some CC, if you go no CC vs Akali you probably just lost the game anyway.)

  4. #20444
    Quote Originally Posted by mandus View Post
    am a nub, i wonder if anyone else has the feeling of a disadvantage when they play from top right instead of bottom left. (playing with locked screen )

    This is something I'm still getting used to. Everytime I play with screen unlocked I feel like I'm gonna get ambushed from behind. Sometimes I do customs just to learn how to play better without locked screen.

  5. #20445
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanjori View Post
    Not really. If you die in lane, frankly its because you've made a mistake and played bad, whether its vs Le Blanc or Akali or whoever. Building pure defence doesnt work, ok so now Akali cant instagib you, does your AD have 150MR? I doubt it, bye bye AD carry, can you instagib their AD carry? Nope, you have 100 AP and barely any spell pen, your team just lost the game.

    Farm safe and make sure you are building properly. Dont feed Akali and in teamfights you are generally more useful (provided your team has some CC, if you go no CC vs Akali you probably just lost the game anyway.)
    I did not say pure defense at all. There are various items which give you reasonable MR and still AP. The whole point about champs like LB or Akali is to ding 6, burst you down in a second and start snowballing. Take away that and suddenly they're a lot less useful. Has nothing to do with your AD building MR since it all starts with you in mid lane.

  6. #20446
    Quote Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
    I did not say pure defense at all. There are various items which give you reasonable MR and still AP. The whole point about champs like LB or Akali is to ding 6, burst you down in a second and start snowballing. Take away that and suddenly they're a lot less useful. Has nothing to do with your AD building MR since it all starts with you in mid lane.
    Abyssal is just bad on Xerath, its some 2700g thats got tons of wasted stats. You can pretty much take MR runes and thats enough MR for mid. And yes it has everything to do with your AD and other lanes, dragon fights, roaming, the other mid is going to these with damage, for teamfights especially assassins need to be instagibed, if your team cant provide that because your damage is behind then you are costing your team. Id say stacking a few Dorans rings is a much better investment than Abyssal.

    If you seriously want MR, grab one Negatron cloak, other than that everything is in how you play. If you dont want to lose to LB and Akali mid, gank them, especially as Xerath you can provide a stun and a lot of burst damage, he is a good lane to gank for.

  7. #20447
    Quote Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
    I did not say pure defense at all. There are various items which give you reasonable MR and still AP. The whole point about champs like LB or Akali is to ding 6, burst you down in a second and start snowballing. Take away that and suddenly they're a lot less useful. Has nothing to do with your AD building MR since it all starts with you in mid lane.
    So Akali just starts roaming and you can´t push because you have 0 mana regen or AP. Akali actually doesn´t need to snowball that hard out of lane, she excells in skirmishes and mid game teamfights. If you build Abyssal you´ll just be useful for those fights allowing the enemy team to win the fights and akali snowballs.

  8. #20448
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackroo View Post
    Why isn't Syndra played more often? She falls off lategame or something?
    -The problem I have had with Syndra so far is that she has no escape paired with pathetic MS and medium range. If she had higher MS she would be much better. I have really not found her to be THAT mana hungry, not more than any other AP mid. Ofc you're gonna oom if you spam Q->W the whole time.
    -Her burst and damage is insane late game, I really love it.
    - You can surprise the other mids by deliberately missing your Q and then chaining it into a stun then gank. It has worked nearly every time so far.

    If they buff something with her mobility then she will become a very popular pick. Her stun isn't clunky at all tbh, if you REALLY want a guarenteed stun then use it right after your ult. The balls from your ult lie everywhere, you have a massive chance of stunning there.

    I think she is in a great place with one or two tweaks needed

  9. #20449
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanjori View Post
    Abyssal is just bad on Xerath, its some 2700g thats got tons of wasted stats. You can pretty much take MR runes and thats enough MR for mid. And yes it has everything to do with your AD and other lanes, dragon fights, roaming, the other mid is going to these with damage, for teamfights especially assassins need to be instagibed, if your team cant provide that because your damage is behind then you are costing your team. Id say stacking a few Dorans rings is a much better investment than Abyssal.

    If you seriously want MR, grab one Negatron cloak, other than that everything is in how you play. If you dont want to lose to LB and Akali mid, gank them, especially as Xerath you can provide a stun and a lot of burst damage, he is a good lane to gank for.
    So I'm saying early MR helps against massive burst champs. You all go on a rage, then agree that an early Negatron can help. So basically the thing I was saying. The enemy mid will also be roaming with damage if you keep dying in lane. Chances of him roaming are a lot lower if you're alive, in your lane and basically forcing them to stay in lane too.

    So Akali just starts roaming and you can´t push because you have 0 mana regen or AP.
    Yes, building an early Negatron totally breaks you're ability to push or get blue. Buying a Blasting Wand isn't giving you any regen either. Quite frankly mids these days barely have to look out for regen anyway.

  10. #20450
    They're giving her more attention soon, so hopefully she'll get the last bit of adjustment she needs.

    Also, I had an idea for giving Veigar some "breathing room": say that after you used his W, he had a room of 2-3 seconds in which he could teleport to that spot. Might sound crazy/OP, I dunno. What do you think? And obviously it's just an idea, not something that's going to happen.

  11. #20451
    Titan Kalyyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanjori View Post
    Not really. If you die in lane, frankly its because you've made a mistake and played bad,
    I used to believe that this was true 100% of the time, until I started playing top in ranked. Then I started seeing a pattern where 1 of two things would happen:

    1) I'm getting countered or outplayed, but I stay on the defensive so as to not feed any unwarranted deaths. Meanwhile, my jungler/mid suddenly feels like my lane isn't hard enough already, so he proceeds to make gank attempts every time I'm below 10% health or mana, then talks shit about me in all-chat when he dies. He'll eventually leave me alone, but only after he's made damn sure that my opponent has a good 3-4 kill lead on me.

    2) I'll be dominating my lane and getting fed out the ass off of an objectively terrible player. The enemy team will then decide that they can't mind their own damn business, and proceeds to abandon every other lane to come perform multiple 5-man ganks against me. I'll feel confident about this at first, as I've got a good field of wards going and they can't come anywhere near me without me seeing them from a mile away. However, as they begin to surround my tower, I realize that their Malphite and Darius literally give 0 fucks about my turret, and proceed to tower-dive me. Meanwhile, my team has decided that this would be a good time to accomplish absolutely nothing while all of their lanes are missing.

    So I guess what I'm saying is that short of sitting in your fountain all game, not every death can be avoided.

    Oh, and then there's the 3rd situation where I die in my lane:

    3) Oh wow this Jax is squishy! And he's doing no damage at all! This will be such an easy kill- HOLY FUCK WHAT WAS THAT?!?!? *You have been slain*

  12. #20452
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    His (Veigar's) one weakness is his squishiness and having to position well because of that. Essentially by giving him a flash, you're taking the one thing away that keeps him from being horrendously overpowered.

  13. #20453
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackroo View Post
    Why isn't Syndra played more often? She falls off lategame or something?
    People fear what they cannot understand.

  14. #20454
    Quote Originally Posted by StylesClashv3 View Post
    It means:

    Aphromoo moves from Twitch to Own3d.

    Aphromoo leaves team FeaR

    FeaR needs a new AD carry.

    Aphro probably moving to CLG Gaming house.
    Good on him! Looking forward to seeing him play with CLG.

  15. #20455
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanjori View Post
    Abyssal is just bad on Xerath, its some 2700g thats got tons of wasted stats. You can pretty much take MR runes and thats enough MR for mid. And yes it has everything to do with your AD and other lanes, dragon fights, roaming, the other mid is going to these with damage, for teamfights especially assassins need to be instagibed, if your team cant provide that because your damage is behind then you are costing your team. Id say stacking a few Dorans rings is a much better investment than Abyssal.

    If you seriously want MR, grab one Negatron cloak, other than that everything is in how you play. If you dont want to lose to LB and Akali mid, gank them, especially as Xerath you can provide a stun and a lot of burst damage, he is a good lane to gank for.
    Abyssal is a great item to counter burst casters. AP, MR, and an MR reducing aura for those annoying assassins. How is any of that wasted stats. I buy it on Diana pretty much every game. If you won't die you can push your lane and hold Akali under her tower. Now she can't roam without losing the tower, at which point you can begin roaming and counter-gank.Get more kills and snowball other lanes, suddenly that Abyssal looks much nicer and your not behind in any way from buying it (not that it put you behind before, it has AP).

  16. #20456
    There is a huge difference between Diana and Xerath. It has the same MR as a Negatron cloak, the other stats are a complete waste on a caster with the longest range in the game.

    Just to put in some stuff behind my reasoning. Xeraths ranges are 900/1300 on Q, 600/1000 on E and 900/1300 on his ulti. Only his E has a short enough range outside of his W to benefit from Abyssal (it has a 700 range.) It costs 150g less than Athenes Unholy Grail. Abyssal gives +10 AP, +5MR and the 20 MR reduction, vs Athenes 15% CDR and mana regen. With the mana regen Xerath can safely farm the lane with abilities, so he doesnt even need to get near Akali, CDR works great on him and he has upto 40% spell pen on his W.
    Last edited by Xanjori; 2012-12-23 at 02:03 PM.

  17. #20457
    How do I deal with ezreal bot? I feel like I see him every damm game now. I go for creep kills and I get blasted...I get near him for the kill and he flashes away. I guard tower he blast away...I get low on hp and he ults.. his passive is just ridiculous too. Mind you im only lv 26 and I pair with an overly aggressive leona and ez is always with nunu or a sona.

    We're still adapting to bottom but my god is pokes annoying as hell. We've had better success with ashe and leona at one point but it has been a hard process moving to corki. Caitlyn is another annoying one too
    Last edited by Rawfury; 2012-12-23 at 02:01 PM.

  18. #20458
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Axethor View Post
    Abyssal is a great item to counter burst casters. AP, MR, and an MR reducing aura for those annoying assassins. How is any of that wasted stats. I buy it on Diana pretty much every game. If you won't die you can push your lane and hold Akali under her tower. Now she can't roam without losing the tower, at which point you can begin roaming and counter-gank.Get more kills and snowball other lanes, suddenly that Abyssal looks much nicer and your not behind in any way from buying it (not that it put you behind before, it has AP).
    Xerath should *never* be in range to use the aura on Abyssal. That is how it's a waste.

    ---------- Post added 2012-12-23 at 03:00 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Rawfury View Post
    How do I deal with ezreal bot? I feel like I see him every damm game now. I go for creep kills and I get blasted...I get near him for the kill and he flashes away. I guard tower he blast away...I get low on hp and he ults.. his passive is just ridiculous too. Mind you im only lv 26 and I pair with an overly aggressive leona and ez is always with nunu or a sona.
    Bait his flash and kill him. You can beat him with pretty much any other AD since they took away the attack speed slow on his W.

  19. #20459
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanjori View Post
    There is a huge difference between Diana and Xerath. It has the same MR as a Negatron cloak, the other stats are a complete waste on a caster with the longest range in the game.

    Just to put in some stuff behind my reasoning. Xeraths ranges are 900/1300 on Q, 600/1000 on E and 900/1300 on his ulti. Only his E has a short enough range outside of his W to benefit from Abyssal (it has a 700 range.) It costs 150g less than Athenes Unholy Grail. Abyssal gives +10 AP, +5MR and the 20 MR reduction, vs Athenes 15% CDR and mana regen. With the mana regen Xerath can safely farm the lane with abilities, so he doesnt even need to get near Akali, CDR works great on him and he has upto 40% spell pen on his W.
    So again, why were you complaining when I said it's better to get early MR against champs like Akali?

  20. #20460
    Quote Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
    So again, why were you complaining when I said it's better to get early MR against champs like Akali?
    Maybe youve not read but Ive said since my first post on the topic of Xerath vs Akali that ABYSSAL SCEPTER is bad, but an early negatron is fine?
    Please keep up with the discussion if you wanna try score some fucking points.

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