1. #21661
    Hmmm, maybe I should take to learning ahri more. I forgot to mention Ori. That bitch be crazy

    ---------- Post added 2013-01-08 at 07:55 PM ----------

    Eve is too easily countered to mean much. She is like fizz, but without all the dodging. I guess I take her reliance on invisible as an easy counter. And she is TERRIBLE vs poke champs in laning phase.

    ---------- Post added 2013-01-08 at 07:57 PM ----------

    But her roam IS pretty insane. So I guess she goes on the initial list, but her late game isn't all that amazing unless she is fed.

  2. #21662
    Eve easily countered? This is news to me o_O

  3. #21663
    I was surprised you didn't mention Evelynn, SargorVirm. I think she's the best apc roamer currently. Lots of bursts and can get to places rather fast, even faster if you get the speed boots it seems.

  4. #21664
    So yeah, this is for the people in Keko. This is how I play my "Tank-Nidalee", focusing on defensive stats to compliment my offence orientated runes/masteries. Note: This is for when you're against a bruiser-orientated team (Bruiser Mid/Jungle + Top).


    Attack Damage Reds
    Flat Armor Yellows
    Magic Resist/lvl Blues
    Attack Damage Quints

    These runes because from 1-6 you'll be concentrating on auto-attacking for all your damage.


    Pretty self explanatory. Take CDR over Attack Speed, alternatively, take the 2 points out of Butcher and Offensive Summoners for 3 in Attack speed. Other than that, we're relying on Auto-Attack, consistent damage. You won't be getting any crit items, so the crit masteries are useless.

    Summoner Spells:
    Exhaust (Or Ignite/Teleport)

    Flash is self explanatory. Exhaust is my favoured second summoner. 1-6 bruisers might try to fight you before you can outpoke them, and with exhaust you cut their damage by so much. Ignite is riskier, it gives you more kill presence, but nobody worth their salt will let you poke them down then ignite them.

    Skill Order:
    Level 1: W
    Level 2: E
    Level 3: E
    Level 4: Q

    After this, concentrate on maxing R > E > Q > W.

    The reasoning for this is contrary to popular belief, ranking up abilities has no effect on their potency in Cougar form. Rank 1 E and Rank 5 E will do exactly the same amount of damage. You only get a boost by putting points into R.
    • We max R First because it gives us our damage boost in Cougar Form, as well as the boost to resistances.
    • We max E next for lane sustain, as well as the Attack Speed bonus it gives (Lets you trade really well, as well as taking turrets)
    • We max Q next for a little bit more poke, although it's kind of redundant between the Q and W as the bonuses they gives are negligible at best without AP.

      Remember at level 1 to trap their junglers route-path. It will give you/your team a lot of knowledge about where he is/where he is ganking (Wraith Brush, Red Brush, Tribush if you're Blue / Blue Buff, Blue Ramp, your wraith ramp if you're purple)
    Item Build:
    Start: Flash, 4 Health Potions, 1 Mana Potion, 1 Ward.
    First Buy: Chain Vest/Wards/Potions
    Next Shop: Sunfire Cape.

    After this, your build boots 2, and should follow what you need:
    Do they have a farmed AP Mid: Spirit Visage (Get Negatron First)
    Do they have a 3 sources of AD Damage: Iceborn Gauntlets (Get the Glacial First)

    At this point, you should be tanky as hell, and able to effectively 1v2 their carries. Your final build will look something like:

    Sunfire Cape, Boots 2 (Mercs/Ninja Tabi), Iceborn Gauntlets, Muramana, Spirit Visage, Frozen Mallet/Warmogs.

    1. Get Manamune as a 3rd/4th item. If you dislike toggling Muramana then you can swap it out for an AD-orientated item of your choice. I get Muramana because its active works with your Q, which is considered an Execute and does massive damage regardless (More HP they are missing, more damage it does)
    2. No build is set in stone. Try to build for what the game needs

    Early Game (1-6) is all about harassing the enemy down, and forcing him to use his potions. You should have 71 AD at level 1 with the runes/masteries provided. Every time he comes in to last hit, Auto-attack him. Use traps in the bushes so he cant juke you in there, and carry on the poking. If he tries to fight you, back off and heal. As soon as you heal go full offence on him. You will have superior attack speed, and harder hitting Auto Attacks. If he tries to all in you with ignite (I'm thinking Wukong with E + Q) then don't be scared to use your flash or exhaust. Remember to keep last hitting though. It's imperative to be able to get Sunfire asap
    As you hit 6, shop and get your Chain Vest. It will make you near untouchable and will make it easier to trade in minions (Minion Damage op). Continue poking with auto attacks, if he engages/fights you/comes to close, make sure you go into Cougar Form and Pounce/Swipe/Takedown. Your combos will do so much more damage than hit, and the more health he has missing, the more damage your Takedown does. You should have near lane dominance at this point. You should be pulling away in minions, and he will be shopping regularly.

    Mid/Late-Game (As soon as you have Sunfire) its about farming efficiently, split pushing, and making them fight you. If you're stronger, try to keep their turret up to force them to come to lane. If they are roaming, take tier 1 turret (Auto attacking with Attack speed from E). Use a mixture of Wards + Traps for vision. You realistically shouldn't be missing any CS, and can roam into their jungle to get creeps. You should be split pushing so effectively that it will allow your team to take objectives around the map whilst people chase you (Remember use brush and W to escape). Get your Iceborn Gauntlets (Glacial if people are fighting you, Sheen if they are leaving you to split push) and continue being a menace. If your team are not capitilizing, and are instead just being picked off, then you need to group up with your team. Try to be the "offtank" of the group (Don't engage first) and make sure you heal your ADC for the huge boost to Attack Speed (60% at max rank) while you zone/destroy their ADC. Pounce > E > Q. If they are focusing you, stay in cougar form and kite, if not, feel free to switch to human for a few seconds to heal/spear, then switch straight back to cougar as your cooldowns are coming up. Maximize the Iceborn Gauntlet proc, and remember to toggle Muramana for huge Q damage

    Edit: Irelia still counters Nidalee with this build. !&$% Irelia.
    Last edited by mmoc2bcebb3185; 2013-01-08 at 11:51 PM.

  5. #21665
    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm View Post
    Hmmm, maybe I should take to learning ahri more. I forgot to mention Ori. That bitch be crazy

    ---------- Post added 2013-01-08 at 07:55 PM ----------

    Eve is too easily countered to mean much. She is like fizz, but without all the dodging. I guess I take her reliance on invisible as an easy counter. And she is TERRIBLE vs poke champs in laning phase.

    ---------- Post added 2013-01-08 at 07:57 PM ----------

    But her roam IS pretty insane. So I guess she goes on the initial list, but her late game isn't all that amazing unless she is fed.
    You don't really lane on Eve after the first couple of levels, you spend most of your time roaming and snowballing top/bot along with your jungler. Invisibility is very scary to play against, so unless you feed early, your lane opponent will spend gold on pink wards or play very safe/defensively, because you can just stealth around them and spam Q/E on them and use W to run away.
    Laughing Skull-EU

  6. #21666
    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm View Post
    Hmmm, maybe I should take to learning ahri more. I forgot to mention Ori. That bitch be crazy

    ---------- Post added 2013-01-08 at 07:55 PM ----------

    Eve is too easily countered to mean much. She is like fizz, but without all the dodging. I guess I take her reliance on invisible as an easy counter. And she is TERRIBLE vs poke champs in laning phase.

    ---------- Post added 2013-01-08 at 07:57 PM ----------

    But her roam IS pretty insane. So I guess she goes on the initial list, but her late game isn't all that amazing unless she is fed.
    Thing with Eve is, if you are countered in the lane stay there as little as possible. You can pressure both other lanes into at least spamming vision wards with her roaming.

  7. #21667
    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    I was surprised you didn't mention Evelynn, SargorVirm. I think she's the best apc roamer currently. Lots of bursts and can get to places rather fast, even faster if you get the speed boots it seems.
    Eve with Mobility Boots is really fast, and can use the increased speed to get close to people before they notice she is there due to stealth.
    Laughing Skull-EU

  8. #21668
    Yah, I seem to of missed a couple, eve being one, orianna being another. Maybe lux, but I think the UTILITY of eve late game isn't that amazing compared to the Ahri, Gragas, Tanking AP Yi, Shield and displacement Ori. Signs of good champ designs for mid IMO is being able to help the team without being a killing machine, some sort of team benefiting factor. Stuns, roots, push power, shields, stuff of that kind. And of course even better to have that utility WHEN fed. Maybe I'm bias against Eve, I don't know :-(

  9. #21669
    Eve can push decently, imo. Spam Q to clear waves in seconds, use E on minions next to towers for the increased attack speed and watch towers melt.(not as good as an AD-focused champ, but good for a non-Lichbane AP). And with Mobility Boots and W you can be back with your team/escape quite easily, especially because you only need to avoid stuff for 6 seconds and then you're pretty much safe, due to stealth.
    Laughing Skull-EU

  10. #21670
    Clash, I don't know, but why is CDR better over AS on her?

    So she can use her heal more or? I fail to see why cdr>AS.

    Also, since she has a heal, which could be used all the time assuming you have mana sustain, like a philo's, I agree that having one point in Perseverance is enough, and since you listed Manamune I'm assuming that getting Tears at 15 mins +/- should happen. Not really sure if it would be that great on her... Even if added more damage to her cougar Q, but I haven't really tried playing her AD, and not with a Manamune that's for sure, need to try it, just curious.

    Also, isn't armor pen better than AD for her? I don't know how that stuff is but I've heard that armor pen was better early for poke and etc, but I don't know.

    ---------- Post added 2013-01-08 at 08:13 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm View Post
    Yah, I seem to of missed a couple, eve being one, orianna being another. Maybe lux, but I think the UTILITY of eve late game isn't that amazing compared to the Ahri, Gragas, Tanking AP Yi, Shield and displacement Ori. Signs of good champ designs for mid IMO is being able to help the team without being a killing machine, some sort of team benefiting factor. Stuns, roots, push power, shields, stuff of that kind. And of course even better to have that utility WHEN fed. Maybe I'm bias against Eve, I don't know :-(
    Orianna isn't really a good roamer, she's just like an AP support that brings a lot of damage, which is why I love her so much, but definitely not a roamer like Ahri or Eve, I believe.

    And Evelynn isn't really about utility, not exactly, she gives burst and is a natural tank when you ult, so yeah, she brings some utility to the team.

  11. #21671
    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    Clash, I don't know, but why is CDR better over AS on her?

    So she can use her heal more or? I fail to see why cdr>AS.

    Also, since she has a heal, which could be used all the time assuming you have mana sustain, like a philo's, I agree that having one point in Perseverance is enough, and since you listed Manamune I'm assuming that getting Tears at 15 mins +/- should happen. Not really sure if it would be that great on her... Even if added more damage to her cougar Q, but I haven't really tried playing her AD, and not with a Manamune that's for sure, need to try it, just curious.

    Also, isn't armor pen better than AD for her? I don't know how that stuff is but I've heard that armor pen was better early for poke and etc, but I don't know.
    Since Armor Pen got nerfed (At least in Runes) I prefer AD. (I lost 6 ArP on my Reds/Quints ArP Page from 25 to 19)

    You don't rely on Attack speed post 6. CDR reduces the cooldown of your cougar abilities, where the majority of your damage comes from.

    Regarding Muramana, it's entirely worth it, if you hit your abilities. For example, without it, using above build, I took a fullbuild Ezreal from 50% hp, to death in one cougar "rotation" (I was on 3 bars at the time, ended at 1). Making sure not to oom yourself is the problem.

  12. #21672
    Quote Originally Posted by Pfeff View Post
    That is unnecessary.

    So is misinformation, but you guys seem to love that in this thread
    Quote Originally Posted by kasath
    is anyone in this group under 18? my parole officer says I'm not allowed to play wow with anyone under 18

  13. #21673
    Quote Originally Posted by StylesClashv3 View Post
    The pornstar is back!

    Sounds interesting. I'll have to try this
    Last edited by mmocfaf6580671; 2013-01-08 at 08:47 PM.

  14. #21674
    Jebus, Blackroo, snip that shit... :p

  15. #21675
    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    Jebus, Blackroo, snip that shit... :p
    Lol I was just thinking that D:

  16. #21676
    Masked Shaco now available. That's the 3rd instabuy skin for me so far. Other 2 were the Zed bundle and Oktoberfest Gragas.
    Laughing Skull-EU

  17. #21677
    Quote Originally Posted by Drathos View Post
    Masked Shaco now available. That's the 3rd instabuy skin for me so far. Other 2 were the Zed bundle and Oktoberfest Gragas.
    I was really dissapointed in that skin I'm sticking to my Royal Shaco <3

  18. #21678
    Agreed, I don't think it's that great tbh.

  19. #21679
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pfeff View Post
    So is misinformation, but you guys seem to love that in this thread
    Stop the aggravating language before more happens to you. You could just be nice about something and suggest something different... People will have different viewpoints, just part of life.
    Hey everyone

  20. #21680
    You don't see Ori as a roamer? Her W is a decently short cd boost, combined with a speed boost on ally / slow in enemy. And D'at Ult. I think she has very good roam potential. Then again, you guys know more than I do. Been playing longer and what not

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