1. #25761
    Stood in the Fire Ispamx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Monado View Post
    BotRK was allready an item that you would only get on characters that weren't crit-heavy, using it on Jax, Xin or Renekton made them tank-destroyers. (Renekton's W triggers the passive 2-3x, Jax has shitload of AS and so does Xin). I'm considering going to get this new BotRK on Riven, after I get a black cleaver, since it stacks off "Total AD" and gives Riven even more chase-potential, 30% Total AD lifesteal with 330~ AD Riven, yeah... that's 100 hp back per hit... with increased AS...
    So I'm not even sure why the hell they want to turn it into a "carry" item, when it obviously wasn't in the past, and probably still won't be, unless they're not really AD-dependant early like Kog'maw.
    I'm scared of this item on Zed since he has a passive +25% AD. Using the active with his ultimate up for a double dip could really be painful considering he usually gets even more AD than Riven.

  2. #25762
    So i played Riven VS Wukong top. I killed him 3 times and he killed me 0 times. When he came back after the 3rd kill he owned me like nothing. Explain.

    EDIT: He just had 1 cloth armor and a few Hp items.

  3. #25763
    You fought him in minions? You had no summoner spells and he did? You didn't go back to to buy items? He managed to farm despite dying? You dun goofed? :P Can be any number of reasons.

  4. #25764
    You missed your ulti? You missed your stuns? He Decoy'd your Ignite?

    We need more info, or a replay.

  5. #25765
    Well, fun fact is that Taric has the highest base AD of all champions on level 1. ^_^

    Sadly, it doesn't hold up when he levels, dropping down to fourth at level 18.

  6. #25766
    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    Rise bruiser Taric, RISE! You're a strong independent man who don't need no ADC. These changes are just making my mind race with possible builds for him.
    Frozen Heart will be the perfect item for him. Mana adds up damage for his passive, CDR for all his abilities and Armor for more Aura helping and more W damage.

  7. #25767
    Whatevs, go 5 Bloodthirsters and 1 Sword of the Occult for the luls!

  8. #25768
    Quote Originally Posted by The Monado View Post
    Frozen Heart will be the perfect item for him. Mana adds up damage for his passive, CDR for all his abilities and Armor for more Aura helping and more W damage.
    Muh ward moneys

  9. #25769
    Quote Originally Posted by Alaitoc View Post
    Muh ward moneys
    Welp, I was responding to a "bruiser Taric" comment, not meaning it would be for support.

  10. #25770
    Quote Originally Posted by The Monado View Post
    Welp, I was responding to a "bruiser Taric" comment, not meaning it would be for support.
    As much as I would like Taric to be the new Malphite, I don't see it happening. His kit is powerful in theory but he's too slow and doesn't have enough mana to use it very effectively. Unless the armour scaling is high, he's also going to drop like a rock after his W is maxed.

  11. #25771
    I'm pretty sure it was reduced to granting 10% of Taric's armour as an aura, so I'd imagine it will be painful to get back to Live's 30, let alone getting more. :x

  12. #25772
    Alpha Strike now scales with AD, fucking finally.

  13. #25773
    Quote Originally Posted by Alaitoc View Post
    Alpha Strike now scales with AD, fucking finally.
    Took them long enough, hopefully it will reduce the amount of AP Yi's in games, after the W nerfs and all.

  14. #25774
    Quote Originally Posted by The Monado View Post
    Took them long enough, hopefully it will reduce the amount of AP Yi's in games, after the W nerfs and all.
    Well, it will reduce AP Yi's at first, that is for sure, but I wonder how good it'll be for him. I mean, he's already a monster in ad but this buff should really make him a lot better, atleast when bursting.

    Need to try out.

  15. #25775
    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    Well, it will reduce AP Yi's at first, that is for sure, but I wonder how good it'll be for him. I mean, he's already a monster in ad but this buff should really make him a lot better, atleast when bursting.

    Need to try out.
    He's a monster as AD yeah... when he's not CC'd .
    I never really play Master Yi, he isn't really that fun (right clicking yeaaaaaaah), but I can sympathise with people actually trying to make him or Tryndamere work in Ranked, which is basically impossible.

    P.S. I saw your invisible signature text DUN DUN DUUUN

  16. #25776
    Quote Originally Posted by The Monado View Post
    He's a monster as AD yeah... when he's not CC'd .
    I never really play Master Yi, he isn't really that fun (right clicking yeaaaaaaah), but I can sympathise with people actually trying to make him or Tryndamere work in Ranked, which is basically impossible.
    Well, I understand people trying that, atleast with Trynn since I love the bastard. But Yi has more chances of going in ranked play than Trynn ever will, and with this buff, AD just got a lot more viable/better and AP benefits from it too, even more assuming you go Hextech but I don't think that's a good item on him because of his W.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Monado View Post
    P.S. I saw your invisible signature text DUN DUN DUUUN

  17. #25777
    I bet everyone will still be cheesing about as Wizard Hat Yi anyway. They didn't reduce or remove the AP scaling at least. :x

    Surprise if you haven't kept up with the news by the way, The Monado.

  18. #25778
    Quote Originally Posted by Thallidomaniac View Post
    Odd though that they nerf the dominant supports instead of buffing the weak ones. Soraka and Janna were nerfed to oblivion, Sona was hit hard but still sees play, Lulu was nerfed because her capabilites as an AP were too stronk, and now Taric get the nerfs. Does Riot want people to play Nami and Karma now? (Nami gets nothing but buffs, and I can't recall Karma ever getting nerfed.)

    ETA: Xypherous posted about the reasoning for these set of changes. In addition, Vayne, Tristana, and Ashe are getting buffs to their AS gains per level.
    With Nami, I think she feels like a worse version of Taric. Her skill shot stun is alot harder to land even one target let alone too. Usually a skill shot offers a stronger effect if you can't always pull it off. It is just too punishing when compared to Taric's stun...his is longer too and is just click and fire. The only time I've used it really effectively to hit more than 1 target is when they were stunned by another effect first in a team fight. Yeah, I know you have to look at their whole toolkits. Their heals are around the same, if hers bounces. She gets some range and movement boosts, and he gets armor, armor aura, and armor pen. I just don't think her assets make up for power and it makes me sad.

    The site I use to track stats shows Taric shows up in almost 50 percent ranked games, while Nami is at 3 percent. I don't think buffs for her are unwarranted, though, I think they are really going about it the wrong way.

  19. #25779
    Quote Originally Posted by Raminax View Post
    I bet everyone will still be cheesing about as Wizard Hat Yi anyway. They didn't reduce or remove the AP scaling at least. :x

    Surprise if you haven't kept up with the news by the way, The Monado.
    You mean the limited edition box set? Or the fact that the release date is there?
    In any case, my body is ready.

  20. #25780
    that delicous feeling when you win as shroomfield teemo after the enemy was thrash talking during the whole match

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