1. #5321
    Quote Originally Posted by Farec View Post
    Nasus is one of the few i wouldn't build atmogs on, but i do build atmas
    I've thought about building Atmogs on my WW build, its always bugged me that I don't get any AD with my WW build until my last item.

  2. #5322
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiddlesnarf View Post
    I've thought about building Atmogs on my WW build, its always bugged me that I don't get any AD with my WW build until my last item.
    It shouldn't, Warwick is an AP champion.

  3. #5323
    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    SotD does nothing, being a mage does nothing. He has high MR and health base, his ult activation puts him at like 130 MR easily.

    Sure, he can't dodge for a few seconds. That's awesome, except, that's not why he kills people. He will still out DPS and out tank you, and you just wasted 2000g for an item that doesn't really do much on non-hybrids.

    Best counter I can think of is an exhaust + 1v5.
    He has high health, but unless he builds armor/MR, he gets very little of it outside his ult.

    As for his dps, he's all about burst. Leap Strike, Empower and a sheen melee attack is all he really has.

    SotD is a pretty underrated item in my opinion. Every 4th attack does 100 damage burst, 60% attack speed, a use effect that gives you armor penetration and stops dodges.

    You may need to build around jax, but nothing more than an item or two which knocks out any chance of dieing.

    Last time I had a 1v1 against jax, I sent him running in seconds. As Urgot, shield up, he jumps in, pops my banshee's veil, I use my SotD, which puts me at much more armor penetration than he has armor, his empower/sheen hit breaks my shield, I exhaust, he's now doing jack to me, and I'm plowing through his 3k health in seconds.

    Long story short, he runs before SotD reaches it's 8 second timer. Honestly all you really need to wreck jax is SotD, BV, and exhaust.

  4. #5324
    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    It shouldn't, Warwick is an AP champion.
    Bwah? D:

    Also no, Atma's on Warwick is a terrible idea. He seldom has the health to support it AD or Magewick.

    ...Now, while we're on the subject...Jax with Atmas? *Doesn't play Jax*
    LoLtumblr |

  5. #5325
    Quote Originally Posted by Typhron View Post
    Bwah? D:

    Also no, Atma's on Warwick is a terrible idea. He seldom has the health to support it AD or Magewick.

    ...Now, while we're on the subject...Jax with Atmas? *Doesn't play Jax*
    Atma's is staple build on Jax. At least EU players do a more tanky Jax.

  6. #5326
    Quote Originally Posted by Underskilled View Post
    He has high health, but unless he builds armor/MR, he gets very little of it outside his ult.
    Last time *I* played Jax, we had no jungler so we were 1v2 against him top. He was 0-5 by 12 minutes. By 20, all he had was a revolver and ninja tabi. At this point, he was over 100 armor and 76 MR standing. I was TF with more than SotD at this point. Pop it and try to DPS him down, hit him for maybe 2% of his health an auto attack, get leap striked for 760 and die in two hits.

    I realize Urgot is a much better champion for dueling Jax than TF is, but any champion that only has one counter in the game is considered to be BS by me. In DotA, Void is pretty much unbeatable the exact same way. Sure, if you have Omniknight on your team you can totally smash him with Guardian Angel, however, why should you be FORCED to pick a hero to counter an enemy that is just so damn strong you will automatically lose if you don't pick his counter? Really takes the fun out of the game, imo.

  7. #5327
    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    It shouldn't, Warwick is an AP champion.
    His ult scales with AD, plus I hate farming lanes with no extra AD. Though I sometimes get a Wriggles when I Lanewick, not always though it depends on my lane opponent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Typhron View Post

    Also no, Atma's on Warwick is a terrible idea. He seldom has the health to support it AD or Magewick.
    I build CDR/Tankwick, have plenty of health.

  8. #5328
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiddlesnarf View Post
    I build CDR/Tankwick, have plenty of health.
    You're building tank, of course you will. It just seems that, for the payoff, you need that as well as a high amount of health starting off.

    'Funny' conversation between me and Styles. Not even bothering to change my steam name since it's hidden anyway. Un-edited because Idongivafuck.

    6:35 PM - StylesClash: Elo Hell doesn't exist.
    6:36 PM - Siri the Firemind: That's what you were going to say, right? That's how it feels at times.
    6:36 PM - StylesClash: Still.
    6:36 PM - StylesClash: It doesn't exist
    6:36 PM - StylesClash: It's an excuse
    6:37 PM - StylesClash: for average players to describe their average playing
    6:37 PM - Siri the Firemind: True in most cases
    6:37 PM - Siri the Firemind: But do keep in mind that that may also be bfacilitated with bad luck
    6:37 PM - Siri the Firemind: Let's take my season 1 career for example
    6:38 PM - Siri the Firemind: I will never forget my first game as level 20.
    6:38 PM - Siri the Firemind: Someone picked my main, Warwick, didn't build Madred's. didn't jungle. Went 0/16 and blamed me for going 0/4 as tank Nasus
    6:38 PM - Siri the Firemind: Build ID and Zerkers. As Warwick*
    6:39 PM - Siri the Firemind: Next day
    6:39 PM - StylesClash: people doing ranked at "elo hell" are terrible, terrible players
    6:39 PM - StylesClash: Any semi-competant player
    6:39 PM - Siri the Firemind: 'Level 20-29's can no longer que up for Ranked matches"
    6:39 PM - StylesClash: can carry themselves
    6:39 PM - Siri the Firemind: Lemme finish
    6:40 PM - Siri the Firemind: I get my ass to 30 doing normal games and dabble in ranked, being pretty low because I have no fucking other games other than that travesty.
    6:40 PM - Siri the Firemind: First match, I'm Dr. Mundo. Get first blood. Don't die
    6:40 PM - Siri the Firemind: I don't fucking die the entire fucking match as fucking Dr. Mundo tank. And we lost. Why?
    6:40 PM - Siri the Firemind: A skinned Shaco fed and I elo tanked 'further'
    6:41 PM - Siri the Firemind: Next game. I actually play a competant Malzahar that felt refreshing after my previous excursions. He kicked my ass mid as Sivir so hard I was stunned.
    6:41 PM - Siri the Firemind: Understand something, Leesa
    6:42 PM - Siri the Firemind: When it comes to Elo hell, I have stared into the Abyss, and it has stared back at me. And I have to see this each and every time I see a teammate trying to go commando against anything because I get flashbacks of those games where people have done everything wrong at the right times for the other team.
    6:42 PM - Siri the Firemind: If there was an ELO hell? I was in it.
    6:42 PM - Siri the Firemind: And it did not want me to leave.
    But no, ELO hell doesn't exist. But something like it does in the form of "Really bad luck". And we deal with it. B|

    *This was back before Lane-wick was strong. Supression didn't exist, there weren't many supports, and Win Nhao wasn't even a concept. The 'good ol' days' for people who were retarded, I suppose.
    Last edited by Typhron; 2011-10-04 at 11:18 PM.

  9. #5329
    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    Last time *I* played Jax, we had no jungler so we were 1v2 against him top. He was 0-5 by 12 minutes. By 20, all he had was a revolver and ninja tabi. At this point, he was over 100 armor and 76 MR standing. I was TF with more than SotD at this point. Pop it and try to DPS him down, hit him for maybe 2% of his health an auto attack, get leap striked for 760 and die in two hits.
    From the sound of it, that jax had tanky runes/masteries to have those levels of armor and MR with just those items that early into the game. It's literally impossible for him to have had Leap Strike hit for 760, or anywhere near that, since, assuming it's leveled to 5, it's base damage is 120, with a 0.7 AP ratio, and 1.0 AD ratio. Judging on what level we assume he was, and items, his bonuses could have only given him an extra ~115 damage to his leap strike, so it sounds like you're exaggerating a little bit.

    Countering Jax doesn't require much, SotD, Banshee's Veil, and Exhaust is all you need. As TF, those items and summoner spell are already pretty much staple for you. Leap Strike breaks BV, exhaust him on his way, since exhaust reduces attack damage by 70%, and ability and item damage by 35%. Since his main burst is leap strike, empowered attack, and using his gunblade, that's all out the window now. From there you can pop SotD and go nuts, all his burst is gone.

  10. #5330
    Whoa, maybe I should clarify. Most people "stuck" in "Elo Hell" are bad players, before I get metric tonne of shit thrown at me.

  11. #5331
    Quote Originally Posted by StylesClashv3 View Post
    Whoa, maybe I should clarify. Most people "stuck" in "Elo Hell" are bad players, before I get metric tonne of shit thrown at me.
    I never fully understood the concept of ELO hell. I've won and lost ranked games, dropped and jumped in rating, but haven't seen a real change in the skill of players. I'm not saying I only play with morons, most of the people do what they're doing, even when we lose, it just means the other team was a little better.

  12. #5332
    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    SotD does nothing, being a mage does nothing. He has high MR and health base, his ult activation puts him at like 130 MR easily.

    Sure, he can't dodge for a few seconds. That's awesome, except, that's not why he kills people. He will still out DPS and out tank you, and you just wasted 2000g for an item that doesn't really do much on non-hybrids.

    Best counter I can think of is an exhaust + 1v5.
    i may be lucky or not, but most of the times i've played vayne lately, there was often a jax on their team. and SotD is like godly if i can afford it soon enough. can't help grinning every time i rape a jax thanks to that item.

  13. #5333
    Quote Originally Posted by Underskilled View Post
    I never fully understood the concept of ELO hell. I've won and lost ranked games, dropped and jumped in rating, but haven't seen a real change in the skill of players. I'm not saying I only play with morons, most of the people do what they're doing, even when we lose, it just means the other team was a little better.
    To me, 'Elo Hell" is a scape-goat for the incompetent to blame their team for what they couldn't do. If people are that bad, it's easy to carry. If you can't carry, then you're going to struggle at higher elo.

    I follow the 'ethic' Dyrus put out there; you want to get out of lower elo, be prepared to 1v5, be prepared to win 1v5.

  14. #5334
    Quote Originally Posted by Underskilled View Post
    From the sound of it, that jax had tanky runes/masteries to have those levels of armor and MR with just those items that early into the game. It's literally impossible for him to have had Leap Strike hit for 760, or anywhere near that, since, assuming it's leveled to 5, it's base damage is 120, with a 0.7 AP ratio, and 1.0 AD ratio. Judging on what level we assume he was, and items, his bonuses could have only given him an extra ~115 damage to his leap strike, so it sounds like you're exaggerating a little bit.
    From what I can tell from death reports, all damage done during a leap strike gets counted, so, his empowered weapon for example. What I mean, is that I'll go to "abuse" Jax, do maybe 2% of his health, get jumped on for half of my health bar, run away, he chases, I stun him and keep running, he catches up and finishes me with another leap strike. Death report says "Leap Strike - 741" and that's it. I would say that was counting both leaps, but I had more than 741 health.

    I just 'gotta go by what the game gives me. I've never played a hero that could stand within leap range of Jax for more than two seconds before having to run like hell or die. Once he hits level 6 it's over, he doesn't even usually need items to smash most champions. Every time I have seen him solo top, every single game he has turned the lane completely upside down as soon as he hit 6/finished ninja tabi.

  15. #5335
    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    From what I can tell from death reports, all damage done during a leap strike gets counted, so, his empowered weapon for example. What I mean, is that I'll go to "abuse" Jax, do maybe 2% of his health, get jumped on for half of my health bar, run away, he chases, I stun him and keep running, he catches up and finishes me with another leap strike. Death report says "Leap Strike - 741" and that's it. I would say that was counting both leaps, but I had more than 741 health.

    I just 'gotta go by what the game gives me. I've never played a hero that could stand within leap range of Jax for more than two seconds before having to run like hell or die. Once he hits level 6 it's over, he doesn't even usually need items to smash most champions. Every time I have seen him solo top, every single game he has turned the lane completely upside down as soon as he hit 6/finished ninja tabi.
    Jax counter in lane? Talon. Ability based physical that can't be dodged. Strong harass and escape, a silence and a bleed. Talon is very, very effective against Jax, and can trade very well with him. Even after 6.

  16. #5336
    Quote Originally Posted by StylesClashv3 View Post
    To me, 'Elo Hell" is a scape-goat for the incompetent to blame their team for what they couldn't do. If people are that bad, it's easy to carry. If you can't carry, then you're going to struggle at higher elo.

    I follow the 'ethic' Dyrus put out there; you want to get out of lower elo, be prepared to 1v5, be prepared to win 1v5.
    Ah, well thank god for LoL buddies then, at least we can 2v5

    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    From what I can tell from death reports, all damage done during a leap strike gets counted, so, his empowered weapon for example. What I mean, is that I'll go to "abuse" Jax, do maybe 2% of his health, get jumped on for half of my health bar, run away, he chases, I stun him and keep running, he catches up and finishes me with another leap strike. Death report says "Leap Strike - 741" and that's it. I would say that was counting both leaps, but I had more than 741 health.

    I just 'gotta go by what the game gives me. I've never played a hero that could stand within leap range of Jax for more than two seconds before having to run like hell or die. Once he hits level 6 it's over, he doesn't even usually need items to smash most champions. Every time I have seen him solo top, every single game he has turned the lane completely upside down as soon as he hit 6/finished ninja tabi.
    I see what you mean, and going off the "death report" which I find to rarely be right. Still, countering Jax pretty much requires items you should normally get against burst champions. With casters, frozen heart along with BV can save your life, combined with exhaust to laugh through Jax.

    I rarely play Jax, but I've played plenty games with Poppy, and she's quite similar to Jax. A slam against the wall, and a Lichbane super charged Q, and that's my damage. If their BV catches my charge, the majority of my burst is gone, I get exhausted, all of my burst is gone, it's basically the same with Jax's leap strike and empower hit. It's really the general items and summoners that counter him.

  17. #5337
    Quote Originally Posted by Underskilled View Post
    Ah, well thank god for LoL buddies then, at least we can 2v5

    Duoqueueing is the best way to get out of lower Elo. Take a solo lane and a jungler between you, and you should have 0 problems.

  18. #5338
    Quote Originally Posted by StylesClashv3 View Post
    Duoqueueing is the best way to get out of lower Elo. Take a solo lane and a jungler between you, and you should have 0 problems.
    That's what me and fiddle are doing in normal games and we win like 95% of the time...even with troll allies.

    Though sometimes you get sona's who go mobility treads and PDs just so they can get to the enemy towers sooner for more suicides.

    Anyway, I don't know what the whole Talon craze is lately, I've never seen him do above average at best. He can be incredibly annoying in dominion because you can't get him the hell away from you when trying to attack a tower, but so is Shaco or Akali. However, every game I see him in people are like "OMG TALON NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and then he ends up 2-7 because he falls apart to one spell like Twitch.

    I understand that the best counter to Jax is spellcaster AD like Urgot/Ez/I'll give you talon, too bad there are very few of them, and none of them are usually picked at all/solo top if they are. I haven't seen Talon v/ Jax yet so I guess I have to hold off judgement on that. He's still too strong, imo, and is my first pick for a ban every single game because I'm tired of losing to a Jax who got ninja tabi and proceeded to wreck teams 1v4. It's not quite so bad since I started playing mainly Skarner, I can face off against most of the typically stupid tough champions and at least hold it to a draw/get away if I start losing, but it's still almost as frustrating to see him wreck all of your allies one by one and get incredibly fed incredibly early.
    Last edited by Lysah; 2011-10-05 at 12:29 AM.

  19. #5339
    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    That's what me and fiddle are doing in normal games and we win like 95% of the time...even with troll allies.

    Though sometimes you get sona's who go mobility treads and PDs just so they can get to the enemy towers sooner for more suicides.

    about 10% effort exerted, if that.

  20. #5340
    Quote Originally Posted by StylesClashv3 View Post
    about 10% effort exerted, if that.
    What's your rating? If you're like 1800+ on this account, then I doubt you get people who care so little about winning that they intentionally lose because you didn't pick the exact champion they told you to.

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