1. #12761
    Quote Originally Posted by Waterisbest View Post
    It's time to talk about Cho'gath build!

    I'm thinking

    Philo->HoG->Merc thread->Wits End->TF->Rabadons

    Turn Philo into Shuraylia and turn HoG into Randuins when needed. Go for FM if you really need more hp. From bot games, I have seen I have a lot of hp with my original build. 4k with full build and feast stacks, 176 armor and 150+ MR.
    Get Frozen Heart. It's so good on him, gives tons of defense, CDR and mana.

  2. #12762
    Bloodsail Admiral Speedy92286's Avatar
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    I am wondering, what is wrong with Soraka? People were quitting when I locked her in. Funny thing is, I just won with her after my teammate quit. Any reason why people don't like her? On Twisted Forest, too, where I thought she would be decent.
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  3. #12763
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speedy92286 View Post
    I am wondering, what is wrong with Soraka? People were quitting when I locked her in. Funny thing is, I just won with her after my teammate quit. Any reason why people don't like her? On Twisted Forest, too, where I thought she would be decent.
    Never played her in 3v3 but I can tell you she would be useless. You usually need a tank, bruiser, and the third could be an AP bruiser but that last slot can be anything as long as that champion does well in 3v3. I'm going to tell you that unless you are the very first pick ban Darius in 3v3 if you try ranked. He really is just a boss and can just destroy everything.
    Hey everyone

  4. #12764
    Bloodsail Admiral Speedy92286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duronos View Post
    Never played her in 3v3 but I can tell you she would be useless. You usually need a tank, bruiser, and the third could be an AP bruiser but that last slot can be anything as long as that champion does well in 3v3. I'm going to tell you that unless you are the very first pick ban Darius in 3v3 if you try ranked. He really is just a boss and can just destroy everything.
    Ah, I see. I just started a week ago, so I don't have any heroes besides Kayle and I really fell in love with Soraka. I'll try to get a bruiser/tank once I get into 3k IP.
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  5. #12765
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speedy92286 View Post
    Ah, I see. I just started a week ago, so I don't have any heroes besides Kayle and I really fell in love with Soraka. I'll try to get a bruiser/tank once I get into 3k IP.
    Supports really don't fit in 3v3 very well. If you can jungle in 3v3 it's actually a great bonus but it's not very easy to do initially.
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  6. #12766
    Bloodsail Admiral Speedy92286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duronos View Post
    Supports really don't fit in 3v3 very well. If you can jungle in 3v3 it's actually a great bonus but it's not very easy to do initially.
    Ah, okay. Thanks! Any recommendations for a good 3v3 toon for a newer player?
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  7. #12767
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenlnir View Post
    Do you use Chrome? It's been translating the cases for me so I don't have to skip. =D
    I'm too good at languages to trust Chrome (or Google) translations. I'm painfully aware of the mistakes it makes. Additionally, it still misses a ton of stuff. Try n see how it deals with "h8r" or "f@g".

    Quote Originally Posted by Speedy92286 View Post
    Ah, okay. Thanks! Any recommendations for a good 3v3 toon for a newer player?
    There's some tier lists lying about.

    In general, Olaf, Yorick, Udyr (if you want to jungle), Malphite, Jax, etc.

    You could get Singed, but he's probably banned in every single game anyway. If he isn't, one of the two teams is completely clueless.

    Might want to ban Darius unless you know how to counter him (hint: Olaf spams MOAR TRU DAMAG!) because he can pub stomp pretty well. He apparently isn't that big of a hassle when you know how to handle him.
    Last edited by Duilliath; 2012-08-19 at 08:31 AM.

  8. #12768
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    Garen, Trynd or Jax are solid picks for Twisted Treeline with the first 2 being fairly simple champions. Jax is rather simple himself but Garen and Tryndamir are fairly right click friendly. Plus, they're all 1350ip so you can afford all 3 if you wanted fairly quick. Once you get skilled enough especially at lower level play against non smurfs, you'll be able to 1v2 on a regular basis as any one of these 3 champs by just getting kills and not playing overly aggressive early.

  9. #12769
    I have been playing Garen a lot since his buff, and by gods he is so much stronger. Early and late game. Last night I had a game where I was getting incredibly fed, and leaned more towards damage than tankyness, and my spin killed the AD carry in 3 ticks. Was Hilarious.

    I run him 9/21, with a point in armor pen. Also for runes I have Arm pen quints, and marks, armor yellow, and mr blues. Generally my build is something like
    boots -> HoG -> Frozen mallet -> And then depending on how the game goes Randuins/Atmas/FoN/Maw of Mautilus/Inf Edge
    I got him Yomuus once or twice and wondered if it was worth it with my already high arm pen, or whether if they stacked armor, it wouldn't be better to get last whisper?

  10. #12770
    Quote Originally Posted by Speedy92286 View Post
    Ah, I see. I just started a week ago, so I don't have any heroes besides Kayle and I really fell in love with Soraka. I'll try to get a bruiser/tank once I get into 3k IP.
    Kayle is extremely good on 3v3

  11. #12771
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZerOKami View Post
    Kayle is extremely good on 3v3
    Oh? I tried her the first time I played 3v3 and I loved her but for some reason I did better with Soraka. I guess worse opponents or I got more careful?

    Thank you for the responses! I might try out Garen, actually. I know someone that LOVES Tyr, so he might be a choice, as well. I'll look up some tier lists if anything.
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  12. #12772
    LOL twitch ez pz, first time i played him 10 min ago, 24 kills 2 deaths 1 quadra kill 13 highest multi kill i think i've found a hero i like

  13. #12773
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    I'm too good at languages to trust Chrome (or Google) translations. I'm painfully aware of the mistakes it makes. Additionally, it still misses a ton of stuff. Try n see how it deals with "h8r" or "f@g".
    I didn't say it was perfect. but it works well enough especially if I can't get the gist of it. I'll admit that it can't do Spanish for crap, but for me that's not an issue living so close to Mexico.
    <-- That is otterly adorable.

  14. #12774
    Quote Originally Posted by Speedy92286 View Post
    Ah, okay. Thanks! Any recommendations for a good 3v3 toon for a newer player?
    My advice would be look through the list below, until you find a champion you like.
    Just take into account if you plan on playing ranked at some point, i'd stay away from the "tier god" section, due to the fact they will be banned 99% of the time so there's no real point in learning to play them.
    I personally played darius from level 1-13 in treeline, and he is just a monster...

    Tier God :
    God AP : Rumble, Gragas
    God Carry/Bruiser : Jax, Darius, Rengar
    God Jungle : Lee Sin, Shyvana

    Tier 1:
    AP Carry : LuLu, Singed, Malphite, Cassiopeia, Kennen, Zyra, Diana, Nunu
    AD Carry/Bruiser : Yorick, Pantheon, Renekton, Tryndamere, Olaf, Jayce, Xin Zhao, Gangplank
    Jungle : Dr. Mundo, Riven, Shaco
    Hybrid : Poppy, Kayle

    Tier 2:
    AP Carry : Brand, Cho-Gath, LeBlanc, Sion, Ahri, Janna, Karma, Fizz, Morgana, Soraka, Mordekaiser
    AD Carry/Bruiser : Garen, Nidalee, Skarner, Jarvan, Warwick, Udyr, Teemo, Irelia, Fiora, Trundle, Volibear, Wukong, Shen
    Jungle : Nocturne, Rammus
    Hybrid : Akali

    Tier 3:
    AP Carry : Karthus, Swain, Amumu, Annie, Orianna, Galio, Vladmir, Ziggs, Malzahar, Maokai, Ryze, Fiddle, Eve
    AD Carry/Bruiser : Graves, Talon, Vayne, Miss Fortune, Natilius, Ezreal, Corki, Hecarim
    Jungle :

    Tier 4:
    AP Carry : Anivia, Kassadin, Heimerdinger, Zilean, Lux, Veigar, Katarina, Viktor, Twisted Fate, Sona, Taric, Xerath, Alistar, Sejuani
    AD Carry/Bruiser : Nasus, Caitlyn, Kog'Maw, Urgot, Tristana, Blitzcrank, Sivir, Leona, Ashe, Twitch, Varus, Draven
    Jungle : Master Yi
    Source: here.
    Last edited by mmoce7a0623b54; 2012-08-19 at 03:33 PM.

  15. #12775
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    I was thinking of Shyvana actually, but I am not sure how good a jungler I am. And Lulu was on my list of people to get at some point. Thanks for the list! Depending on what the free heroes are next week I will either spend or hold onto my nearly 3k IP.
    PM me if you ever want to add me for Hearthstone!

  16. #12776
    Quote Originally Posted by Speedy92286 View Post
    I was thinking of Shyvana actually, but I am not sure how good a jungler I am. And Lulu was on my list of people to get at some point. Thanks for the list! Depending on what the free heroes are next week I will either spend or hold onto my nearly 3k IP.
    for what it's worth, I just had a game vs shyvana, she was a bitch to try and kill, seems like a solid champ for treeline.
    Bare in mind, you WILL get insulted, over and over, and probably lose many games due to players stating that "JUNGLING IN 3V3 IS FOR NOOBS LOL U SUK L2P"
    just try and ignore it and move on.
    Although I would recommend not going full jungle, unless you're teamed with 2 strong champs who can hold their own 1v2. It's not exactly fair on your team-mates, and that bottom lane will be pushed so fast, that they'll probably have your inhibitor down <15 minutes.

    I personally am loving warwick at the moment.
    I go solo top lane, and assuming I don't get out-laned, I'll have wriggles lantern/berzerker greaves by 8 minutes, and when my lane is pushed to their tower I can drop down and gank, ward&take red then pop up to take dragon, green and black.
    Last edited by mmoce7a0623b54; 2012-08-19 at 03:43 PM.

  17. #12777
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speedy92286 View Post
    I was thinking of Shyvana actually, but I am not sure how good a jungler I am. And Lulu was on my list of people to get at some point. Thanks for the list! Depending on what the free heroes are next week I will either spend or hold onto my nearly 3k IP.
    I noticed you said you only started a week ago and jungling before lvl 20 isn't a good idea, especially on Twisted Treeline where they use the old jungle camps. Runes and masteries are huge for junglers, since it gives you the early survivability needed to clear camps. Still, Shyvana is a solid pick in TT even if you don't jungle.

  18. #12778
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    I get insulted already when I play Soraka so I doubt it will be much worse. I'll practice a little against the AI so I can get a grasp on when to jungle and when not to. I really have to try out some builds though. I do well enough, but I see some people who are nigh invincible. The worse case was a Nocturne who went 20-0-10 and took out 3 of us at once. Fun times.

    @Axe: Ah. Well she looks really fun. I read that jungling is really hard to do right unless you have runes for it, so I might just play her "normally".
    Last edited by Speedy92286; 2012-08-19 at 03:50 PM.
    PM me if you ever want to add me for Hearthstone!

  19. #12779
    Quote Originally Posted by Speedy92286 View Post
    I get insulted already when I play Soraka so I doubt it will be much worse. I'll practice a little against the AI so I can get a grasp on when to jungle and when not to. I really have to try out some builds though. I do well enough, but I see some people who are nigh invincible. The worse case was a Nocturne who went 20-0-10 and took out 3 of us at once. Fun times.

    @Axe: Ah. Well she looks really fun. I read that jungling is really hard to do right unless you have runes for it, so I might just play her "normally".
    Yeah I forgot to mention that, thanks axe :P
    Jungling is highly dependent on runes/masteries to give you the survivability. If you try jungling <level 20(Tier 2 runes unlock here) you will have a very hard time, and spend more time in your fountain regaining hp, rather than killing creeps.

    Practising vs AI will help you learn your character abilities/your limitations, and when to push or fall back, however that's all it's worth, they don't act like players at all, so bare that in mind.

    One thing about 3v3 as well to take into consideration, is the fact that sadly, you will rarely have a game that goes "all the way".
    I would say out of the 80 games or so i've played so far, only maybe 10 have actually ended via the nexus being destroyed. And only one has gone on to "late game"(40+ minutes). Most people are impatient/IP Whores and will just surrender if they're not winning at 15 minutes.(when you can actually surrender in 3v3).
    So basically: if you're picking a champion, make sure they have amazing early/mid game and can do well with an incomplete item build, because it's rare that you will manage to make it to late game/get a full item build out.

    They really should change it so that you can only surrender if you're a team member down.
    Last edited by mmoce7a0623b54; 2012-08-19 at 04:29 PM.

  20. #12780
    I'm surprised to see TF in the last tier for treeline. His ulti just seems like it could be super powerful on that map.
    <-- That is otterly adorable.

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