1. #26141
    Quote Originally Posted by Axethor View Post
    The ten stack idea was stupid and would have completely screwed over Darius in lane and in team fights. I don't know why Certainlyt even mentioned it. It gave Darius haters false hopes while the Darius players just facepalmed at how stupid it sounded. He has no innate defenses and would need to itemize for AS instead of defense, which would make him explode in team fights and be useless overall. He already has minor TF impact if his ult is down, no need to extend it to when it's up as well.

    This change is good and makes sense. It's like a battle frenzy super ult spree. When the fighting ends you calm down and your ult goes on CD.
    Morello mentioned the 10 stacks thing, not CT. I don't think CT would ruin his baby

    Quote Originally Posted by Vvhooya View Post
    how to play Jayce

    Typically it depends on which lane you play and what role you want to fulfill. I play him mostly mid as an anti-carry, but he is still really strong as a bruiser top.

    In both roles you want to build damage first to make his poke useful, so Brutalizer and Bloodthirster are kinda core on him. After that you either go full damage (last whisper, black cleaver, manamune, etc) or bruiser (tri-force, warmogs, randuin). Never build full tank as he'll be basically worthless aside from being a meatshield with a knockback.

    Laning phase is really easy, considering his many speed modifiers and range: they make him safe from ganks and easy to farm with. For example, sometimes if I know the enemy junger is camping my lane i just safely farm from a far with EQ since it starts one-shotting creeps really early. This only works if you're building a manamune though.

    As with all the champs with strong poke, you should always try to precede teamfights with doing that. During them you usually just go for their squishies or, if you're built bruiser, try to protect your carries with your E and Q slow for a little before going back to killing squishies.

    tl;dr: power slam.

  2. #26142
    Quote Originally Posted by Funkthepunk View Post
    4 wins a row with Kha'zix and 8 wins in a row with Vi, making it 12 wins a row. Not bad

    Regarding Kha'zix. I've won all games I've played with him so far (4 games so far), but I still have one major issue with him. I wouldn't really say that I have managed to play any excellent with him. I would actually go so far to say that all my 8 games with Vi I did better than any of my 4 games with Kha'zix.

    This basically comes down to the following:

    - I have a hard time getting creep kills and harrasing before I get W evolved (especially against ranged champions).
    - His gap closer E (jump) is really weak before getting upgraded. You can rarely get into position to stick on your target, and once it is on cooldown you cannot disengage, and it only takes a bit of soft or hard CC to keep you kited.
    - I think his ultimate is rarely game breaking (I don't seem to like evolving it either).
    - He doesn't do a lot of damage before getting Q upgraded.
    - He lacks tankability, and therefore often dies before or after a gank is finished, unless fed.

    The only real succes I've had with him is when I've upgraded both E and W and I can jump around and really mess with my opponents since I can easily harass from range and disengage to safety, and then jump in and finish a target in case they fall behind because of W slow.

    Keep in mind that my account is only level 11, so I don't have flash, glyphs, and I always have to share a lane with someone else (no junglers), so will often mean that I am against at least 1 or 2 champions that can harass me better than I can harass them.

    It could very well just be because I lack experience with this champion (since he seems quite hard to play), but I've had much more success with Vi (ganking, tankability, finishing off opponents, initiating kills on weak targets during team fights etc). What is your opinion regarding this?
    Evolving Q doesn't seem worth it for me to be honest. I always evolve W (poke/lane clear/get away) -> E (chase/escape/SURPRISE MOTHERF) -> R. R gives you an extra time to use invisibility and gives you a massive damage reduction while you are in stealth.
    Even when chasing with an unevolved E once you get to a target you burst them so much they will at least have to back, which is a win on itself. Don't always have to get a kill.
    More then once have I R -> E -> Q -> W -> R -> AA [ignite] -> Q and killed a target like this. Both early and lategame. I love Kha'zix, but I hate laning against champions with a strong AA poke (Lux, Orianna). Once you hit 6 it gets marginally easier, and with 12 they be dead.

    What really bothers me though... I want to transfer from EUNE to EUW, but I / they can't remove my old level 1 account on EUW. So the only way for me to transfer is to make an entirely new account on EUW and let them transfer everything over (champs/runes/pages/skins/rp/ip) - but I lose my wins/loss, LP, MMR/ELO...
    I am somewhat bothered by this :/ I am on a pretty stable 470-400 w/l ratio now and quite happy with it, not looking forward to be put into "troll elo" again.
    Last edited by mmocfd0f55852f; 2013-02-20 at 07:11 AM.

  3. #26143
    Quote Originally Posted by Muzual View Post
    Damn I really want Hecarim but I was saving up for LeBlanc :/

    Which do you guys think I should get?
    I want hec but i have 200 IP right now lol..

    I also want to know how is he a super carry.

  4. #26144
    i have 9400 ip atm. sitting here waiting for Quinn, but the fact i dont own ALL the runes nags me every day. like not even good 1's. GP10 blues and reds are the kind of things im missing. BUT THE OCD!!!! resist i must to get Quinn for free!

  5. #26145
    I'm actually impressed with the Darius ult changes. Mad props to Riot for actually nerfing exactly what needed to be nerfed and didn't touch what didn't need to be tuned.
    No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. – Socrates

  6. #26146
    Can't say I enjoy the Darius ult change. And to be honest, I have enjoyed League less as a game to play this season.

    Still great fun to watch and read about. Playing for enjoyment? Not so much for me.

  7. #26147
    Quote Originally Posted by Thallidomaniac View Post
    Riot managed to tone down some of the snowballers (Darius, Garen, Riven), but there are still some champions that still can snowball and/or are dependent on doing so, but most of those are mid laners now, and snowballing in mid lane is not as drastic as snowballing at top. (i.e. Akali, LeBlanc)

    Maintenance will be done for the EUW, EUNE, and TW servers, to try to resolve the issues of the EU servers having downtime issues. Whether it fixes that is yet to be seen.
    Even when killed 5 times in lane, Akali just keeps coming back. Her kit seems to be so extremely strong. I played against her in multiple matches lately and the Akali, without exception, carries their entire team of baddies every single time. We had top, jungle and bottom lane fed (or at least succesfully ganking), but Akali got a few kills in on our mid. We got destroyed by Akali. I tried to Vi-ult her as often as I could during teamfights, but she just escaped, circled and went back in. It's like ...akaliception.

    Worst part is, that their entire team celebrated the victory as if it was a great team effort, but they all sucked, except Akali. That was bitter.

  8. #26148
    Quote Originally Posted by Vespian View Post
    Even when killed 5 times in lane, Akali just keeps coming back. Her kit seems to be so extremely strong. I played against her in multiple matches lately and the Akali, without exception, carries their entire team of baddies every single time. We had top, jungle and bottom lane fed (or at least succesfully ganking), but Akali got a few kills in on our mid. We got destroyed by Akali. I tried to Vi-ult her as often as I could during teamfights, but she just escaped, circled and went back in. It's like ...akaliception.

    Worst part is, that their entire team celebrated the victory as if it was a great team effort, but they all sucked, except Akali. That was bitter.
    Yeah, I dunno what it is tbh. I played Zed vs Akali yesterday and she got -0- kills for the first 25mins, never ahead of me in farm either. I actually got 2 early kills on her, in team fights, she was still doing tremendous amounts of damage and managed to get a triple kill. Wtf? Nothing snowballs as hard as she does besides maybe Fizz, and even then you need quite a few kills to get him going.

  9. #26149
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Can't say I enjoy the Darius ult change. And to be honest, I have enjoyed League less as a game to play this season.

    Still great fun to watch and read about. Playing for enjoyment? Not so much for me.
    What don't you like about the change? I honestly didn't think Darius even needed to be touched. He is a super easy counter and has no escape but the complaints got him the long overdue nerf.
    No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. – Socrates

  10. #26150
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hasslehoof View Post
    Yeah, I dunno what it is tbh. I played Zed vs Akali yesterday and she got -0- kills for the first 25mins, never ahead of me in farm either. I actually got 2 early kills on her, in team fights, she was still doing tremendous amounts of damage and managed to get a triple kill. Wtf? Nothing snowballs as hard as she does besides maybe Fizz, and even then you need quite a few kills to get him going.
    It is quite amazing, and scary, that she can snowball even if she falls behind. Normally, it's usually only the support/CC/utility champions that can still contribute even when getting shut down in lane, i.e. a 0-4 Malphite can still change games to his team's favor with one well-timed ult. One other exception to that is that a 0-4 Darius just needs to Slam Jam a few kills to get back in the game, but Darius is something way different.

    Having a couple of pink wards to use when Akali shrouds makes it easier to take her down, but if the enemy team manages to rush a stack of pink wards/oracles to counter that tactic, then you're in for a ton of hell.
    Last edited by Thallidomaniac; 2013-02-20 at 09:00 AM.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  11. #26151
    Been doing a lot of twisted tree line custom games with friends soon as we have 6 of us on team speak we rock up a TT game. We randomise whos on what team and then play. Ended up going nidalee with my mate on elise and our other friend on mantheon. it was disgusting. Spearing them from max range while mantheon locks them down and elise picks off the strays.

    Also hoping we get ARAM queue match making soon. It needs it.

  12. #26152
    The fact that Akali can stick so well to a target is too much you kind need 3 CC's or a super speed steroid to get her off you 3 dashes is too strong, and she snowballs fucking hard even behind it's unbelievable and she has a godd escape the only thing bad about her is her pre-6 after that your team is doomed.

  13. #26153
    Quote Originally Posted by Durmindo View Post
    The fact that Akali can stick so well to a target is too much you kind need 3 CC's or a super speed steroid to get her off you 3 dashes is too strong, and she snowballs fucking hard even behind it's unbelievable and she has a godd escape the only thing bad about her is her pre-6 after that your team is doomed.
    Use pink wards/oracles to beat her up if you're on a cc AP champ just nuke her shes squishy. Champions like annie/malz can beat her. Before 6 just hammer home the advantage. I often get a pink ward and plop it in the middle of the lane and just poke her pre level 6.

    I have found akalis jungle is not too bad now once you get level 6 you're gankings great with a gun blade. But shes not optimal ive only done it on normal games for fun. Would never try it on ranked for the fear of flaming.

  14. #26154
    I bought akali a few days ago (when she had a skin 50% off)

    I have never lost my lane since i bought her, she is super strong and can snowball like hell..
    There have been a few games though where i had a hard tame later on, their team began to buy pink wards and place them all over and even waiting for my W to place them, not being able to go invis i have a little downtime (3-4 sec) in that time they could take me down.

    i did win though, got very fed on lane, but still, pink wards counters her escape quite a lot

  15. #26155
    Quote Originally Posted by Drathos View Post
    Yeah, its only really going to fix laning against him. He'll still be able to run around teamfights dunking people if played properly.
    Don't know about you but i will still dunk whoever lanes against me as Darius as soon as I hit 6 from 60% with ignite. I couldn't care less about the reset in the lane

  16. #26156
    Quote Originally Posted by meteo View Post
    Don't know about you but i will still dunk whoever lanes against me as Darius as soon as I hit 6 from 60% with ignite. I couldn't care less about the reset in the lane
    Twisted Tree line.

    Darius, Jarvan, Garen. It was DUNKTASTIC.

  17. #26157
    Brewmaster Snaige's Avatar
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    Helloes, a really newbie question here, but it has been bugging me for a long time:

    I don't have much experience with the game, am level 22 or so, but I think I am getting the general idea of how what works by now, except...last hitting minions as a melee champion. I never have problems with ranged champions, but lets say you have some minions in your lane, they are mostly at lowish health and pretty spread out. So as a ranged, you stand there, target, autoattack, it dies, target next one, attack, it dies etc. What are you supposed to do as a melee? I mean, between the attacking and killing minions you have to run to the next one and only then you can proceed. If they are spread out, I fail at this terribly and end up getting only one or two last hits because others end up getting killed by my minions while I am running from one minion to another... So much time spent on that running :/ Then it all ends up with a very frustrated me and omg I will never play melee again qqqqqq.

  18. #26158
    Quote Originally Posted by Vvhooya View Post
    how to play Jayce
    I prefer playing him as a "backup" AD carry/poke monster (BT, Muramana, BC etc). Start laning with the start which will help you the most (Cloth+5 vs AD monsters like Panth, Longsword + 2 vs weak lane and weak jungler etc). R > Q > E > W. If the enemy goes for a lasthit, punish him with 1-2 autoattacks and a Q. You have to remember that you are jayce and WILL lose about every fight against an other bruiser when both of you go all in. Use his E to disengage when you have to.

    As far as items are concerned you have to buy what you need in lane. Rushing a tear is great for the lategame and allows you to spam your Q more often but doesn't offer anything in lane which makes it only a good choice when you have an easy lane or are even. If you have a hard lane it might be better getting an early vamp scepter (so you can sustain yourself a bit vs poke) or a brutalizer. No matter how your lane goes, you should never stop farming. If you fell behind and get denied, use your E Q combo to clear waves fast then either roam or farm the jungle.

    EDIT: @Snaige: Watch what your minions are doing and expect their incomming damage. Usually you can plan ahead which minion will be low enough to lasthit, allowing you to get in a position early. Sometimes you have to kill a minion slightly earlier by using an additional autoattack or a spell because they would have died at the same time. Just keep trying to get as many lasthits as possible and you will get better at it
    If you want to test your lasthitting ability, you could make a custom game without bots and go mid and only lasthit. Try to get as close as possible to 200CS in 20min. Sure it isn't the most exciting thing in the world but it allows you to improve your lasthitting which will automatically make you stronger in the following games
    Last edited by meteo; 2013-02-20 at 11:34 AM.

  19. #26159
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snaige View Post
    Helloes, a really newbie question here, but it has been bugging me for a long time:

    I don't have much experience with the game, am level 22 or so, but I think I am getting the general idea of how what works by now, except...last hitting minions as a melee champion. I never have problems with ranged champions, but lets say you have some minions in your lane, they are mostly at lowish health and pretty spread out. So as a ranged, you stand there, target, autoattack, it dies, target next one, attack, it dies etc. What are you supposed to do as a melee? I mean, between the attacking and killing minions you have to run to the next one and only then you can proceed. If they are spread out, I fail at this terribly and end up getting only one or two last hits because others end up getting killed by my minions while I am running from one minion to another... So much time spent on that running :/ Then it all ends up with a very frustrated me and omg I will never play melee again qqqqqq.
    There's a few options
    1) Improve your positioning in lane
    2) Use abilities to last hit.
    Particularly in top lane, there's a number of champions that have AA-resets or abilities that are only limited by a CD. You might even be able to harass your opponent at the same time.
    3) If you foresee problems coming up, whack one of the minions that is going down at the same pace. This separates their health, letting you get them both if done right.
    4) Bait aggression from your lane opponent. This will stop your minions from attacking the other minions and focus on the enemy player instead.

    A lot of this is lane control and this is something you partially learn through experience. There's also several guides on either Solomid or Youtube that you might find interesting.

  20. #26160
    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm View Post
    i have 9400 ip atm. sitting here waiting for Quinn, but the fact i dont own ALL the runes nags me every day. like not even good 1's. GP10 blues and reds are the kind of things im missing. BUT THE OCD!!!! resist i must to get Quinn for free!
    1. get runes
    2. buy Quinn with RP
    3. play Quinn with an actual proper rune build
    4. ????
    5. PROFIT!!!

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