Greetings follow citizens of Azeroth and Outland.

I'll start, hope people will follow. ((And sure hope that I ain't making a thread that already excist - If so, sorry!))
I hope you all will show support to this thread, I have tried to find something alike, with no luck. This thread is carried on from a forum post I made.

Share your AddOns and I'll update this post to put them to the front!

Thank you

- Gehco Quel'Dron, The Light Watch Order, Argent Dawn EU

TotalRP2 - Creats a custom flag, letting you pick a last name, Title, Prefix, description and Roleplying status. This can also show your background story, states (If you are sad, trustworthy and so on) these states are placed on your name plate as small icons. Lets you set your own personality chart, make quests, NPC talks and speeches, create items too - Doesn't work with MyRoleplay or Flags (Only displays it's own) And will make your name look more interesting to others using it.


Without TRP2 - [Guild] [Gehco]: Hey Guys!
With TRP2 - [Guild] [Gehco Quel'Dron]: Hey Guys!

And remember to keep it up to date or it will make conflicts with Tongues. (Basicly it's Verisimilar, MRP, GHI all-in-one)

MyRoleplay - Creats a custom flag, letting you pick a last name, Title, Prefix, description and Roleplying status. Also allows you to write in age detail, race (if diffrent than what you are) birthplace and where you are dwelling now - Doesn't work with FlagRSP, or X-perl, TotalRP.

Tongues - An AddOn that allows you to speak diffrent languages, and lets you learn diffrent languages as you listen to people talk in the own tongue. Has an easy UI, a big red button.

A few examples:
- Wolf
- Cat
- Kalimag
- Serpent

And -MANY- more, even use Horde/Alliance languages on within you faction, though avoid it.

Does make a conflict with your TRP2. Sometimes mixes up the languages.

Gryphonheart Items - An AddOn that allows you to create your very own items to trade between people using the same AddOn. (If you carry a Flag through MRP, TRP, FlagRSP, do write is you have GHI, might give people a chance for recieving some fun items)

Doesn't work together with other item making tools, but this seem to be the most popular.
Gryphonheart Items may confict with WoW-UI, it can bug and make you unable to trade items that ain't GHI items.

FlagRSP2 - Creats a custom flag, letting you pick a last name, Title, Prefix, description and Roleplying status. Same as totalRP and MyRoleplay (Work with TRP2, not MRP) Have never experience conflicts with this one, though it might appear annoying at moments if you have it on pop-up as you move your mouse over people who have it.

Aubcom's Environment Emotes - a very simple, low-maintenance addon that reformats emotes on your side for a subtle yet awesome immersion effect. (Plays well with Prat! I was told) I do not know about any conflicts yet.

It changes emotes in the format of:
/e || The birds won’t fly tonight.
The birds won’t fly tonight. (John)
Instead of:
John || The birds won’t fly tonight.

In addition, emotes such as:
/e 's nose is far too big for her face.
Will now appear as:
Jane’s nose is far too big for her face.
Instead of the usual:
Jane 's nose is far too big for her face.

Outfitter - allows one to build a variety of outfits similar to the Equipment Manager, however it also allows one to set the display options for helm and cloak to be automatically changed when changing outffits; it includes a "minimap" button for changing outfits; it allows one to set outfit changes to be automatic based on stance/activity [swimming, say]; and it is surprisingly simple to use. It is fully compatible with the current Equipment Manager, and will import and manage outfits already built through that tool.

Share your AddOns and I'll update this post to put them to the front!