1. #1

    Lightweave and spirit trinkets/Arcane Torrent

    Short question. If I have Lightweave Embroidery, which procs intellect, enchanted on my cape is it worth it to hold off using a spirit trinket and Arcane Torrent for a while and wait for that intellect to proc and then use them?

    I calculated my normal combat regeneration as 2842, when it is displayed as 3302.
    (Spirit Regen = Sqrt(Intellect) * Spirit *.016725 courtesy of EJ)

    Lightweave my regen with Core of Ripenessis 4993 for that 20 seconds. With the proc it would be 5308 for 15 seconds.

    As my brain is taking a break from thinking mathematically for the summer, I'm a bit stuck on calculating how long I should wait for that proc for it to be beneficial. Also I can't calculate my regen to match what is displayed in game as I pointed out earlier...

    Here is my armory, if it's of any use.

  2. #2
    The use of your spirit trinket will not have any effect on the returns on AT, but it does have synergy with LW and other INT procs. It honestly depends entirely on how many more times you will be able to use those abilities next.

    If a fight is ~6min long, and assuming you proc LW early and use AT & spirit trinket, then you'll realistically have chances to use it again at the ~2min & ~4min mark (assuming the ~6min mark is boss death). In this case, it is probably more beneficial to wait for procs since you basically have a 2min leeway on the maximum number of useful uses.

    Now, if a fight is ~7min long, with the same assumptions, you'll have chances to use the abilities at ~2min, ~4min, & ~6min. In this case, you only have a 1min leeway to fit 3 uses. As such, if you delay the ~2min & ~4min by a combined average of 30sec each, you'll completely miss the ~6min mark.

  3. #3
    Thanks. That's a great way to think about it, didn't cross my mind!

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