Thread: Disc Tips - Pvp

  1. #1

    Disc Tips - Pvp

    Recently started playing disc on my priest pvp wise. Aiming for 2200+ with my friends this season. Are there any websites guides and whatnot? Cant seem to find one on arena junkies.

  2. #2
    mana drain spam the other healer. and bubble. lots of bubbles. and a heal or two may help

  3. #3
    Most of the fights you will have, will depend on you not getting ccd. If there is a pillar, hump it to death if your facing a mage, warlock or hunter. I currently play rmp or fmp. What i mostly do is stand behind a pillar, or if non, stand out of range of the person who is bound to cc you. If your out of range from your teamates you can always use your devine hymn, it have saved me countless of matches. My most used heal is also prayer of mending due to the instant heal. Only run into range to cast bubble, pom and renew for short heals. If your teammates do take heavy damage, always remember to use inner focus. I can get off 3-4 flash heals or binding heals during this. If on cd, fake cast.

    You can ofc do offensive dispells, but only if your team mates are not undear heavy seage of damage. If the oposit team have a hunter, try to make your team mates takes traps for you and so on. Life gripping a mage, warlock etc to a pillar when under heavy dmg can be quite usefull aswell.

    Thats all i can think of from the top of my head, wich is one of the most important things.

    I nearly never manaburn, as i dont have time mostly. Aslo because our matches last from 1 to 5 min top.

  4. #4
    try and use your instant casts before casting heals. know when to go offensive. keep your team mates out of CC.

  5. #5
    Play defensively at the start of a match. When everyone has their cooldowns up it's quite possible for you to eat a CC chain and have a partner get burst down for a quick loss. Start behind a pillar and come out to heal as needed. Make sure you partners are aware of your positioning as well, whoever is getting focused needs to try to keep the fight in your area.

    When momentum is in your favour and there is a chance to get a kill you can come out to start making offensive moves. Put shadowfiend on the kill target, fear the healer off your partners cc, link into mind control if you don't need to heal anyone.

  6. #6
    Dispel CC ASAP.

    Don't dispel UAs unless it's ridiculously critical to do so. Use inner focus to get the dispel off if possible.

    Coordinate your DPS and CC to land at the right time.

  7. #7
    If you aren't already, SW: D CCs is awesome...
    Last edited by Lolzzor; 2011-07-12 at 05:57 PM.

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