Thread: conquest cap

  1. #1

    conquest cap

    hey with the new feature that u need to do rated bg for conquest cap i heard the amount is diffrent also
    at 1.7k rated bg rating u get 2.2k cap
    but what if u have 1.6k rating?
    anyone has a calculator for this?

  2. #2
    Apparently you get 10% more than your rating for your conquest cap, above the minimum, for Rated BG's, and 10% less than your rating above the minimum, for Arenas.

    At least thats what I was told. I really don't care. I just kill people. Youtube for WoW PvP, Arenas, BG's, PvE, Starcraft II and possibly more!

  3. #3
    ok thanks!

  4. #4
    you don't need to do rbg for conquest cap ...if your arena cap is 20%(ish..or idk) higher then your rbg cap

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