I bought a toshiba tv from amazon. I had to send it back once already because there were several rows of stuck pixels. Now, the new one i got from them has another one after about 5 months.

The pixel is pink-ish and doesn't change the colour as it is supposed to. I find this really annoying.

I already tried "massaging" it back to health, ran a stuck-pixel-fix-program (UDpixel) for several hours, but it remains stuck.

Now, i wonder if i should take a new tv, or try to get my money back from amazon and buy another tv. I'm scared if i get a new one, it will have stuck or dead pixels again after a while. Being without a tv (which i currently also using as pc screen) every couple of months for a 4-6 weeks (which they claim it will take to get me a new one) really sucks.

So, what are your experiences with stuck pixels? Are there models / companies that keep dishing out tvs that get their pixels stuck regularly?

And here's my tv if you're interested : http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B003...ef=oss_product

Can i do anything else to fix it? Is it possible to prevent that kind of thing? and what causes it in the first place?

I'm afraid i will keep getting new tvs until my guarantee is gone, and then i will be stuck with my stuck pixels