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  1. #41
    Well, let's look at the difference between Wrath and Cata.

    Not including Legendaries, and correlating ToC to FL and ICC to DW raid.

    2nd to last raid tier of Wrath: Highest item level available: 272
    Last raid tier of Wrath: Highest item level available: 284

    So, assuming we'll see the same 12 point jump between Rag and Deathwing (OR the boss that comes after in a Halion-esque pre-expansion raid):

    2nd to last raid tier of Cata: Highest item level available: 397
    Last raid tier of Cata: Highest item level available: 409

    Between end tier Wrath gear and entry tier Cata raid gear, there was a 75-point difference (284 --> 359)

    So, we might be able to assume that the item level for entry tier raiding gear in the next expansion will be 484. IF the next expansion has the exact same number of tiers as Cata, AND the same number of levels (5), then it's not too unreasonable to assume that raid gear will start at 484 and end at 534. So, at some point next expansion, probably after the introduction of a new raid tier, they will implement a new BS pattern. I don't necessarily think that it will be strictly necessary to implement a new one every expansion.

    In addition, considering that 484 is the smallest possible estimate of the starting ilevel of next-expansion raid gear, it isn't actually a hugh item level jump if we see it pushed to 500+. It's there, but it's not game breaking.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Weedow View Post
    Ilvl on items is nothing but a number made for those who rates their current gear against other gamers. I hardly find this a need for a discussion at all.
    Blizzard can put in any number they may please. They could even piss around with you just for the sake of doing it, by making next expansion items start at ilvl 1000. What difference would that number make if it was 1000 ilvl or 500 ilvl ?
    Because they try to keep the stats on the item = to the ilvl of the item. They have been trying to stick really close to it. So yes, a 1000ilvl would be a freaking huge increase to stats over a 500. The same way 333 is nothing compared to 378 gear.

    The Ilvl is to give you an idea if that item will even worth your time to look at.

    The only time ilvl dosent matter is on trinkets.

  3. #43
    the leap has to get bigger every expansion...

    vanilla where we had ilvl 60-80, +6 was huge. its like 10%
    400+6 is nothing. you wont even notice the difference
    Time waits for no one.
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

  4. #44
    did you really bother coming up with all those numbers after looking at a belt buckle!? o_O

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by RoboNinja View Post
    The 500 ilvl limit is probably just an insurance number, meaning blizz probably will change the ilvl limit of said belt buckles when they have a better idea on what the gear ilvls will be for the next xpac.
    This is most likely answer. Old belt buckles had no level limit before Cata came out, so the limit in new ones is probably just a placeholder.

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