Thread: [Bio] Alariona

  1. #1
    10+ Year Old Account
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    [Bio] Alariona

    Name: Alariona

    Titles: The Unruly, The Obstinate, The Reckless, The Halfbreed, "THAT %#*$%(* DRAGON," Spawn of the Ravager, Insubordinate Little Shit, The Defiant

    Age: 5

    Race: Twilight Dragon (genetically half black, half red)

    Gender: Female

    Alignment: Chaotic Evil

    Personality: Alariona is very rebellious and has no respect for authority or any kind of chain of command. She likes to do what she wants, when she wants, regardless of how others feel about it. She is truly chaotic evil; she will often attack those on her own side for the sake of causing conflict. For the most part, this can be avoided by giving her a target on which she can go batshit crazy, but there is always that chance. She never passes up the opportunity to cause chaos.

    She will often act prematurely and recklessly; being young and inexperienced, she naturally thinks she is invincible and happily charges into fights without considering the likelihood that she will die. It's all fun and games to her. Considering Twilight dragons are still few in number and a valuable commodity, she has had her ass saved several times simply because she may someday be able to create more of her own kind.. She is too naive to realize that is the only reason the cult doesn't just let her kill herself.

    Likes: Chaos, fire, nighttime, conflict, blood, fresh meat, sleep

    Dislikes: Wimps, weaklings, cowards, people that hesitate, people that try to control her, people in general

    Appearance: Have you ever wondered what it would look like if a black dragon and a red dragon mated and had young? Well, Alariona is the result of one such forced pairing. Admittedly the corruption performed on her egg by the Twilight's Hammer cult will prevent a person from truly knowing what she would've looked like, but you can get a good idea.

    She has a very average-sized frame for a dragon of adolescent age. She is not remarkably large like her father nor remarkably small like her mother; she is very plain, smack dab in the middle. Even so, at the point to where she's been aged, she dwarfs her mother. She has even musculature across her whole body from head to tail, as a result of strict conditioning for combat. Her claws are razor sharp and jet black, as are her teeth and the spikes along her elbows, hocks, spine, and jaws. Her scales are very matte and not incredibly shiny, though they do seem to glow slightly in the dark.. kinda like a black light, only dark red.

    Her scales are almost totally black. Almost. In the right lights, one might notice that they are in fact mottled - she has patches of dark crimsony-magenta and patches of black scattered randomly over her body, but the difference in hue is so subtle that it's very easy to miss.

    Strengths: Alariona is just an unstoppable killing machine. Er. Well. She thinks she is, anyway. Razor sharp claws, teeth, and is pretty good at flying.

    Weaknesses: She is a young, inexperienced, and reckless idiot of a drake. She hasn't mastered melee combat, she hasn't mastered her magic, she hasn't mastered how to breathe fire yet. The acts before she thinks and is obnoxiously stubborn.


    "This one's female, and definitely alive!"

    "Finally. This whole experiment would've been a waste if the only live whelps were males.. What does that bring the count up to?"

    "Seven live males, one live female, and a half dozen stillborn females."

    "Well, it's a start. Toss her in the back with the others and let's get her to the roost."

    And the young Twilight drake, still covered in a thin film of slime from the inside of her egg, was placed into the back of a wagon beside two of her brothers. The human that placed her in beside them took a thin sheet and covered the wagon in it, enveloping the young whelplings in darkness. The gentle chirping that they had been letting out before the darkness ceased immediately, and the little female, along with her brothers, wobbled uncertainly around their container when the wagon began to move.

    The bumpy ride ended less than a half hour later, but the young whelp was not well enough aware of the passage of time to know this. In that span, she had fully dried, as had her brothers, and she had managed to dig her little claws into the soft underbelly of the smaller sibling, who screeched in protest and initiated a grapple between the two. When the sheet was lifted off the wagon and the humans that had been present for her hatching appeared at the opening, the little Twilight whelp's jaws were wrapped very firmly around one of her brother's limbs, and his claws were deeply embedded into her hips. One of the humans let out a loud sigh, donned a pair of thick gloves, and reached in to tear the whelplings apart.

    "That's enough," he snapped, seizing the female by the throat and managing to burn her slightly in the process with magic. In shock, she released her sibling and flailed, but the human was quick to grab her wings and carry her off across a dark campground, toward a large cage. He tossed her into it and slammed the door shut behind her, then did the same with the two males from her clutch. By the time he'd tossed the second male into his cage, the second human had returned with fairly large signs. She stopped in front of the female whelpling's cage, peered at her, then attached the sigh to the cage and began chipping away at it with magic.

    "We'll call you Alariona."



    Feeding time again. At nearly six months old, Alariona was introduced to a group including her siblings and a number of other young twilight whelps - siblings from other clutches. They were not yet old enough to hunt, so the cultists that tended to them brought them the carcasses of whatever happened to come too close to their stronghold in the highlands. Today it was a pair of fully grown rams. The female - one of four in the group of eighteen - had long since decided that carcasses tasted fine but weren't much fun, and so she had developed a habit of biting the cultists that brought the food. Today's victim was an older man, the last to leave the enclosure. She had him pinned by the chest and steadily gnawed on him while he kicked and thrashed and shouted obscenities.


    okay bullet point from here on so I can just get this done sometime


    -"imprinted" by cultists. Succeeds in gnawing fingers

    -"trained" to "respect" mortals. Disregards and acts like an obnoxious ass.

    -Cult starts using magic to artificially age her when she is naturally 18 months old. Little by little.

    -Once the size big enough to carry a rider, she is introduced to a saddle. Laughs her ass off and proceeds to do barrel rolls midair, kills a couple riders who weren't strapped in tight enough

    -Aged a little more

    -sent out occasionally to assist with combat missions to sharpen her claws and get experience

    -aged some more

    -Attempted to be ridden again @ 3, same results as first time

    -Finds out her heritage @ 4 when a cultist angrily swears at her and bashes her for being a 'halfbreed.' Decides her mother deserved it for being so weak

    -More unimportant stuff, a little more aging, then the cult is like "whoa she gets any bigger and she's gonna eat us" and they stop, since she already tries to eat them

    but I'll give you a teaser...
    Last edited by Synaxis; 2011-08-31 at 01:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Quick question: Is she a drake or a dragon? Also, artificially aged, I assume?

    Oh, and Nigellion made me lol, for some reason.

  3. #3
    10+ Year Old Account
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    A drake, she isn't anywhere near old enough to be a dragon. Yes, artificially aged so she's not a complete runt.

    Nigellion came from Nigellus, which means 'black.' Bet his human guise was named Nigel though. :O

    EDIT: Will finish tomorrow.
    Last edited by Synaxis; 2011-08-29 at 02:51 AM.

  4. #4
    Well, she could be a Dragon at 5. Artificial aging can do wonders. Just look at Theralion and Valiona.

  5. #5
    10+ Year Old Account
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    I realized that after I posted it. I still think I want her as a drake, like a college-age dragon, if that makes sense. Like, they got her that far and realized if they aged her anymore she'd get too big to easily control. Since she is unruly as hell, control is something that they'd probably want to have before giving her artificial adulthood, lewl.

    I'll figure out the exact details later

  6. #6
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Toms River, NJ
    It's not wholly finished but it's done enough.

    Work sucks.

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