1. #1

    Keybinds and PVP


    So i am looking at making a character for pvp, but from what i have been reading there are some classes which need a ton of keybinds to do even remotely well in pvp.

    Which class and specs would you suggest would be a good one to begin to learn how to pvp and which doesnt need a ton of keybinds to do well?
    I want to eventually "master" keybinds, but as my first character, I don't really want a super complex one yet.

    I know this may sound like a bit of a lame question, but i do appreciate your responses.


  2. #2
    frost dk has a very low "do well" point.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by t2r2s View Post
    DPS in general has a very low "do well" point.
    Fixed that there for ya.

  4. #4
    frost dk or ret paladin can be played with around 10 extra keybinds (not optimal but possible)

  5. #5
    ret paladin for sure.

  6. #6
    Frost DK or Ret. Most others require ALOT of keybindings to do medium to well.

  7. #7
    If you ever want to master it go warlock and presto you're now actually learning something about keybinding and macro efficienty

  8. #8
    Warlock > Druid > Hunter > Warrior > Priest > Paladin > Frost DK > Mage > Shaman > Rogue

    Now this is an incredible over-generalization. At high end play EVERYONE has a ton of keybindings. I find rogues need the fewest macros though, and warlocks need the most. Everyone plays differently, but from someone who has all 10 classes - this is my personal observation of the classes in arena.

    As far as Sheer number of keybinds, I find I can play my rogue with just 3 bars {36} buttons - including poisons and hearth stone and such. My warlock has 6 bars filled and I regularly find myself trying to make space. Hunters are another class - primarily due to the trap & pet systems - that I need more buttons than the others. Frost DKs are probably the least Macro-dependant {I have 2 macros, focus strangulate, and focus Death grip}, where as I find Unholy to be Incredibly macro dependent for pet management.

    Warrior could really be argued. Focus intercept/charges, and Friendly focus/mouseover Intervenes aren't exactly required. Basic defensive stance w/ a shield macro is really plenty - although this is a *whole nother* bar, thus making 12 more keybindings. Could argue this one either way.

    Druids fall in the same category as warriors in my eyes - As feral..sure you have 3 different bars just from swapping forms + stuff like cyclone, focus cyclones, heals, hibernate, etc...

    Paladins really don't take much. Focus Repent and Focus Hoj are the big ones. Mouseover Hand spells, and Mouseover heals can be rather important as well. I take about 3 bars up with my pally{30ish buttons}

    Shaman and mages I really don't find to be that big on keybinds - but rather big on macros. My mage only uses 2 bars in Frost, 3 in fire. Shaman only uses 2 bars in resto, 3 in ele.

    Keep in mind this is my personal experience - yours may varie. I primarily play warlock - due to that I may have more focus on keybinds on that character than my others. I regularly see even glad-level rogues only using 2 bars though, so that's something to keep in mind. Best of luck to you.

    PS: My primary keybinds are F1-5, 12345rtfghyzxcv and combinations of Shift, Alt, and Control coupled with those keys. All heals are mouseover macros, I never target friendly targets, for any reason short of trading.
    Last edited by Yoshimiko; 2011-10-02 at 10:35 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Silaryn View Post
    Fixed that there for ya.


    So i am looking at making a character for pvp, but from what i have been reading there are some classes which need a ton of keybinds to do even remotely well in pvp.

    Which class and specs would you suggest would be a good one to begin to learn how to pvp and which doesnt need a ton of keybinds to do well?
    I want to eventually "master" keybinds, but as my first character, I don't really want a super complex one yet.

    I know this may sound like a bit of a lame question, but i do appreciate your responses.

    Frost DKs are very easy to play, the only "advanced" things they need to do are focus interrupts, but you can get away with not doing them until like 1800 rating.

    Frost Mages are very easy to get used to also, but they require a good bit of skill and macros to do well.

    Ret Paladins are very easy to play as, probably one of the easiest specs.

    Most classes don't require much to be able to play them decently at lower rating, like 1000-1800. At that level, you'll want either a good melee (Frost DK, Warrior to an extent, Paladin, Feral, maybe a rogue) or a mage. Everything else requires more coordination and will perform worse than those classes just mentioned. For healers, Resto shaman or paladin are easiest. Discs are good, but require a bit more thought. Resto druids probably perform the worst AND are the worst healer, while requiring more to be at the same level of other healers.

    At the highest brackets (2700+) Warlocks are the best ranged class, and melee zergs aren't very viable.

    In my opinion, make a Frost DK or Ret Paladin. If you don't like melee, a mage.
    Last edited by Larynx; 2011-10-03 at 04:03 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Larynx View Post

    If you don't like melee, a mage.
    agreed, atm you cant go wrong with mage

  11. #11

    It's not the class with the least keybinds that you should be looking for if you want to "learn how to pvp". You should be looking for a class that you enjoy playing. If you're enjoying something - you'll become better at it sooner or later. Also, you'll be experiencing less frustration from the inevitable failing at the start if you're playing a class you truly enjoy.

    For example, would you rather be learning a foreign language by reading an exciting book in that language or by reading boring technical manuals.

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