Thread: Halp

  1. #1


    So me and my friends have been play LoL for about a month now, we're all about level 20 and it seems like we're going up against people well above our skill level. We aren't that bad, but it seems we get raped cause we all just play what we "like" we don't ever take into consideration comp. Most of the time the comp is tryn, cait, teemo, garen, and xin

    Is that a bad comp? How can we improve? and what is a good comp, i'm not neccesarily looking for specific characters in a comp, just how to make a good one. EX: AD+AP+Tank

    whatever it is. i'm looking for 3's and 5's. thankyou for any and all responses in advance

  2. #2
    5's: Solo top tanky bruiser, Middle lane AP, Bottom lane Ranged AD + Support, Jungle Tank/Tanky bruiser.

  3. #3
    well atleast you need both magic and phys damage, with that team you could just buy armor against you and they more or less have a free win

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Farec View Post
    well atleast you need both magic and phys damage, with that team you could just buy armor against you and they more or less have a free win
    This is correct. With your setup, all the enemies have to do is stack up some armor thus minimizing the damage you do to them. If you want to run the perfect setup follow the advice of StylesClashv3:
    A good sustainer up top (any champ with in-build lifesteal/spellvamp like Irelia/Akali/Nasus/etc, or a free get out of jail skill like Kennen/Vlad/Talon/etc are good for this role),
    An AP caster at mid (Annie, Brand, Cassiopeia, Malzahar, Anivia are the first ones that come to mind, but there are many more; remember that this is the easiest lane to gank so you need the player to have great map awareness),
    A jungler (most tanky characters can jungle),
    A hard ranged AD carry at bot (Caitlyn, Kogmaw, Ezreal, Ashe are all good for this role, and there are more),
    A support character to make sure the ranged AD carry is protected from harass and can farm creeps for gold. This doesnt necessarily have to be a 0 cs "pure" support (e.g. Taric or Sona), like many people believe, but instead it could be any champion with good harass. For example Blitzcrank, Lux and Leona are all characters with amazing harass abilities, and they can help you win the lane early in the game by denying last hits on the enemy carries which is something the "pure" supports cant do.

    The 3 rules of winning in LoL: Have a jungler, split your damage as well as possible between magic and physical, and (the most important) have CONSISTENT damage and CC in teamfights. A team with Zilean, Nidalee, Mordekaiser, Ezreal and Master Yi, for example, is a team that's nearly guaranteed to lose even though there's a jungler and the damage is near perfectly split between magic and physical, because their sustained damage is next to 0, and their CC is even worse.

    Before deciding your team comps however, the fastest and best way to improve yourselves at the game is to play against each other in custom games with free champions you are completely unfamiliar with and are probably never gonna play seriously anyway. Why? Because by playing a champion and understanding his mechanics, you are more capable of efficiently dealing with him when you face him in a normal/ranked game. When i first started playing LoL, i had only played maybe 7 champions by the time i hit 30, and it was frustrating because i couldnt handle some enemies in lane (me not having friends that play LoL to train with in customs didnt really help either, but you can do it since you're 5), but as soon as co-op vs AI launched, i immediately practiced every free champion, understood his mechanics, and then it was much easier for me to counter this champion (i nearly cried with joy when i realised how annie's stun worked and how easy it is to avoid; needless to say that i never got tibbers stunned again since that day).

    Hope this helped

    Feel free to PM me about any question you might have regarding LoL.
    Holy paladin

  5. #5
    So last night we tried a new comp, we ran garen/lux top lane, caitlyn(me) mid, and janna trynd bot. We didn't have a jungler and neither did the other teams. It seemed to work quite well, we were on a 3 win streak before we all passed out. Is that a decent comp, or were we just playing bads?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Prosalmon View Post
    So last night we tried a new comp, we ran garen/lux top lane, caitlyn(me) mid, and janna trynd bot. We didn't have a jungler and neither did the other teams. It seemed to work quite well, we were on a 3 win streak before we all passed out. Is that a decent comp, or were we just playing bads?
    better than before but you might wanna have some hybrid damage instead of trynd, then send cait and janna together, lux and the new hybrid/ap together top

  7. #7
    AP carry mid, AD carry + support bot, fighter solo top, tank jungle. Generic lineup that will work in most games.

    How many friends are you playing with? In 5s especially, every single friend you add will vastly increase the difficult of your enemies. If you play with a team of 5 at level 20, you're going to be against five level 30s, or a bunch of level 20s with 90% wins. It's Riot's way of finding "fair" games, because people can't possibly casually play with their friends, EVERYONE uses TS/vent and is in tryhard mode with their one friend, right?

    The queue frustrates me a lot, as you can tell, it's something you have to just keep in mind and work around. You'll be going against better players your entire time, so you're forced into working as a team, which can mean playing champions you don't want to play, especially if you're a team of 4 and your pub just refuses to cooperate.

  8. #8
    High Overlord Qij's Avatar
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    it is possible you're playing against level 30s on lower level accounts, I sometimes enjoy jumping on my level 4 or so just to have a bit of fun with some lower levels. :P

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