1. #1

    need advice: Can i play pc games through boot camp? on mac

    would it be to ghetto? would it not support taxing games? what about online play? please help!?!

  2. #2
    I would suggest getting a PC if you want to game but i checked google and its chalked full of links about it. Google PC games bootcamp.

  3. #3
    Ofc you can, a bootcamped mac its a normal PC, a mac only differs from a PC from its OS the hardware found in mac could be found in a PC.

    It just all depends on your graphics card of ur mac.

  4. #4
    I was expecting a thread about smuggling your computer to a boot camp and trying to play secretly...

    oh well, sorry I can't offer any advice, but i know know what bootcamp is...

  5. #5
    Yes it will work like you bought a laptop for twice the price.

  6. #6
    It'll work. The drivers are kinda meh so the keys are kinda buggy (at least when I tried it), but you can play games on it.

  7. #7
    thanks guys, btw its my friend thats stuck with the mac lol i agree with you

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