
Since i can't seem to find it anywhere i was hoping someone cold post his export to use Power Auras to pop the picture of Cleanse when a debuff you can remove is on you. Otherwise i suggest to make one ourselves an share it here on MMOChamps.

14% of base mana 40 yd range
Cleanses a friendly target, removing 1 Poison effect and 1 Disease effect.

What i've found:

Devouring Plague (Priest)
Blood Plague (DK)
Frost Fever (DK)

Serpent Sting (Hunter)
Instant Poison (Rogue)
Crippling Poison (Rogue)
Mind-numbing Poison (Rogue)
Deadly Poison (Rogue)
Wound Poison (Rogue)

Can you guys add what's missing? I'll add them to the original post + the power auras export once we got it.