Dungeons and Raids
Items and Rewards
Burning Crusade Classic
- Druid
- Balance
- Star Burst (PvP Talent) will no longer create stars inside the starting areas of battlegrounds and arenas.
- Star Burst (PvP Talent) will no longer create stars inside the starting areas of battlegrounds and arenas.
- Balance
- Soulbinds
- Bonesmith Heirmir
- Fixed an issue where area-of-effect spells were not granting multiple stacks of Carver's Eye for multiple targets.
- Fixed an issue where area-of-effect spells were not granting multiple stacks of Carver's Eye for multiple targets.
- Bonesmith Heirmir
Dungeons and Raids
- Sanctum of Domination
- Adjusted the location where players enter the raid when an instance is restored.
- Sylvanas Windrunner
- Added a visual to Veil of Darkness to indicate the debuff jump radius.
- Reduced the intensity of Banshee's Fury visual.
- Mawforged Summoner's Curse of Lethargy now prefers targets who are not afflicted with Mawforged Souljudge's Crushing Dread.
- Riven Debris no longer affects player pets and guardians.
- Resolved an issue which caused Domination Arrows to have too high of health on large raid sizes.
- Resolved an issue where Ruin could begin casting at the wrong position.
- Added a visual to Veil of Darkness to indicate the debuff jump radius.
- Adjusted the location where players enter the raid when an instance is restored.
Items and Rewards
- Fallen Charger will now drop an appropriate amount of Maw loot, such as Stygia, Ve'nari Reputation, and a chance for a Korthian Armament.
- Fallen Charger will now incur the daily loot lockout when you kill it. With this change, we’ve increased the drop chance of the Reins of the Fallen Charger by 3x.
- Resolved an issue which made it possible for the Shards of Domination Rune Words Chaos Bane and Blood Link to work outside of the Maw, Korthia, Torghast, and Sanctum of Domination.
Burning Crusade Classic
- The Hellfire Peninsula buffs Nazgrel's Fervor and Trollbane's Command are no longer removed upon entering a Hellfire Citadel dungeon.
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